Spinal Stenosis is so much fun. I had one surgery in 2019, did somewhat better after about a year of rehab and healing. Not to had for about six months or so(could almost walk a city block without stopping).Then about a year ago it began to return. Tried to keep going but finally called the Neurologist in December of 2020. Must be neropathy he said(you know medical people, they hear hoofbeats and think horses, sometimes it’s zebras). They did an MRI and found stenosis had returned. I had one Epidural in April which did almost nothing. Another one last week which seems to be doing something so far. If that dosen’t work I’m told the next step is spinal fusion. So I am going to wait it out this year and see. If things become manageable and I can go back to my part time job and be able to do at least smaller things on the old cars I will keep them for a while. Otherwise I suspect I will join the line of folks here “enjoying” lifestyle changes.