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  1. DJ194950's post in Transmission Time ('52 Suburban Build) was marked as the answer   
    You can get a pretty fair look at the gears etc. by removing the side shifter cover.  That is where your shifter levers are located.
    Drain the trans oil first!
    Remove the shifter arms  after making sure the both are in the neutral position.
    Remove the two spring detent springs and balls that are located under the Big nots just ahead of the forward shifter arm location. They are about 3/4" headed nuts.  Remove slowly as just under the nuts are the springs that have some (not much ,but) pressure. There is a ball bearing sphere under each spring.  Keep the parts in order as to location.
    My trans had different lenght springs , but I believe that originally they are the same.  Not a huge deal as they only slip into slots on the rods for the shifters to hold them in various positions for the gear locations.
    I'm making this sound complicated where it is really not so.
    Remove the rest of the side shifter retaining bolts and lift the cover straight ? up and off.
    From that access hole you can se  almost of the parts inside for inspection.  Spray some brake clean or such to get better looks as desired.  ?
    Have fun, it is fairly straight forward.  ?
  2. DJ194950's post in Wilcap (Transmission Adapters) Still in Business? was marked as the answer   
    Just trying online and as you I found the new co. that took over for the Old Wilcap. They have posted on their pages (web) the same old Wilcap adaptor list as it was.
    I screen shot'ed it though and the current price for the adapter setup you want is $750 and states sold out!  Will they make any more??
    Screenshot was not able to post I believe.
    Try this?  Working?
    Screenshot 2022-12-13 at 15-08-42 230-350 AT - Shortcut.lnk 230-350 AT.htm
  3. DJ194950's post in Intro and a question was marked as the answer   
    No problems switching from FP with vacuum assist to standard, arms are same style, etc.
  4. DJ194950's post in Need a heat riser thermostatic coil spring for my '50 Coronet was marked as the answer   
    Check with-oldmoparts.com as seen on the reference section line at the top of the forums list above-under links.
    $22 approx. from them maybe others listed in this section. They do show it in their online catalog.
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