Kevin Clause has researched a ton of information on decoding build cards from a variety of archive sources. In conversations with him, he relayed that there is not one set code for the Pilot-House trucks but more like several codes depending on build date. I requested several build cards and noticed that the printed cards have small changes year to year, he confirmed this as well as that build codes varied over the years, depending on who was in charge at Dodge Truck. A few years ago, he was able to pull up his notes to decode my Spring Special, and he verified the paint code was the only way to know for sure if a Spring Special was authentic. He collects copies of build cards from owners to add to his database and decodes them on request. However, the last few digital copies of build cards I have sent him have not been decoded yet as he was dealing with a few issues that were eating up his time around first of the year in Michigan, and I have not heard back from him in weeks...