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Everything posted by plymouthcranbrook

  1. Read before picking up keyboard
  2. About four years ago I bought one over the counter at of all places, Autozone. Exact fit
  3. They were extremely economical cars in an era that really did not much care about economy.
  4. I use one similar to this: https://www.amazon.com/Performance-Tool-W54220-Suction-Grease/dp/B000N322U0
  5. Rubber hoses can deteriorate internally without showing anything on the outside. This can cause fluid to be slow going back to the master and thus pulling from one side or the other. I would replace the flex hoses and see if that helps.
  6. I have mentioned I used this in the manual trans of my 52 Plymouth and was amazed by the improvement in operation. Smoother shifts and better performance all around. No more clunking into second gear. https://www.amazon.com/Red-Line-50305-MT-90-75W90/dp/B002INX20C/ref=psdc_15719351_t1_B019XB6FQO
  7. https://www.ruotevecchie.org/petrel-30-hp/ https://www.pinterest.com/pin/475129829407409114/ https://books.google.com/books?id=AGE48d5qNawC&pg=PA739&lpg=PA739&dq=petrel+automobile&source=bl&ots=YHz_v_aly5&sig=ACfU3U1xXyJa8MjlVKEmtp2RNQvU-WvwPQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjE2pCJzaryAhWCB80KHe0SBKM4ChDoAXoECBwQAw#v=onepage&q=petrel automobile&f=false
  8. Considering Kenosha is about ten miles from me I am amazed I never heard of that car before. Thanks for posting it
  9. I did make kick panels for my 52 from Masonite which went well.
  10. Well I don’t know if it is still around but several years ago a fellow POC member told me he bought sheets of the original material from a company near Madison, Wi. Of course I kept no record of the name as I didn’t need any but might be a place to start looking. You might ask at the AACA forum as well since the also have a large knowledgeable group of people. You do not have to be a member to post there.
  11. I found a NOS on Flea-bay for not too much money a few years ago.
  12. Reasonably price fun!
  13. I remember seeing those in the JC Witney catalogs when I was a kid.
  14. I just did a quick Google search and it appears there are several choices available. Depends on what you want to spend I guess since you are just looking for a temporary solution.
  15. Thought some here might like this: https://www.oldcarsweekly.com/features/car-of-the-week-1948-dodge-b-1-b-half-ton?utm_medium=email&_hsmi=144170040&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-_jrTyhGQ2MVYB0VJrEhbDnat-Lp5L75numxPtUXW0i_ViEoJVUnsFAJsD8OD3ri1zdHP_U_980ND7SrQMiCQ8lJy7eWw&utm_content=144170040&utm_source=hs_email
  16. Your pics come up 404 not found
  17. It’s funny how some cars will overheat almost right away and others never seem to. My 52 Plymouth is in the later category. At least so far.
  18. I have said in the past and will say again the when you buy the cheapest thing you can find don’t be surprised when you get it home and it still is the cheapest thing you could find. And regarding companies worried about repeat customers I think some of them have a philosophy of milking the customer one time real good and not to worry whether he comes back or not.
  19. In my case it was my wife
  20. Depends on who baked them.
  21. Ran when lost. Most likely still running.
  22. Moparlandia from the looks of it.
  23. Easier to find anyway….
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