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Observations upon reaching an advanced age

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Here’s the forecast ??‍? for where I live, Lethbridge, Alberta. We have had a very mild winter so far thanks to El Niño. However, for some reason, we are going to suffer due to a Polar Vortex occurring. Apparently highly unusual during an El Niño year. It looks to last four or five days. Temperatures are in Fahrenheit for those unfamiliar with Celsius. Both Fahrenheit and Celsius are the same at -40. 



Edited by RobertKB
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One thing I notice, is funny how our brains can play tricks on us.

We can have pain that would have sent us to the Dr when we were younger ..... now it is just another day. I judge how my day will go by the amount of pain I have before getting out of bed.


So many times my brain tells me I can do something, and I attempt it ..... then later have to bail out with the project unfinished.

I will turn 62 this summer, so not really that old. .... But have been medically retired with a bad back and legs since I was 48 years old.


I have really turned into a softie over the years, was 65F today and was wearing my insulated coveralls while out working.

When I went inside and got down to T-shirt & jeans, I turned on my gas heater in the office and warmed it up to a cozy 85F   :D

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28 degrees for a high today, got my miles in shortly after luncha little work in the garage tonight and it's snowing again.  I've been in Georgia, Florida, South Carolina in January before and everyone knew we were tourists.  Shorts and T-shirts, wading in the ocean gave it away.  

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We have had Remarkably warm weather here too, but it is chilly and  raining lightly right now. No outside welding for me tonight. No inside welding either. My shed has no fume extraction.


Really stopping me is my 68 year old bones. I get cold fast. Then I get grumpy, or start drinking brandy. That just delays the grumpiness. ?

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2 hours ago, RobertKB said:

Here’s the forecast ??‍? for where I live, Lethbridge, Alberta. We have had a very mild winter so far thanks to El Niño. However, for some reason, we are going to suffer due to a Polar Vortex occurring. Apparently highly unusual during an El Niño year. It looks to last four or five days. Temperatures are in Fahrenheit for those unfamiliar with Celsius. Both Fahrenheit and Celsius are the same at -40. 


At my high school in Minnesota, they closed the school when it got to -40 out on the Muskeg.


Did we stay indoors? Hell no! I remember kids ice-skating & riding snowmobiles at -40. I was out there with a toboggan delivering the newspapers. They did not show up one cold day. The printers had closed down in Duluth from the cold. Power lines snapped or something.


But I was a kid! You couldn’t get me out there now on a bet.

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10 hours ago, RobertKB said:

Here’s the forecast ??‍? for where I live, Lethbridge, Alberta. We have had a very mild winter so far thanks to El Niño. However, for some reason, we are going to suffer due to a Polar Vortex occurring.



That polar vortex is due to hit us next week. This week we're having a fair amount of snow events. Next week they forecast negative temps, but no more snow, which is good for my wife as I'll be out of town and she won't have to shovel. I don't mind the cold either, as I can dress for it. However, I'm glad I don't have to work out in it full time as I did when I was younger. 

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I'll be running the living room fireplace a fair amount next week, just to take some of the load off the furnace.


I was unlucky enough to be in South Carolina's Low Country in 2018 when they had their 'Snowmageddon'...two inches of snow. My employer moved operations down there from Elgin, IL. (I won't go into how well that's worked out) I was the senior field guy so they let me stay and work from home. They flew me down to help out with the first inventory as I had over 20 years experience doing it.


The new SC staff refused to show up because of the snow and the Illannoy staff (CEO, Production manager, my boss, me, other field guy. CFO was from Vermont) was like, 'Really?' I was only supposed to be there for two days, I was there for six. 


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Best snow here in New Mexico we’ve had in the last few years. Snowing now lightly.  Not too bad for cold at night as the lowest has been single digits. Daytime is invigorating. I live between Santa Fe and Albuquerque at around 6800 ft give or take.  It’s still half as much as it used to be.. the snow. I move slower at 68.5 and I need Advil more for the muscles. For some reason my brain reasons the chess game I play with my truck. I am finding I hate working in my dodge garage when it’s cold or really hot...and I really hate the biting flies when it’s hot...oh I hate the wind.  What I do like is drinking 2-3 beers instead of taking 2 Advil.  Ha

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7 minutes ago, Rodney_Hamon said:

What I do like is drinking 2-3 beers instead of taking 2 Advil.  Ha

I'm with you Buddy, sure is a lot better then taking Heroin based pain meds. A couple beers during the day just helps me relax.

Dr ask if I want oxy codeine for pain ..... Nope I'm fine.


I wonder if this is a Albuquerque thing?

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Because I started this thread, the system wants me to indicate which response was most helpful or offered "the" solution. 

So each post has a green box "(check mark) Mark as Solution".   I'm getting tired of seeing that prompt. 

Maybe I'll mark the next post, or go back and select one at random.   I would have a hard time picking the best response, they've been so good.   

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I also am one that does not like this feature..for some threads there will NEVER be a solution as there was no question.  In other cases the solution was ONLY what the originator agreed was best for him, could be a total cut corner but satisfied him.  This is just my opinion only.....

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Regarding old people and weather, we are getting hammered with snow and wind in SW Kane cty. Buster dog is a Border Collie/Pointer mix and his man parts are dragging in the snow.

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It officially got down to 33F here in Clovis last night, but still no real freeze. It was the coldest so far this year.


I don’t care. I can weld in any temps, as long as it’s not raining.


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When I start thinking about knee pain, lack of motivation, or getting older, I come here and am reminded to keep my 53 year old mouth shut! Lol. 


On the side side topic: It is -18F,/-29C here at my place this morning. Its 35F/2C in the garage right now. Is there anything that I need to do outside or in the shop today? Nope. The living room with the fireplace is likely where you'll find me, on P15-D24.

Edited by keithb7
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At 53 I was an overstuffed mouse-potato. Decades of good food and overtime desk work made me a mess. I put away the computer games and started skating again at 53 years old, and did it until 63.


I lost 70 lbs in the first 18 mos. 


I could barely go 1/4 mile on the first trial.  5 years on I was doing a 20 miler on weekends, when my Dr. said I’d wind up like achilles. The muscles were ok but my tendons were giving out. 


I skate seldom now. Knees are getting thin. I’m almost 69, and for 5 years I have been riding bicycles more and more. It is tough sometimes. I still feel sports injuries from the 1960s and 1970s. But I still weigh 170ish and love it.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 1/6/2024 at 6:47 AM, cheesy said:

I ain't going down without a fight.

Twice this week, I went roller skating. Even got into the 18 and above races. I sucked but I gave the kids a run for their money. For one of two laps. ?

I pulled our snowshoes down from the garage attic in hopes of some real snow. The 2" of heavy wet crap that came down overnight doesn't count. It's only good for snowmen, snowball fights, and heart attacks.

Planning a fat bike ride with my other retired buddies for next week. Looking at joining a gym and volunteering with a couple of local community groups just to keep from  sitting on my a$$.


Just thought I'd bump this thread for us old guys.


I partook of the 18 and above roller skate race last Thursday. I was leading halfway through the first lap when something in my stride went sideways, then so did my left knee and ankle. I scored a DNF. I was clutching my knee when I went down but when the refs tried to help me up, I collapsed like a heap, my ankle not supporting me. 


The visit to the ER showed that I earned a broken fibula for being the oldest teenager on the rink floor. Out for about six weeks. I am getting the 'look' several times a day from my other half and hear clucking under my kids breathe. Grandkids want to know when they can draw on my hard cast, which I'm getting today.


To quote Lance Murdock of The Simpsons,(When they were still funny) "But the fact that the matter is, bones heal, chicks dig scars, and the United States of America has the best doctor to daredevil ratios in the world!"?

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I hit the "Thanks" button so you could have a trophy! (Best crash) Heal fast! My wife broke her Femur a couple months ago, but has nowhere near as cool a story.....

Edited by oldodge41
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So no hard cast. An Aircast/walking boot. I have a pair of these now, so there are plans afoot for a robot costume come Halloween.


The knee is still a bit swollen but that's going down. The doc did do a double take when I said roller skate racing at 68.


So, I have to wear the robot boot for a week then see the doc again. If the break stays stabilized, I'm stuck in the boot for a few more weeks, followed by a few weeks of PT. If not, surgery and more hardware in this foot with even more time laid up.


When the call comes for the 18 and above races, I think I'll just take a seat and watch.

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