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Plymouthy Adams

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Everything posted by Plymouthy Adams

  1. don't overlook the possibility of a faulty/failing condenser....
  2. I have a feeling with the stated tight budget....it will probably always look a bit wierd.....?
  3. that is the confusing factor....the manner it is read I guess.....I read it as highlighted above in red....
  4. that appears to be engine running video.....fuel gauge and oil pressure indications.....when idle....how much of that needle movement is just spring in the needle showing a + and not actual a pulling force
  5. well, buy what you need, I was pointing out that in cases where you need an item and can make it yourself, it is often more prudent to spend the money on the means to an end and not just a single end item. This makes you enabled and capable in the long run for things that WILL need attention in the future.
  6. but for the cost of the plate and shipping, one can buy a grinder and make his own for the same cost and NOW you have the tool for other shop uses down the road.....kinda like why buy the fish, when you can get a fishing pole for the same money.
  7. on the angle edge of the carb top...what is the number starting with the E
  8. its a juggling act at times....many times just because I see no sense in some of the current prices and marketing trends. I wish not to step on toes here but I cannot see how a person could continue a practice of tobacco consumption and alcohol given their rising costs. And to drink at a bar...wow, you know that dips into the coffers...of course it is part of the social pattern many enjoy...so as I said, not stepping on toes, just pointing out that instead of that, I buy tools and such which to many is a total waste of time and resources...
  9. I agree it may get more traffic...but this is the page it should be posted. Everyone gets a highlight to a post here as they would on any other page.
  10. I know well what you are saying, this stuff does not arrive to the average person overnight and is often the accumulation of years of gathering items. My shop has been in the making for many many years and continues to evolve in tools, fixtures and often the size of the shop grows a bit also. Your time will come if this is truly what you want to do in your spare time. Not everyone shares the same love for shop space and tools for certain, there are many hobbies man can occupy his time with. Just keep in mind the local parts houses have the loaner tool program that will allow you to do some specialty tasks, don't have to buy everything, especially that once in a blue moon used item.
  11. I could not go without an air compressor....While I could raise a car once on the lift.....I need air to unlock it for lowering. Even before this model lift, all my body tools and such are air powered.
  12. no substitute for tools....busted knuckles are the benchmark of improper procedures and wrong tools being used....OR....impatience being the operative word.
  13. if it breaks it will remain in the threaded end of the crank....then it is a matter of extracting from there. At that time should it fail, you move forward with the hub removal. However that is a hefty bolt you working with.
  14. you may be able to fabricate a captured step...on that will be on the back side flat of what is left...welded to a step that would simulate the ear...this would auto center to the bellhousing, capture the ear that is remaining and displace it also to the bell. Outside of welding, grinding, drilling....your next move would be just change the case. This really as you now know with it being broken for ever so long and you not aware....this will give it the added clamp for equal torque and give you a bit of peace of mind.
  15. A wrench designed for being beat on.....
  16. these usually will break free with an impact gun....if nothing else, with the pulley off you are free to use a slug wrench
  17. you should invest in a hub puller or go to the parts house and pay the deposit, use their's and return if for full refund of your deposit....at minimum back the bolt off a couple turns to use it for getting it to break free and start moving, use a sacrificial steel plate to prevent damage to the bolt....then remove the bolt and use a socket or other suitable slug in the crank hole so to protect the threads... Pictured below is a universal harmonic balancer/hub puller...
  18. man is still not active and leaves room for much concern here....surely someone here knows the man or lives somewhat close to him. I hope for the best but fear the worst.
  19. Personally they guy who told him it is costly to start anew is correct. And is the shop hand cutting or doing a CAD drawing for machine cutting? While one can copy the base outline of the original card, there is more to that than just a cutout. I find it a bit out of order to make this suggestion and NOT at the same time offer the door card material to the owner so that he at his leisure could premake the panels and return these to the trimmer for covering and install. Better way to conduct business but many overlook the most simple and obvious means to an end. Different shops have different means and methods...some have some way inflated labor rates also....auto weed out for clientele....some are just inflated prices matching their ego. Who knows...shop around is always good advice, asking for references is yet another. Allowing the owner to be proactive to some steps the man obviously did not want to tackle was greatly overlooked.
  20. yet, just a pressing until as you state you finish the process. I have many cars here that can go either left or right hand drive. Some are fully punched with cover plates that will cover the side not being utilized.....others are as pointed out...almost there.....welding up holes, nothing wrong with that
  21. well, a pressing does not a hole make.....think Fargo here....
  22. bless ya, most blame their parents.....
  23. am not so sure his convertible has a headliner...if it does, that would then make it technically a cabriolet.
  24. while it is basically the cart before the horse....the driving place is serving as the traditional fly wheel in regard to disc and pressure plate.....and as with any flywheel, check for out of round, hazing (cracks) on the surface and blue/black hot spots that is usually indicative of a high point. As these are now heated (color change) these spots are hardened and not cleaned/clear if just turned as a resurface measure...they need be ground...
  25. I do not think you will find door cards, package tray, inner quarter panels or kick panels. I am sure with some searching you could find seat covers but they will be slipovers and not what you wanting...unfortunately the visit to your local trimmer if you are not set up for this work may well be in order.
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