not to berate but maybe you could do a bit more to denote your intent on your post, you made remark to sarcasm above but without an emogee to denote intent, most replies are just words in a line of words....hard to read and understand what all posters are trying to say at times. Again, not in your face in any manner but if joking, let that be noted as such. But surely if one or more folks find issue, odds are there is an issue. I find it odd you post, remove the post and then blast the forum for not seeing your intent and well if for no other way to say it, took your ball and bat and went home. Whereas a post to make you earlier post more clean would have been the better means to inform the forum at large. Right now, many here see a poster that got upset for a post that was likely not well received by one but at no time can one poster dictate the view of the forum at large. You threw in the towel early.