The donor 218. The history of the block is unknown as it was found
in the trunk on the 1947 Dodge Business Coupe. An overhaul plate is
visible indicating it was rebuilt at some point. Visual inspection
reveals no cracks in the water jacket.
The water distribution tube had been removed earlier and came out in
one piece. Next we unbolt the head and set it aside.
With the head removed the valves and pistons look good. No ridge was
found on the top of the cylinder bores. All the valves are working
so tear down should be straightforward.
The cam driven oil pump is first to come off. It is held to the
block with two bolts.
It won't budge after unscrewing the bolts. A couple taps with a
brass drift punch splits it away from the block case.
Then it just slides out.
The oil pressure relief valve is next. It required a hammer to break
it loose.
If you planing on reusing the parts keep them all together. Inside
the spring is the plunger which moves in and out based upon oil
pressure. Usually you would replace the valve and spring when doing
a rebuild.
To remove the timing gears and chain the front vibration damper must
come off. This block was a little different in that the pulley,
damper and hub were all one assembly. Usually they are three parts
bolted together. The arrow points to the hub nut, which has teeth
for using a starter crank.
This is one of those jobs an air gun is very helpful and makes quick
work of removing the hub nut.
Close up of the hub nut and crank teeth. The truck has a hole in the
front grille for a crank starter.
Next a large puller pulls off the hub and pulley.

Arrow point to the keyway which locks the hub on
the crankshaft.
Next to go is the timing gear cover.
Again an air ratchet save some time in removing all the bolts.
Off comes the cover, revealing a rusty timing chain and gears.
After removing the three bolts holding the upper timing gear to the
camshaft use a screwdriver to break it loose (arrow).
After it pops off the cam you can remove the timing chain.
To access the valves unscrew the bolts holding the valve covers.
Gently use a screwdriver to pry off the cover. You don't want to
bend it with too much force.
Using a long screwdriver as a lever I can turn the cam. Note the
rusty oil lubrication tube for the timing gears (arrow). Obviously
something got clogged up.
In general, the valve train looks pretty good. It is clean with a
minimum of rust damage.
You can clearly see the lifters are working. The valve second from
the right is fully closed. Next step is to remove the valves.
To remove the valves you need a valve spring compressor. These can
be purchase or rented at any auto parts store or tool rental shop.
Before you remove a valve, it must be in the closed position, that
is, the lifter is off the cam ram. The valve on the left is fully
closed. The arrow points to a lifter fully open. Because the spring
is pushed up on the open valve you can't compress the spring enough
to remove the valve keeper. The black arrow points to one of the oil
return passages.
To remove a valve, first compress the tool so it can slide in under
the spring with the bottom on the block. If you do this in the car
you should have rags in the valve gallery plugging the oil returns.
This will prevent the keepers from falling into the oil pan.
Next expand the tool so it lifts (compresses) the spring up. This
exposes the split cone shaped keeper. The arrow points to where the
keeper is split and starting to fall off the valve.
Pull out both halves of the keeper off the valve stem. Left half
done, right to go.
Once the keepers are out release the compression on the valve spring
and lift the valve out the top of the block. You will need to turn
the cam so each valve you work on is fully closed before you attempt
to remove it.
With all the valves out, next task is to remove the springs.
Using a large screw drive you can easily push them over the tappets.
Once clear of the tappets they pop out.
With the springs out position the block on it's side as shown. Pull
all the tappets fully up. This will pull them off the cam lobes so
the cam can be removed.
Remove the two bolts which holds the cam to the block. The arrow
points to the cam thrust plate which should be checked for wear
before re-assembly.
Then slide the cam straight out. The thrust plate is clearly
Flip the block back upright. The tappets will fall out of their
bores into the oil pan where they can be retrieved when you tear
down the bottom end.
Remember when you start the bottom end tear down to mark all rod and
main bearing caps. This #4 rod has been identified with a
numeric punch.
Two punch marks were used to identify the #2 main bearing cap.
The other tear down steps noted in phase one were all performed with
no problems. After the crankshaft and pistons were removed, the
block was cleaned up. All oil galley plugs were removed for
cleaning. A gas powered pressure washer was used to back flush the
water jacket and passages, as well as clean the exterior of the
block. The water jacket had quite a build up of rust and gunk. The
block was then taken to a machine shop for inspection and
magnufluxing. Also the cam was magnufluxed before being shipped for
a regrind. The cam grind will provide a mild horsepower gain plus
widen the torque band.
Things went so well during the tear down I should have known the my
luck would not hold ! The magnufluxing revealed 6 or 7 cracks in the
head area of the block going from valve seat to valve seat and head
bolt threads to water jacket passages. In the top photo a rusty
crack is clearly visible where an earlier helicoil repair was made.
In the lower photo a crack was found stretching between the two
valve seats. Look closely just below the black line which parallels
the crack. Approximately 5 similar cracks were found some into the
water jacket. At some time this block got really hot and is can not
be used. Upside to this problem is it was a freebie so I don't loose
any money on it. Downside is I still need a block to rebuild.
The new plan is to use my D24 block for Big Red. The machine work
on the D24 serial numbered block is finished and ready for