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Posted (edited)

Read the article by Bob Lutz former head of GM via the link. http://www.autonews.com/article/20171105/INDUSTRY_REDESIGNED/171109944/bob-lutz:-kiss-the-good-times-goodbye?X-IgnoreUserAgent=1


Is the end of our hobby on the horizon?  According to him it probably is!  I think not so,  too much of the economy would be impacted in so many ways  what do you think?



Edited by White Spyder
Posted (edited)

yeah, I will no longer have a need for my .357 as I will instead be licensed to open carry a personal laser defense weapon, a phaser if you will...one thing comes to mind....'MEET GEORGE JETSON'   

I will not say that the road to this end is not set in motion, I cannot see it happening in the next 5 years....but I have to take 2 seconds and imagine the major snafu that will be the side effect of those modules at 150 MPH as a deer runs onto a freeway....as far as I know there is no research in autonomous controlling their movements....anyway...we are a nation that does not even have a valid rail system for passenger service....I hope that if this is coming down the pike that I will get to at least ride a 'star wars speeder' as we progress to total autonomous transportation


Oh one more thing I must add, this guy being a GM related entity, they will if history serves to tell the truth in their company, will have to wait till someone else invents it and then steal the idea and produce it under their badge...

Edited by Plymouthy Adams

hoverboard, that one slipped my mind.., but you still have too much human intervention with that one...with all them modules on the streets and freeways at 150MPH...maybe a good jet pack would be best..again..George Jetson comes to mind....


"This ain't no upwardly mobile freeway, Oh no ......" :eek:


This all may come to pass one day. I really doubt it will be in 20years myself.  Wow, if you took old cars and motorcycles out of my life... Guess I would pour all my time, energy and money into guns. 

   I used to look forward to the future, I hear more things like this everyday. Things on the horizon look like they're going to suck!

1 hour ago, Flatie46 said:

This all may come to pass one day. I really doubt it will be in 20years myself.  Wow, if you took old cars and motorcycles out of my life... Guess I would pour all my time, energy and money into guns. 

   I used to look forward to the future, I hear more things like this everyday. Things on the horizon look like they're going to suck!

guns will also be phased out for lazer/phasers.....horizon sucks..sorry but the world today sucks so bad I cannot see past it for the most part let alone the future..


8 hours ago, Plymouthy Adams said:

Things on the horizon look like they're going to suck!

The world is a incredibly horrible place.  At the same time, is a incredibly wonderful time period to be alive. There is so much going on behind the scenes that we are being kept in the dark about. There will be disclosure on so many different levels.  people/beings getting outed.

I believe we had anti gravity and free energy for decades. If you said anything about it, you were labelled a crackpot conspiracy nut. Which I am  :D

With internet now days, there is just to much truth out there, they cant just call ya wako and sweep it under the rug any more.

But yeah, we should have been zipping around on our personal anti gravity segways, spending our days studying the books of advanced technology our ancestors left for us., or art, medicine,  (Yeah all diseases have been erased in my world) or interplanetary travel to explore new or old places, meet new beings.  Maybe there is a planet out there where all the old car nuts hang out.


Soon we will find out, every thing we have been told, is a lie. And there is no place to go but up from here. Future is pretty bright at this point.


I don't intend to waste time worrying about it. Most of us who would really care won't be around to see it happen. All in all the younger generation isn't nearly as interested in automobiles as we have been... unless they're somehow connected to a game controller. ;)

  • Haha 1
On 12/13/2017 at 11:29 PM, Los_Control said:

With internet now days, there is just to much truth out there, they cant just call ya wako and sweep it under the rug any more.

So that's what the internet is, truth... MMMM,,,, gimme some of that sweet Kool-Aid.....:D

1 hour ago, MackTheFinger said:

MMMM,,,, gimme some of that sweet Kool-Aid.....:D

Go for the red kook aide, it taste the best   :D

I heard it on the internet so therefore it must be true!  There is probably 2 pieces of non truth for every 1 piece of truth. dis-information to hide the truth is very real.

But what the Internet does, creates communities of people with similar interest like old cars. Can be in any part of the world and talk to each other anytime they want. Now when something is going on in your particular neck of the woods, you can spread it through the community pipeline, and in just minutes, the whole world now knows your dog just pooped on your favorite shoes.

Back in the early 80's, government began spraying the skies with something. Nobody knew what it was but could clearly see it happening. Then as a community formed, soon could see it was going on all over the world. Then the CIA coins a phrase called conspiracy theorist and labeled a kook and laughed at.


Just saying, because of the internets, there is so much proof out there with photos, they had to come out and say something.

And IMHO, should just make you more curious as to who, what and why.

Why are they spraying toxic powdered metals in the air?

Why did they try and hide it from us for so long. Sure they say repair ozone, I think the ozone is up above, not down here.

Why is the CIA fixing our ozone anyways? would a team of NASA scientist be more qualified?

In recent political shenanigans, can we trust the CIA?

Just little questions to make you go hrrrm.

Can we build the pyramids today?  I say no, how did they build them back in the bronze days with hammer and bronze chisels

What are the African circles, were they built to hold cattle like we are taught? Why no gates, seems a pita to lift the cows up and over the walls.

why does every water supply put fluoride in the water? Even though we complain and insist we do not want it.

Why does Bill Gates donate vaccines to all the poor children, then later claims he is helping with population control.

Why is Africa the richest and most abundant supply of gold, silver, diamonds emeralds .... and the people of the nation are some of the poorest in the world.

Why were billions of $$ in gold  stored under building 7 of the world trade center, why was the building destroyed when the jets flew into the towers and spilled kerosene . What was suppose to legally happen to the gold on 9/12? Why was it never recovered or talked about?

What really happened in Las Vegas, was their really just one shooter? Why did the FBI close the case so quickly, when was so many unanswered questions.

Why was the nina, la pinta, santa maria flying rothchilds flag

Why does George Soros donate voting booths, are we to poor to buy our own?

Why does one family own all the media corporations

while another family owns all the mineral rights

and another own all the banks, why do we call it the federal reserve, when it is a privately owned bank?

I have a lot of questions, this labels me as a kook because I question everything.  I wear that kook label proudly. We do have to leave this world to our grandchildren.

20 hours ago, Los_Control said:


I'm not really all that interested in conspiracy theories,,  most of them don't hold water anyway. You left out the possible connection of the Salk vaccine to the AIDS epidemic, the almost exclusive usage of Africans for drug testing, the introduction of crack to American ghettoes, the Nugan Hand bank and it's worldwide connections, the carving up of the world economy at Bretton-Woods, ad nauseum.

Fluoridation was covered in Strangelove and my brother works for the Rothschilds so I know all about rumors and conspiracy theories.. the only connection is $$$$$


please please please say the earth is a globe and we landed on the moon...

4 hours ago, ggdad1951 said:

please please please say the earth is a globe and we landed on the moon...

don't you know the latest conspiracy of US not allowed back onto the moon as it is already inhabited as it is hollow "whomsoever" made structure...hey, take it up with the alien theorists.   :eek:

On 12/17/2017 at 6:22 AM, MackTheFinger said:

I'm not really all that interested in conspiracy theories,, . . .


23 minutes ago, Plymouthy Adams said:

. . . take it up with the alien theorists.   :eek:

In science a theory is something that makes testable predictions. I very much dislike seeing a word with a specific meaning being abused this way. I think "conspiracy beliefs" and "alien believers" would be more accurate as a "belief" does not have to have any basis in objective reality.

2 minutes ago, TodFitch said:


In science a theory is something that makes testable predictions. I very much dislike seeing a word with a specific meaning being abused this way. I think "conspiracy beliefs" and "alien believers" would be more accurate as a "belief" does not have to have any basis in objective reality.

I mentioned alien theorists as that is exactly as they refer to themselves in their broadcasts...they mention conspiracy as they are not entrusted with the data from the NASA and other agencies as they request daily......I call it "entertainment" at best...I draw my own conclusions when allowed access to the box of crayons...

On 12/18/2017 at 11:02 AM, TodFitch said:

"alien believers"

My problem with aliens or et's, to me that sounds as if they do not belong here. When in actuality, they were here long before we were. And they pulled out the testubes and played with the DNA to create us.

Does this make them our gods? no, they are just brothers with a different mother that have more knowledge then we do.

Earth has been around for billions of years, I say it has been populated and depopulated several times in the past. To think we are the first and the most advanced, just a bit arrogant on our part.

I love to look at these photos of ancient civilization, huge amounts of photos out there. Then I picture the artist with his stone hammer and bronze chisel carving them out. What incredible patience they must have had carving granite with brass.

But hey this is my rabbit hole, go find your own!   :P

When you see a multi dimensional light being, driving a pilot house truck in space, be sure to wave and I will wave back  :D


ancient .jpeg



3 hours ago, Los_Control said:

My problem with aliens or et's, to me that sounds as if they do not belong here. When in actuality, they were here long before we were. And they pulled out the testubes and played with the DNA to create us.

Does this make them our gods? no, they are just brothers with a different mother that have more knowledge then we do.

Earth has been around for billions of years, I say it has been populated and depopulated several times in the past. To think we are the first and the most advanced, just a bit arrogant on our part.

I love to look at these photos of ancient civilization, huge amounts of photos out there. Then I picture the artist with his stone hammer and bronze chisel carving them out. What incredible patience they must have had carving granite with brass.

But hey this is my rabbit hole, go find your own!   :P

When you see a multi dimensional light being, driving a pilot house truck in space, be sure to wave and I will wave back  :D


ancient .jpeg



Getting way too deep for me!!  :rolleyes:

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