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Everything posted by plymouthcranbrook

  1. I am so old I can almost remember when a dollar was worth a dime.
  2. Well I had a similar problem with a 1983 Chevy Cavalier and I took the pieces to the hardware store and found a roller for something that I adapted to fit. Lasted the rest of the time I had the car.
  3. I used to paint cars semi-professionally back when acrylic enamel was the standard. My late brother in law and I would do minor body work and respray for a couple of local used car lots. I also did a couple of my own as well as a few for friends and family. I was ok, but not anywhere near show level. Cost for materials(except red paint) was not bad in the 80’s and early 90’s. The cost and need for extra protective equipment of base coat clear coat systems caused me to stop doing it back about 25 years ago.
  4. I had a couple of paint jobs done at Earl’s. Each time the manager told me if I wanted a really good job to remove the trim, headlights, and anything else removable that would not keep me from driving it in. And suggested that I lightly sand it with 220 grit paper. I did each time and other than a couple of small runs I was happy with both of them. That was back in the days of single stage enamel paint.
  5. Once a week whether we need it or not.?
  6. I miss Earl Scheib
  7. So today my daughter who orders food for our dog for us sent me a note to let me know that there would be a delay in delivery. Why you ask? FedX has decided that our address, the one they have delivered to for almost 40 years, is not a “real” address. So the shipper has to give them a special form to correct the problem before the will attempt delivery. Sigh…. Fido was getting fat anyway.
  8. My 52 had a leaky rear trans seal and after looking at it I took it directly to the local shop that also does old cars. About $180 later, all fixed.
  9. I understand that the entire west coast from especially in the northwest is in some serious trouble from heat and drought. We are staying in the 70’s here north of Chicago although our area is particularly dry. Today has been the first rain of some use in a long while. That said most of it seems to be going both north and south of us. Stay cool everyone.
  10. Back when I was a much younger man there was an old time hardware store in a small older retail area near my parents home. Called Kelly Hardware it was rumored that Noah had bought some of the hardware for the Ark there but the records were lost in the Flood. Old dark building with the mandatory squeaky wood floor. They had parts for almost anything and everything a medium sized town might need. My parents lived in a very old house with very old outdated plumbing and electric. Whenever my Dad or later me went there for a part they always found something that would work. Not to mention that a couple of the old guys must have around during the Spanish American war as they looked ancient to me in the 70’s. The building is still standing and has gone through a couple of transformations since the hardware closed in the 1980’s. Miss those type of places a lot.
  11. Spinal Stenosis is so much fun. I had one surgery in 2019, did somewhat better after about a year of rehab and healing. Not to had for about six months or so(could almost walk a city block without stopping).Then about a year ago it began to return. Tried to keep going but finally called the Neurologist in December of 2020. Must be neropathy he said(you know medical people, they hear hoofbeats and think horses, sometimes it’s zebras). They did an MRI and found stenosis had returned. I had one Epidural in April which did almost nothing. Another one last week which seems to be doing something so far. If that dosen’t work I’m told the next step is spinal fusion. So I am going to wait it out this year and see. If things become manageable and I can go back to my part time job and be able to do at least smaller things on the old cars I will keep them for a while. Otherwise I suspect I will join the line of folks here “enjoying” lifestyle changes.
  12. Four or five year leases I suppose. Then either turn it in and have nothing to show or buy it and pay another four years on it. The end result of dhopping for a monthly payment instead of a total price.
  13. I am extremely happy that I traded in my 2001 Astro last June when most car dealers weren’t selling very many cars of any type. I only got $800 for it but after 18 years of use I couldn’t complain. I paid about $13,500 for a 2016 Chevy Traverse that I have put almost 4000 miles on in the year since. Rusty old truck still ran well but the body was slowly disappearing. Admittedly the newer car is complicated but I have figured out enough to let me drive it and choose to ignore the rest.
  14. You might contact these folks as they are very knowledgeable in this area. I am sure others here will have suggestions as well. https://www.then-now-auto.com/
  15. Yes in that I keep a book for each car(5) recording all maintenance and repairs, date and milage.
  16. I seem to remember being told many years ago that main bearing noise was most noticeable under load. Since I have never heard a failing main to my knowledge this is anecdotal.
  17. Can you post a vid or sound link for the noise, Hearing it might help someone recognize it.
  18. Before I paid $400 for a brake drum I would do a search and contact salvage yards like Moore’s in South Dakota. There might still be some useable ones left. The part I loved about the new one was even at $375.00 they still needed $24 for shipping.
  19. https://vintageautogarage.com/chrysler-dodge-desoto-plymouth-12-volt-starter/ That’s the only place I could find on a search. I have one on my 1980 Volare and am very satisfied with it.
  20. Maybe something here would help you http://www.wilcap.com/
  21. Well there must have been one of those at the Harley museum although I don’t remember seeing it when I was there. For sure you had to either love riding motorcycles or hate walking to own one of them.
  22. And as has been mentioned when doing a job like a clutch replacement do every wear item while you are there. Good advice for any job that has wear parts in or near the main job. When I wos young and dumb I had a 66 Plymouth with a 383 and a new process 4 speed. The throw out bearing started making noise. So I pulled it apart and replace it. That's all. Two months later I took it back apart to replace the rest of the clutch.
  23. One thing I changed on my 52 was the pilot bushing. Had to buy a special tool and it was the hardest part of the whole job. In retrospect I wish I had not bothered. My clutch works fine and that was 15 years ago.
  24. And don’t forget the app to push the clutch in and shift into neutral.
  25. There are two in my area. One about five miles away and another about twenty for mechanical work. A body shop down the street from me(they did good work on modern cars)I noticed has put up an additional sign promoting restorations. And another body shop also about twenty miles away is supposed to be good for older cars. I have had work done at both mechanical shops but cannot say anything about the body shops on old cars.
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