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Young Ed

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Everything posted by Young Ed

  1. I believe Don's concern was the gear smashing into the flywheel and eventually getting damaged. On a foot start truck where you engage that gear manually I don't think it's nearly as much of an issue
  2. https://www.ebay.com/itm/1941-1954-Plymouth-Dodge-DeSoto-Chrysler-Gearshift-Control-Rod-Bushing-/183219309684?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l6249&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0
  3. You talking about the grommet pictured above 19-46-37? It's been a few years but I was able to purchase one I believe off eBay
  4. From the description of the car I'd say fill the tank and enjoy the ride!
  5. That's how the older trucks do it. Sounds like yours is the same. There should be a few inches of wire beyond the box and then a connector.
  6. Interesting they show 20w40. I don't recall ever seeing that one but I run 10w40 or 15w40 in all my flatheads
  7. Surely they are third behind convertible and wagon?
  8. I can't figure out what the hubcaps say. Looks like a P ? Oh as I was typing that the president model came to mind. Quick Google looks like that's what the hupcaps say.
  9. I would think if you really want to be modern you'd be using dexcool or one of the other modern coolants. No thanks for me
  10. From my understanding they have a very similar footprint to an old school small block so they should fit. I wouldn't expect to find off the shelf motor mounts or parts to make it fit though
  11. Had the day off work so I went to work on the overdrive again. Pulled it back and could clearly see the trail of oil from the shift rail and that center plug at the bottom. Cleaned it all up and coated a new gasket with plenty of ultra black gasket sealer and smeared over that plug on the bottom as well. Now the next problem my ujoint boots are shot ....
  12. Been a slow summer for work on the truck. Haven't really touched it since I got the tailgate installed. I did buy a set of running board mounts back in July and ordered a serial tag last month. Today I made a trip to upull and grabbed parts to convert my Cherokee diff to disk brakes. The actual brake parts were junk(except maybe the calipers but I can get new for not much more $). Also grabbed a spare tire carrier off the liberty that might work well on the side of a truck bed. Haven't verified but according to Google the liberty has our same 5x4.5 bolt pattern.
  13. I've also heard some had the plugs on the housing and some on the carrier and people mix and match and end up with 2 sets or none
  14. Yes always on the lookout for stuff like that. I got a nice one with 6 12 low 12 high and boost for $20 about a year ago
  15. French lake used to have a row of a dozen or more 53-54s. Not sure that many are still there
  16. Don't forget you can also give it a couple bumps the opposite direction if it doesn't come out. That'll sometimes break it loose
  17. My guess would be they had some issues when they transitioned manufacturing plants and those are long resolved. My 6v one has been trouble free for about the 5 seasons I've had it.
  18. I always hear you gotta have a battery tender or a trickle charger. My cars all sit for 5 months of winter with the battery just unhooked. I still get 6-8 years out of them. I think the first one in my truck was 9 years old when I replaced it. It currently has an optima but mostly because I got a good deal on it for $100
  19. You can run it without the side covers. That's how your supposed to adjust the valves- hot and while running
  20. Also make sure you used the right gaskets. There are some in the kit that look very close but don't have the proper ID.
  21. I had the tank in my P15 done by gas tank renu. They said they hook an air supply to the outlet and let air constantly flow through to keep the filter clear.
  22. I believe as far as OEM rims go those were only used for a couple years. Are you sure they're beyond use?
  23. Yes you swap pickup and pan together. The pickup swaps easily into the same port. Rear sumps are easily found from cars around 54 back and even trucks prior to the pilot house era. I didn't even know there were front sumps until I bought a pilot house engine from Merle to put in my WC. I swapped out that pan and it now resides in a certain moderators 1 ton
  24. Depending on where the cross members end up you guys might need to swap oil pans. There are front and rear sump and I think even mid sumps in later cars.
  25. I've got an original bulb out of my 48 if that will help any. It's stamped in ink 1948 on the back within a few days of my coupes build date
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