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Everything posted by plymouthcranbrook

  1. Here’s hoping everyone has a happy and automotively productive New Year,
  2. Happy Holidays to all. Our family day is today with food everywhere and presents piled to the ceiling. First time in quite a while that all the offspring and grandchildren are going to be in our house at the same time.
  3. We are up to a balmy -2 degrees F. That said, we missed the big snow that was promised. And by next week, 57 degrees F. Spring!
  4. You might take off the inspection plate and look to see if you have oil on the disc. The entire flywheel is between the rear main and the clutch so I would think that it is unlikely. How much free play do you have on the pedal. It sounds like you are just grossly maladjusted. Of course doing what you did by trying to burn the oil off will make that much worse. Do an inspection and double check your adjustment. The manual covers the procedure though if you changed it yourself you probably know how to do it.
  5. I remember replacing the rear mounts on my 52 Plymouth without removing anything but the mounts themselves. It was a battle. My neighbor helped me and it took several hours.
  6. Winter Wonderland, an oxymoron if I ever read one?
  7. You might contact Moores in S. Dakota: http://mooresautosalvage.com/
  8. Or as the younguns say, Karma
  9. Well what I did on my 52 four door was to make brackets for the rocker trim using the existing holes. The rocker clips on mine were in pretty bad shape and weren’t easily fixable. I think I used perforated banding material in four places and a screw in the front. This stuff: https://www.homedepot.com/p/Master-Flow-Perforated-Metal-Hanger-Straps-3-4HS/100396917
  10. My 52 has metal stems and moving does the hub cap no good whatsoever
  11. I haven’t had any.
  12. I too much prefer to drive my older cars(1952 and 1980). More enjoyable and comfortable plus I can still fix most things that go wrong(which is rarely). My 2016 Traverse rarely gets used in the warm weather.
  13. i have never had a dealer ask about maintenance records on trade in. And as far as personal sale, I just offer to give the person my hand written record of what I have had done or did do. Usually no one cares much I guess. I do keep receipts as long as I own the car.
  14. I had a similar issue with an 83 Plymouth Reliant K clutch that they would not take care of. I have never bought a newer Chrysler vehicle again.
  15. Well I had the same problem with one side on the rear on my 52 Plymouth. I looked at it and thought, what the hell. I took my torch(all I have) and carefully and gently welded the cam to the bolt. I let it cool and it worked fine. That was probably 10 years ago.
  16. Try to avoid splitting the manifold if you can. A PIA to get them back together correctly.
  17. Hold your breath...
  18. I as well hope you heal fast. Things like that seem to be one of the most aggravating issues of getting older.
  19. I would call Then and Now and ask them. In my dealings with them they were always helpful.
  20. I suspect the number of folks working on their own cars who actually replace the brake lines themselves is small and getting smaller. The main lines on our 2012 Kia Soul rusted out last year and rather than fix it myself I let the dealer do it. Cost wise not too bad and having done that kind if work several times in my life I did not miss the opportunity at all. I imagine not enough people doing it means the high turnover folks running today’s franchises don’t think it’s worth the space that they can used for more profitable flashy items.
  21. Mine is crushed down as well, I used this: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00CVYOAUY?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details
  22. Old cars anyway
  23. I am a big slant six fan so as expected I really liked the Dart convertible.
  24. Beautiful car. We are glad to have you here. Of course, now you will get to answer questions as well.
  25. Woodslips It is not unusual for an engine that has sat for a long time to run rough for a while after t gets running again. Often the more it runs the better it gets.
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