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  1. RobertKB's post in Molding /trim was marked as the answer   
    Neil Riddle at Old Plym Cafe has a lot of trim pieces, mostly NOS. He is very personable and easy to deal with. 
    He sells lots on eBay but will certainly talk on the phone or email. He also goes by seaplym sometimes. Just google him or use search function on this forum. 
    Sometimes you just have to be patient and keep checking eBay. It’s hard to find everything at once. These pieces do turn up eventually.
    You can also place wanted ads in the classified section of this forum. 
  2. RobertKB's post in Front Fender molding was marked as the answer   
    From my 1954 parts manual. The number for the 1951 Plymouth front fender trim is 1346774. It the same for left and right so they are interchangeable. 
    I have a Canadian 1951 Dodge D39 which is the same as a Plymouth but with some Dodge only trim but the front fenders trim number is the same. I’m at the car now and can say both sides are the same. 
  3. RobertKB's post in “Search” assistance, please. was marked as the answer   
    If you are thinking of buying a pre-made wiring harness there are a couple of companies that make them, YnZ and Rhode Island. You have to be careful when ordering anything out of the US as your Canadian Dodge D25 is really a Plymouth and you should order the Plymouth harness. When I restored my '51 Dodge D39 business coupe (Canadian Dodge) I ordered the wiring harness for a Plymouth and if fit perfectly. I use YnZ but lots of people use Rhode Island. If you plan on making your own harness, use your original as a template.
  4. RobertKB's post in p15 wiper escutcheons was marked as the answer   
    All I've seen are painted.
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