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Whats going on with Humanity. Some whacko just killed 27 people at a Grammar School in Connecticut, just outside NYC, 18 were kids, the Nation must morn this loss, especially at Christmas....very disturbing news


What a horrible day in Conn. So many young lives taken because of some person that had no respect for human life.

I saw the pictures of the kids being taken out of the school and there is a little girl in blue and the expression on her face tells it all. These yuoung lives will be carrying this for the rest of their lives.

Lets all pray for the kids and their families and also for the parents that have lost their loved ones on this day.

If you have a child in a public school and any school when you get home make sure that you get to hug them and tell them that you love them. Life is too precious and we take it for granted.

The Xmas Holiday is upon us and it does not matter what religious beliefs that you hold, but the most important thing is to respect each other and it is time for all of the stupid killing to end. I wish the person that had done this terrible act had just shot and kill themselves but take take so many other people away is just beyond belief.

Please talk to your kids to night and even your grown up kids that have children, especially if you are a grandparent and talk to your grandkids tonight and tell them that you love them especially when they are not real close to your home to see them tonight.

Let all pray tonight for our kids, young and old in this crazy mixed up world and hope that they are safe.

I just had to get this off my chest after seeing this today.

Rich HArtung


Posted (edited)

So twice this week we've had tradgedies purpetrate dby some whack jobs who some how aquired lethal wepeons,and acted out their demented version of the American dream at the expense of innocents. There was also the tragic story of the father who fataly shot his 8 year old son out side a gun shop because this otherwise responsible arms owner forgot about the one in the chamber,or the florida bozo who enforced his musical tastes with an octave of shoots fom his 9mm instrument. It looks to me is that the gene pool has gotten just way too shallow lately for most folks to be exercising their second amendment rights. Now before there is a knee jerk or trigger finger reaction, let me state I am a gun owner, qualified expert marksman, and a participant of most of the Us Army's sniper traning program.

So I do know about which I speak, and I do believe in the tenants of the amendment, but lets face it,how many of these folks would fall in for duty in a duely called up and regulated militia???

Edited by greg g

Makes you wonder if the wacko shooters seemed wacky while buying their

gun(s). They likely seemed fairly normal to the seller. Seems to me it's going to be a tough job to keep from selling weapons to the wrong people.

I certainly feel sympathy for all those affected by these recent deeds.



Sadly children are being the targets of cowards way to often. It was not only the tragedy in Connecticut that the world experienced today. China had 22 children injured by a knife wielding man. I do not like the world my Grandchildren have yet to experience much and wish they could grow up in better times. May the dead find peace and be remembered, The injured health and happiness and those that witnessed it be allowed to forget the ugly memories and find peace of mind.

May the murderers be dropped in the ocean so that no marker ever show they even existed.



Obviously insane/troubled/wacked, but if he already killed his mother and wounded his father and it's being reported two of his friends are missing, why take it out on the school and especially the kids. Not that anyone will ever understand what he was (or was not) thinking, I just don't see where the kids come in.


I think this is part of the reason we like our old cars as I truly believe that they bring us back to a better time in life. I know I never heard of such things when growing up and now it seems to be just the norm:( I feel so sorry for the kids that died, the kids that witness this senseless ending of life and of course the parents who will bear this tragedy for the rest of there lives. May all those small innocent children who were taken away be with our lord and the parent of these children be protected by god grace in their time of morning. I truly love kids and this has brought tears to my eyes and broken heart.


I was at the CT web site and reading the local report...I also read the police blotter...man that place is nothing but volence on top of violence..and yes..people get very moody this time of year...tension run highs..plus the meteror showers may have an effect also..


Criminals and the demented always find a way to get weapons, whether it's a firearm, knives,explosives,poisons, or whatever, they find a way.

Interesting, there was an expert, being interviewed after the Oregon mall shooting, He explained that where concealed weapons are lawful, violent crime against persons is lower, but place like malls, sometimes have" no firearm tolerance", thus whackos know this and prey on these places, knowing people aren't packing weapons to shoot back and defend themselves.

This is tragic, and is a trademark of the very frightening violent times we live in.

Again though, criminals and the insane, do not try to buy guns in a legal lawful manner, there are plenty of illegal, and stolen guns to be had........

I was at the CT web site and reading the local report...I also read the police blotter...man that place is nothing but volence on top of violence..and yes..people get very moody this time of year...tension run highs..plus the meteror showers may have an effect also..

They sure are playing it down then, all I hear is how peaceful and quite the community is, only one violent crime this year. anyone hear Bloomberg's take on it? If he ran the country he would tell us what to wear every day.


I'm of a strong opinion that one cause of these shootings is to get attention from kids who were ignored. So in order to do that each new one has to top Coumbine's number. So they get attention by a frenzied press and that lays the seed for the next lonely youngster.

Case in point: London-two newscasters impersonated the Queen and broke through their security. Initially the only damage was an embarrassed Monarchy, yet the press pushed it so hard that the receptionist took her life. Now I ask what was the 'first cause'?

If we had a national blockout on such news, then the publicity seeker would be foiled.

Sad, sad, state of affairs.

Posted (edited)
I'm of a strong opinion that one cause of these shootings is to get attention from kids who were ignored. So in order to do that each new one has to top Coumbine's number. So they get attention by a frenzied press and that lays the seed for the next lonely youngster.

Case in point: London-two newscasters impersonated the Queen and broke through their security. Initially the only damage was an embarrassed Monarchy, yet the press pushed it so hard that the receptionist took her life. Now I ask what was the 'first cause'?

If we had a national blockout on such news, then the publicity seeker would be foiled.

Sad, sad, state of affairs.

Yes Paul, that prank, while distasteful, was not meant to push someone over the edge. Was there not some issues with mental health with this Woman. I am not discounting that tragedy in any way, but this woman must have already been suffering from some disorder.

I truly believe there are a lot of individuals running around either not diagnosed, or misdiagnosed suffering from psychotic illness, schizophrenia, major mental illnesses, not being recognized and treated.

It is quite disturbing to think that our media, thrives on the most destructive, heinous and vile news, happy positive news does not rate, to the stories such as today's Mass Murder, of the nations children. A true, heartache, that all should feel for those left behind in this Evil Spirits wake...

Edited by Rockwood

May I offer my sincere condolensces to all those affected by this senseless shooting in the US.......whilst I understand the right that US citizens have to bear arms and the historic reasons for this amendment to your constitution I must admit that the seemingly endless number of multiple shootings occuring surely must lead to some tightening of these rights. I'm never going to say that we or anywhere else has got the perfect answer but whilst guns don't kill people, people do, some strengthening of the gun owning rights would not be a bad idea.

There was mention of the media's role in the stupid prank by 2 Oz radio jocks that has resulted in the suicide of the UK nurse that took the call. These 2 morons here in Oz thought they would have some "fun" at the expense of the Royal family and in doing so have caused the death of this nurse........whilst this was not the intention you have to wonder what they thought this prank would achieve and surely they could have given some thought to their idea that the "joke" was more important than the needs of a hospital and its staff & patients .

I don't wish to cause a flame war, I am just so upset for the families of these children and adults at this US school and this UK nurse...........it truly is crazy world.........regards, Andy Douglas

May I offer my sincere condolensces to all those affected by this senseless shooting in the US.......whilst I understand the right that US citizens have to bear arms and the historic reasons for this amendment to your constitution I must admit that the seemingly endless number of multiple shootings occuring surely must lead to some tightening of these rights. I'm never going to say that we or anywhere else has got the perfect answer but whilst guns don't kill people, people do, some strengthening of the gun owning rights would not be a bad idea.

There was mention of the media's role in the stupid prank by 2 Oz radio jocks that has resulted in the suicide of the UK nurse that took the call. These 2 morons here in Oz thought they would have some "fun" at the expense of the Royal family and in doing so have caused the death of this nurse........whilst this was not the intention you have to wonder what they thought this prank would achieve and surely they could have given some thought to their idea that the "joke" was more important than the needs of a hospital and its staff & patients .

I don't wish to cause a flame war, I am just so upset for the families of these children and adults at this US school and this UK nurse...........it truly is crazy world.........regards, Andy Douglas

Again Andy, Canada tried that game, and abolished it, a "National Gun Control Registry" for all guns, including long guns,rifles, 22s shotguns. It was an expensive nightmare that was an utter failure.

I will say this again Criminals do not register, buy lawful weapons, whackos steal weapons, they will kill and will get what they need to accomplish there sick goals.

I don't pretend to know the answer, but do know criminals, psychos, murderers do not concern themselves with lawful gun ownership, they get what they need, whether lawful or illegal, to get a means to their end. No registry, buying rules, safe responsible ownership, would curb a blood thirsty killers obsession to shoot and kill innocent people, they just do it..


News is now reporting that the shooter aquired the guns from his mother, who was also found dead, or that they were at least registered to her. Which leaves one to wonder why a teacher /teacher's assistant living in a iconic New England locale would need with three semi automatic pistols. Something very fishy here. But who knows what are facts and what are speculations from the talking heads to fill time on air.

Posted (edited)

We could get into a pissing match here on gun control and whatnot but as rockwood has pointed out, when it comes down to the nut case, they will do what they will and unfortunately there is very little to stop them. The nurse must have has some mental problems or something going on as most would have just brushed it off as a prank.

As for the victims and their families my heart goes out to them...what do you say to something like this, just totally unbelievable.

Edited by dezeldoc

What`a tragedy, have tears in my eyes. I condole with the parents the lost her kids and the all kids and all the people wich must see this in the school, we also have had this tragedys in germany and we are always sad when we hear this from Newtown. I have also 2 girls 6 and 13 years old, we are thinking on all the little souls....

Respectfully Dirk Friemann


In all the shootings that have occurred recently my thought is...........what the hell goes on in the mind of the would be shooter to decide "I'm going to go kill" and then does. That just boggles my mind to have thought like that.

Having granchidren in elementary and daycare it keeps you thankful for them everyday.

News is now reporting that the shooter aquired the guns from his mother, who was also found dead, or that they were at least registered to her. Which leaves one to wonder why a teacher /teacher's assistant living in a iconic New England locale would need with three semi automatic pistols. Something very fishy here. But who knows what are facts and what are speculations from the talking heads to fill time on air.

Straw purchase.....and I don't mean bales of.....


unfortunately these cowards are going to go where there are mass target and no other guns that may fire back at them while they do their brain damaged deeds...how many times have you seen a headline where a lone gunman opens fired in a police station..if the perp had the sense to carry multiple weapons and ammo and secure himself with armour..he knew exactly what he intended to do..premediated, not crazy, he showed reasoning at all level..just no morals or respect for humanity..

Posted (edited)

Well this is my opion of what is going wrong with the young people today is that they didn't get their butt whipped when they did wrong. We were told that spanking our kids would warped their minds so we stopped. They have told us that we couldn't say prayers in school so we stopped. They told us that we may offend someone if we say pledge of allengents in school so we stopped. The young kids of today have no respect for human life because they were never tought the difference between right and wrong and was never punished for their mistakes. They have no respect for their parents let alone any one else. I tell you what my parents whiped me and I had the up most respect for them and still do. I brought my kids up being whiped and held responceible for their actions and they respect my wife and me along with other people. Disaplend and respect. May God be with the people that lost loved ones and may he bless the ones that were taken away from this earth. May peace come to them through God.

Edited by Labrauer

I read where the mother had been a NRA member since being in her 20's, so she must have enjoyed the shooting sport and collecting guns. Why does someone have more than one old car, fly fishing rod, or any other collectible thing? They get some enjoyment from them. Right now, in the room I'm in, there are 7 handguns, a .223/5.56 rifle and 9 mm carbine, a .45 and .50 Pennsylvania rifles, and a .50 Southern Mountain rifle. The last 3 are muzzleloaders. There is only my wife and myself living here, no kids. If I know the grandkids aare going to be around, all the loaded guns are secured and they don't come in this room. I don't know how the shooter got his mothers guns and we'll probably never know for sure. And Tim, about someone walking into a police station and shooting it up. We've had it happen twice recently. In Detroit (4 officers shot) and Southfield (one officer shot). Both shooters were killed.


Not sure about the weapons aspect of it, criminals will always find a way, I think society has broken down in the USA, My dad died very early in my life but my uncle Dee (ex army MP, just my luck) took over and really showed me "what's what", he and his wife aunt Doo lived in the country, and I remember streching barb wire fences, picking up fieldstone while he drove the tractor, gigging frogs or shootin'um with a 22 rifle, teaching me drive on the old red dirt backroads in his 57 Ford, he worked me like a dog, and ya know what, I hated every day of it till I got older and realized what he taught me, and that I was having the best time of my life and didn't even have enough sense to know it, gotta tell Ya'll, I have a tear in my eye right now thinking about those great times! I always thought of him as my dad, and when I screwed up he even made me go cut the switch he was gonna use on me. gave me my first shotgun, a single shot 410, had that thing 52 years and finally gave it to my grandson. Okay, can't type nomore the keyboard is starting to short out. I will say one thing, lately when ya hear someone say "man, them was the days" BELIEVE THEM ! I ain't real religous, my religion is center chest (if ya know what I mean) but please, if there is a supreme being looking down please help these kids that are trying to grow up in this country. I'm sorry to say I firmly believe this country's best times are long gone, I'm just greatful I was born at the right time to enjoy it.

Posted (edited)
Not sure about the weapons aspect of it, criminals will always find a way, I think society has broken down in the USA, My dad died very early in my life but my uncle Dee (ex army MP, just my luck) took over and really showed me "what's what", he and his wife aunt Doo lived in the country, and I remember streching barb wire fences, picking up fieldstone while he drove the tractor, gigging frogs or shootin'um with a 22 rifle, teaching me drive on the old red dirt backroads in his 57 Ford, he worked me like a dog, and ya know what, I hated every day of it till I got older and realized what he taught me, and that I was having the best time of my life and didn't even have enough sense to know it, gotta tell Ya'll, I have a tear in my eye right now thinking about those great times! I always thought of him as my dad, and when I screwed up he even made me go cut the switch he was gonna use on me. gave me my first shotgun, a single shot 410, had that thing 52 years and finally gave it to my grandson. Okay, can't type nomore the keyboard is starting to short out. I will say one thing, lately when ya hear someone say "man, them was the days" BELIEVE THEM ! I ain't real religous, my religion is center chest (if ya know what I mean) but please, if there is a supreme being looking down please help these kids that are trying to grow up in this country. I'm sorry to say I firmly believe this country's best times are long gone, I'm just greatful I was born at the right time to enjoy it.

I have to agree with you on some points...

There is no doubt the individual who committed this atrocious act was deranged.

I cannot imagine the grief felt ( widespread) by the families involved in this tragedy and also those not directly connected, but grieving nonetheless.

Unfortunately there are those who will see an opportunity to capitalize on events such as this to further their personal and,or political agendas.

We must love and spend time with our children,and as a parent accept the responsibilty to let our children know early on, should they stray from the rules of decent behaviour they are expected to adhere to,( having taken the time to explain what the rules are) - there will be painful consequences...

Edited by Ralph D25cpe

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