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John-T-53 last won the day on January 9

John-T-53 had the most liked content!


681 Excellent

About John-T-53

  • Birthday 02/01/1978

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    SLO Town
  • My Project Cars
    1953 Dodge B4B - 1955 Chevy Bel Air - 1971 Chrysler New Yorker


  • Location
    San Mateo, CA
  • Interests
    car restoration, surfing, skiing, hiking, camping, wood working, traveling, photography

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  1. What happened to Gary's panel? It should come.
  2. "Chyna" x 2 Can you reuse the originals?
  3. You are doing it the hard way, I promise.
  4. Remove the engine from the truck, place on a stand, remove crank, valves, cam. Pound out pistons from the top with mallet and block of wood. Clean up cylinders with hone, then measure them to determine if it needs to be bored out, which it probably does.
  5. For when you go back to snow men, remember that a "real" snow man has two carrots.
  6. Wobbles can be corrected by mounting the pulley in a lathe and using a dial indicator and hammer to straighten. You still have bigger fish to fry, the pulley is not a huge item. Clean & polish the snout and hole with red scotchbrite. file down any burrs or bulges from hammers.
  7. Upgrade to a Porsche and avoid the spelling and pronunciation kerfuffle! 😂 Let's face it, a 911 is every BMW guy's ultimate goal, haha.
  8. I didn't know they had different spellings based on number of wheels. Whatever the case, F both the cars and the bikes. The cars look like beavers these days (the animal)....
  9. Everything "woke" .... Turns to shyte!
  10. EMT conduit also good for fabbing stuff out of.... comes in 10 foot sticks.
  11. Here's a couple sources: https://www.mcmaster.com/products/standard-washers/lock-washers~/domed-tooth-lock-washers~~/ https://www.wclco.com/lock-washers/toothed-lock-washers/dished-type-lock-washers/
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