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Everything posted by DJ194950

  1. From the great?? minds behind motor vehicle company that goes by the moniker- - Fiat! I say let them build it - Just call it a Fiat! DJ
  2. Nice that Some of us on the forum have a non ethanol choice. In Ca. there is None. ? DJ
  3. https://www.summitracing.com/search/part-type/lug-nuts/lug-nut-thread-size/1-2-20- https://www.summitracing.com/search/part-type/lug-nuts/lug-nut-thread-size/1-2-20-lh-in?N=brand%3Adorman Proof that Dorman makes and sell both L &R nuts for our cars second seems also to have the dorman part # for them and most likely avail. at Napa or orther parts stores. Do not need to spend a arm and leg! ? ?? DJ
  4. While you may be on track with your problem for repair, that shaft only moves a small amount up and down and can be very touchy on the all small adjustments on the rod and position. Mine sure were! Just another thing to check. DJ
  5. The hardened seats used in the flat sixes do not cut well at all with cutter type tools. They tend to dig in with enough pressure and skip leaving edges. I bought a used motor that a friend said the seats were cut with a cutter and never lapped in. A waste of effort on his part as it came out quite bad. The fact that others did get it done that way is surprising to me, but what do I know? Just that one experience. Wonder if unhardened seats have been sometimes used as replacements by unknowing or uncaring shops? I currently have a valve grinder for the valves and the setup complete for grinding seats also. Only one problem with them is new stones are needed for some sizes, cannot complain as it was all given to me by a past employer and is going to someone else soon my friend you now has it in his shop hopes. (This Not a for sale ad) Just worth saying as I have no plans to build another motor. DJ
  6. Have read Many negative reviews on Helix products! Buyer beware! Check carefully. DJ
  7. No offense intended! Just not my cup of tea. A use tall jack (metal) stands that takes a two step setup, up on lower metal jack stands and then using solid blocks under lift points to jack higher to get the car way up. It is ( slow way) a pain, but the only way this old decrepit body can get under the car with a creeper. My problem I know, but I do not wish to quit as long as I can somehow do the work myself. If if it satisfies you, no one else has to comfortable with this! DJ
  8. Cheap jack stands for cheap cars?? Only? My life is not cheap to me, others? How to you safely even get the vehicle up on those? DJ
  9. I believe that the ECI also uses a aluminum hub in their kits ?? Many of their products do. Just a possibility. DJ
  10. A proper type of rubber hose made for the pressure(low really) oils, heat of the oil that can be crimped type or the correct type of push on type ( mine rated push on for 200psi ) have worked for me for 6+ years. Purchased at a local Napa store and made to my specs were reasonable $$. One and done. Another way if avoiding the hard line idea? DJ
  11. wfritchen, Thanks for the extra info that I can share with my friend. He is fairly mechanically minded and make his choice as he sees fit. Appreciate your effort. DJ
  12. Thanks Greg for the help, hopefully it will be installed and work with a 2 or 3 wire flasher he already has. I have explained over the phone so far how to try and setup and with a meter or test light to figure this out using separate light fixtures front and rear of his choice! If needed I will go the miles to his garage and help! Appreciate the help. DJ
  13. Good to see you still on this as times are getting hard on you. Cold weather sure does not help! Some of that here also. Take care and blessings to you, DJ
  14. Mounts for the straps and the indention's of the fuel tank itself should make it very obvious unless some changes somewhere where made? DJ
  15. Using a two or tree connection type of flasher though and wiring?? , Thanks for replies, DJ
  16. My friends everyday driver of a 1937 Plymouth 4 dr. is undergoing some changes with the change to 12 volt. Neg. ground, Alternator, Pertronix Ign.,all bulbs changed to 12 volt, amp gauge wiring change. all parts have been with him for years, never installed. Wants to add turn signals which it never had. Some years back he was given a turn switch with a wheel to self cancel them that contacts the steer wheel, however it only has three wire coming out of it. And appears to be unused previously. His question how the heck do you connect the three wires to the separate signals front and back ( to be added) and also wire in the flasher. I understand that the brake lights will Not be interrupted with this setup. I'm at a loss with this as the only one I ever did had 5 or 7 wires-too many years back for my memory! All the others I have seen on this forum also have the 5 or 7 wires. Just in passing money for him a beyond tight and also ongoing serious health issues but still wants to complete the changes and use this car. Thanks for your help, ? DJ
  17. You may want to purchase what is called a cape chisel with is made for pealing bushings out of bores. It has a different shape than most chisels and is not really uncommon so that you should be able to purchase for less or $10 locally at least - - a tools supplier, welding supply houses, etc. DJ
  18. Off net, Vinyl coating.
  19. Oil-lite type bushings hate being greased and get very sticky. If you never plan to grease the front king pins maybe ok but the original design is to be greased. Why not find regular (non oil-lite) like brass to match the dimensions which are usually even cheaper to buy. What do the king pins measure? Chances are they will need to be reamed for proper clearance. Around here the cheapest machine shop I know is $40 minimum which should cover a job like a easy ream job with correct tools. JMO, DJ
  20. Heat the mushroomed end and put the split die on quickly and gently tap inward,or use c-clamp and move around a bit a repeat. Remove and repeat as necessary to get back very close, cool and then use the split die as intended?? Just a thought. DJ
  21. Tim could arrange Covid shots at the BBQ for those still left out at that point as you do work in a hospital! ?? Hope this crap is well under control by then so people will able to attend this year! At least you are being positive about all this! ? DJ
  22. Just do not the supplier that it fits if all goes well, the price will triple for Mopar parts as they advertise online as such! ? ? DJ
  23. He forgot to mention the dripping wet fog much of the year. Best summer weather is usually in the winter but not all the time! DJ in central ca. My niece lives in SF and not long back complained about the lower than usual cold. No ones safe from the weather changes.
  24. What is the cost for a computer that controls motor and trans without all the extras that the Dakota had, or someone able to reprogram the computer(s) as needed. Many early had two- - one for motor and second for the trans. Most will not work without mods. Hopefully Plymouthy -a forum member has a answer or two about some of this as he has put Mopar 8's with computers in his old car/truck. This small (BIG at times) may cost more than any money saved by the changeover? Have you checked the Butches motor mounts actually fit the 6's by calling them? DJ
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