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Everything posted by plymouthcranbrook

  1. Ah shucks Keith, you will turn our heads. Glad you had a good time.
  2. As with most of us I suspect I rarely drive my 52 in cooler weather and never In really cold stuff but on the occasions I do use the heater it works well enough to keep me comfortable when the outside air is in the upper 40’s. I had the radiator and core checked and repaired about 20 years ago and other than the occasional antifreeze change have just driven it. And of course adding the new 57 Chevy heater control valve?
  3. I really no longer have one. The only independent one closed a few years ago and the local NAPA (that was family owned for decades) sold out to a corporate entity a couple of years ago. When he did that all the long time employees retired or left taking all the generational knowledge with them. A few women are all I have seen in my infrequent trips there but although they are nice snd polite and even found a couple of 52 Plymouth parts in the computer all the books are gone. And they left the long time building and moved into a strip mall where a dollar store was. Now with the exception of Autozone all the big three O’Reillys, Advance and NAPA are all within a block of one another.
  4. I expect your question is from idle curiosity as I can’t see a reason to ever try any car with an extra drain on the battery. I don’t even like the modern cars that the headlights are the first thing turned on when starting. Maybe someone in the distant past did a work around to stop a family member from doing this after tiring of having to go out on winter morning’s to jump start the car?
  5. I used POR-15 about 20 years ago on my 52 Plymouth. It sure is a PITA but there hasn’t been any return of rust I have ever found.
  6. It looks really good. Keep us posted on how it goes.
  7. You can also use a sturdy rubber line. I have a length of fuel line on my 52 Plymouth and it works fine. Unless you are looking for the factory stock look.
  8. Board still appears to be in existence so you must not have destroyed it. And honestly I don’t remember what the post(s) you are referencing anyway. Everyone gets carried away occasionally. Most of us find our way back.
  9. You might post on Craigslist or somewhere like it a “Free to good home” ad detailing the issues and see if anyone wants it. Or donate it to a local charity. They usually pick up free and you get a very small amount off your Federal taxes.
  10. I have had vehicles that just will not fill at certain stations. Specially a 2001 Astro that would not take gas from pumps at Thortons. Anywhere else was fine. No idea why.
  11. Well if mileage checks become a standard I will save a lot on taxes. Both on classics and modern drivers.
  12. New batteries can be bad out of the box. I had this happen with a Farm and Fleet battery a few years ago. Try an older model “dumb” charger if you have access to one as they don’t care what the starting level of the battery is. Have you tried jump starting the car?
  13. When I did my 52 back in 2006 or so I did not remove the flywheel. It looked good and a ruler over the face showed no real imperfections. I did change the pilot bearing which was a battle that I probably did not have to do. I wasn’t as careful as some about exact replacement of components as I have done several clutches in the past with no problems. Mine still works good today. That said if it were to act up now I might just sell the car reather than attempt to retackle it.
  14. When my old Allied jack started slipping back around 2000 they were long out of business. No body had parts but a local NAPA guy sent me to a local hydraulic hose builder. I took the old seals with me and had a new set in two days. I installed them and it has worked ever since.
  15. While intellectually interesting especially after read this I am glad that it is one subject I will never have to personally deal with.
  16. On my 52 Plymouth to drain the tank I believe I used a half inch drive socket extension. Been a long time but if it was something fancy that I had to buy I would have remembered it. Same as on the differential.
  17. I installed a completely new brake system using Rock Auto parts years ago and have had no problems at all. And my memory such as it is remembers at least some of the items if not all coming in boxes with Kantor labels on them.
  18. Either fuel problem or vacuum leak. My 52 acted like that and when I replace the intake gasket it solved the problem.
  19. I gotta laugh about this. I too have a Red Flyer wagon that I got as a young boy(maybe 5 or so?)( I am now 72) I still use it regularly and found replacement tires and wheels at Farm and Fleet about 30 years ago. The originals literally rotted off the rims. Useful for bring items in to the house from the garage now that my ability to carry heavy stuff is bridled.
  20. My Father had a match to the big one on the right on your set. He inherited it from His Father and he always just called it the Blacksmith tongs. If that helps. It disappeared into the mists of time years ago.
  21. My first thought would be an issue with the U Joint. Perhaps dry?
  22. Thanks Dan. I suspected as much but now that I am old as Elvis used to sing” Them memories isn’t strong”. I had to get mine as I mentioned at Fleet Farm as most of the specialty places wanted a medium fortune for one.
  23. Thanks for the info. The hole in the washer is too small for the bolt and the cartridge has rubber on each end. No leaks noticed. Maybe a farm application as I purchased the filters from Mills Fleet Farm out of Minnesota. Reasonable price compared to most others.
  24. This is somewhat embarrassing but since it has been a while I have done an oil and filter change on my 52 Plymouth and after obtaining a Fram filter I removed the old one. I saw there were two gaskets in the box, one for the lid and another small round flat one. I did not find where I had used a small one on the old filter and can not see where it might go. The filter has rubber on both ends and fits tightly when the lid is put on. I installed the filter without the little one and don’t see any leakage. Can anyone remind me if I forgot anything important? Thanks in advance.
  25. I had so much trouble with my B&B on my 52 that I finally converted to Langdons 2 Bb conversion. Best running step I ever took
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