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ggdad1951 last won the day on January 14

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About ggdad1951

Profile Information

  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Oak Grove, MN
  • Interests
    woodworking, playing hockey, skydiving, landscaping, college hockey (GOPHERS), Vikings, Dodge trucks!
  • My Project Cars
    1951 B3D "FEF", 1948-NOW Street rod truck "TODD", 1951 COE "PUMA", 1953 1.5 ton tip bed "ART", 1951 1 ton flat bed "PARTS"

Contact Methods

  • Biography
    restored great grand dad's 1951 1 ton (FEF) now onto TODD!
  • Occupation
    Engineering Manager/Mechanical Engineer


  • Location
    Eagan MN
  • Interests
    wood working, landscaping, skydiving

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  1. There is a hole on the door side that you can peek into and see a TINY flat head screw the holds the lock in place.....99.999% of those never back out. Do what you can to try and get it out. Here is what I did to deal with the issue after busting the keeper an dscrew off:
  2. No kicking yourself, enjoy the ride! Congrats on the addition!
  3. Sorry to hear of your loss(es) bud.....never easy.
  4. Yah, show up with cash in hand, set the anchor low and see where you might land. If 9.5k is to high be willing to walk away. I was looking at a 50's Power Wagon a few years back...ok shape, but WAY, WAY more issues than this C series...went with 10K cash, started at 6k (my local PW expert said no more then 8.5) and he said 20k firm.....I walked away...the truck is still sitting there but he "knows what it's worth". Don't regret one second of the driving around and attempt. You will find out of the second buyer is real I bet if you play it right.
  5. Looks pretty dang solid. A few wanky things on it but all doable. I do appreciate the B series hood ornament! Honestly, if the body is in that good of shape 6k might be a bit low, knowing all the rest is (relatively) replaced/fixed. If it runs the price goes up.
  6. truck...truck...truck...truck...truck...truck...truck...truck...truck...truck...truck...truck...truck...truck...truck...truck...truck...truck...truck...truck...
  7. John I'll give you a call during the show to be able to see the fun at some point.
  8. I just try not to get below 1/4 tank so I don't end up in "W".
  9. Old ones off epay from a few years ago...just chromed not stainless. The ad said stainless, so i jumped on them. But they are in excellent condition so have them stripped and replated is the plan.
  10. Today was trimming of the grill bars.
  11. Well, the perfectionist in me remade the driver side. You can see the "production" pieces on the table and the prototype off to the side.
  12. DCM sells proper repops last I knew
  13. get that drill out!
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