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Plymouthy Adams

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Plymouthy Adams last won the day on July 25

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    Southern US
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    lots of interests, to many to list..

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    enjoying retirement

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  1. I attended a tech school while in the reserves in Illinois. The base was rural and sat across from some of the last of the natural prairie. I did enjoy that section for as you stated, were the best strawberries ever, raspberries and even goose berries growing wild and rabbits, you dang near had to step over them. I am glad I carried my 10 speed bike with me when I drove up. As a kid in WV it was only natural to pick wild raspberries, blackberries, gather hickory, walnut and hazelnuts. Very few butternuts were left. Few mulberries also. Back in them good-ole-days.
  2. my neighbor started a chicken farm...... as for the squirrels......they don't get them all this time.....fresh out of the oven, no sugar added cobbler.......
  3. sounds like some of my early pottery projects...in the end, cut two grooves in it and call it an ashtray. I usually have one pair of bunny hoppers raise a brood in the backyard....I have to keep the dang feral cats at bay so the bunnies are not molested. We have cat problems here also...
  4. I have just gathered some peaches and have a cobbler in the oven as I type. I will get a little for my efforts I suppose. Good you have a lot of different nuts, fruits and berries.....as for the dang Japanese beetles, these little bugs bite me....I squash them all on site. One of the guys on the other forum I am active has a beautiful 6.5 acre vineyard...got to smell them in blossom this season, hard to see the bloom.....its a lot of work he states. He is in middle of Kentucy, good area for grapes.
  5. for sure the Remmington 700 BDL is a varmint gun but not at all sporting. I will avoid disturbing let alone killing any wild wife or poisonous snakes IF NOT IN MY YARD....dodge them on the highway, aim for them in the yard. I care not for them trespassing. The squirrels have picked clean my peach tree in the back yard and laying waste to the two trees in the west section. The have cut all the pears from the tree and it was loaded...they destroyed the apples and will be working the pecan as soon as the milk starts to form in the shells. For reasons unknown they stay out of the veggie garden. The all METAL roofing and fascia has put them at bay along with removing any tree not on the 10/12 roofing side of the house so they no longer traverse the roof, they cannot get traction on the steep angle. But they so cute all the neighbors think....I am reluctant to set traps for fear of killing or injuring any of my birds about the place. Targeted kills the best method but new neighbors are ammo-phobic. Just sighted in my East German pellet gun, it is pretty powerful but still has a resounding pop when fired....next up, silencer....lol
  6. a good Remmington 700 BDL in .223 will take care of the problem....but at least be a bit fair about it and back up to about 250-300 yards before firing....make it seem somewhat sporting....I like the little guys in the wild, but they are destructive. I have squirrel issues, feel your pain.
  7. you a determined varmint for sure...but like I tell mums, won't get done sitting on the couch. Stick with it, its a process for sure. Your temps are up there also, hope your humidity is low. We got our rains and sure am happy and it has continued to rain so we staying high on the humidity chart and even mid 90's feels super muggy. Oh well, price we pay for not shoveling snow in the winter. Calling the water upgrade done, the filtering system is great upgrade also, set the new water heater in place the other day. Mowed yesterday and will cart off some stuff to the recycler, old dead water heater and a few pipes. Next up, major shop clean and sort....figure open the door on one end and the other door on the far end and just drive a skid loader through would work. I will be soaking wet with sweat in short order I am sure even with the fan running.
  8. as I stated in my first response...ensure the lift is correct before proceeding....glad you took the time to measure this.
  9. I would like to recommend the third brake light strobe unit that is selling for dirt cheap. These are effective device that will alert the following vehicle by enhancing the third light by sequencing the flash rate before going to steady on.....I have these in a couple of my cars and they are most effective. Some say they not legal and well they may be right....but no officer has seen fit to pull over any old car or motorbike for this in my area that I know of. I may well be the first one day.....lol I cannot attest to if this is available for 6 volt but they are out there for 12/24 volt. You do have to run with LED....incandescent will overload the unit.
  10. seems to always have these issues with the iPhones...picks the wife or son send me are similar issues....think it is an apple thing. I still use a small Canon Power shot for my photos. Rarely will I take a photo with my phone.
  11. thanks.....was not sure how you stood on such.....I do like most of the later LED bulbs, of many I have bought, I have only been disappointed in the LED equiv. of the H3 fog lamp. These are lacking in my opinion even when fitted with good chrome backing reflectors and glass lens.
  12. I knew he was without close family members and also did not leave his place unattended knowing the vultures were watching his place to pick it clean if he was not there. His military career was a rough one, the onset of disease after exposure was just a matter of time. My hat I hold in hand in honor of his commitment to this country. There have been zero obits posted. My only concern is if he will get proper burial with military honors, I did not know his final wishes in regard to this and can only hope if so elected, his wishes will be honored.
  13. I fully understand your staying stock what I do not understand is why you asking if 6 or 12 as you wish not to change anything....or did I miss something?
  14. express what you have that DOES NOT WORK in regard to ID and OD of the trim ring. I have a pair of 41 Dodge hanging at ready to compare to yours when you post the dimension. As to if they fit the 41 Plymouth, I would never take a guess....but for certain, if you ring is even a tad bit out of kelter, fitting may be an issue with correct rings. Not much room here for error as only one small tab to tuck and a tad of the screw head the only means to secure in place.
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