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Everything posted by plymouthcranbrook

  1. I get worried when stories like yours continue to come out. You are of course not alone but have a lot of company. Hopefully you and your family are safe and protected to the best of your ability to be so.
  2. Old cars are a serious disease. Impossible to cure and only owning one(or more) will stave off the separations angst symptoms. And of course make sure you don't get too rich. Good looking car.
  3. I wasn’t sure about when Plymouth went to the low pressure cap like my 52 has. Always something to check if applicable.
  4. Overflow tank is not needed. After all leaks are fixed fill the car and either run it or better if possible drive it for a while. The radiator will find it’s own level and unless a leak appears will stay there. Make sure your pressure cap is working as well. Also sometimes not only is finding someone to work on the old radiators hard but can be expensive as well
  5. Not a better way to start than with The Beast of Turin? Back in the day when you not only saw them coming but heard and smelled them as well.
  6. You can also delete your Google search history which is separate from your browser history. Just type in “google history” in your top search line and it will come up. And for the computer you are searching on. Then delete as required to eliminate issues. I do it just in a faint attempt to pretend I still have some semblance of privacy on the net.
  7. Well for a guy whose first line in the thread is about not being too smart it appears that you like most who say that are in fact quite smart and well organized. I look forward to following your thread as although my Plymouth is probably about as done as it is going to get I always look for the chance to learn something new or a different way to accomplish a task. Your car looks solid and what you have done so far excellent.
  8. Be aware there are 6 volt positive ground alternators out there. I had my generator rebuilt about 7 years ago and have no trouble keeping my battery charged. It even charges some at idle with the lights on.
  9. I had both of mine done in 2016. Went from the proverbial coke bottle lenses to 20/20. Now just use reading glasses. Most successful surgery so far.
  10. Great vid. Stay in touch here as you journey along with it.
  11. At $29,900 he's gonna have it a long time
  12. Looks just like the one that was on my 52 Plymouth before the conversion.
  13. With zerks occasionally the ball in the middle of them will get stuck with dried grease, road yuck, whatever. You might take a light ball peen hammer and gently tap the ball and see if it frees them up. I have had good success doing that over the years.
  14. Or maybe the vacuum advance isn’t working
  15. And don’t say I am slow or anything but I just connected the dots correctly and realized who you are. I enjoy your vids. Look forward to your input.
  16. A 54 Savoy 4 door was my first car. Congrats on it and welcome.
  17. Cars have lain down for their long winter’s sleep
  18. My neighbor who used to have a home based car repair business put a type of “glass” he called it stop leak in a customers Cadillac( the customer wanted that used) and it was a complicated process that took a couple of fill and drains. After it was done the leak was gone and the last I heard a few years ago had not returned. No idea about what it was Magic I suppose.
  19. On my 52 non bypass style the bypass style thermostat would not fit in the housing. I did not know about the differences at the time.
  20. Yeah I saw that on the AACA site too. If almost any of us had found it we would have bern dancing and singing about getting it restored. Instead those folks will probably pull it a part and then either let it sit because they loose interest in it or try to make a “Rat Rod” out of it. I don’t know which is worse.
  21. #6. I did not take the air cleaner off as it is a bit of a project but if more pics will help I can do it early next week. I tried to concentrate on the linkage as you said that was a main interest. Let me know if I can help further
  22. Here is the second pic. Looks like one at a time is all I can do.
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