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Everything posted by plymouthcranbrook

  1. I have never seen any gasket on any car between the starter motor and the housing. Sometimes a metal spacer but that is all. The starter must have a good ground to work for one and there should not be any liquid passing from either place, starter or bell housing.
  2. I did mine myself about 17 years ago. Used POR 15 cleaner and then sealcoat. I used fiberglass to patch the few holes that were in the top. Not problems since. Today, I would have just bought a new one.
  3. I despise “patina”
  4. I have kit that was designed to change a single point system to a dual point for a 23 inch block. Seems to have all the parts and instructions as well. I keep thinking about getting a spare distributor and seeing if I can get it to work. But it runs so well on the single point I just never have.
  5. I hope you live comfortably to enjoy having that 100 year old car. I would have to make it to 102 to do that(unless I buy a much older car) and that is not likely. Of course I could hope for 100 and still own my 1980 Plymouth but then I am a little silly now that I am old so...
  6. And depending on where you live many times Police let stuff like that go because you have an accurate plate on the car.
  7. No, not those. Where did you find them?
  8. The ones with a male thread on one end and a smooth shaft on the other look like the rear lower mounting bolts on my 52 P23.
  9. I only got to drive an original Mini one time on an autocross circuit. Back in the early 70’s. As the old song says, “ Fun fun fun til Daddy takes the Mini away”
  10. It does us all good to see such wonderfully normal activities after the past year’s fun. Thanks for posting the story.
  11. I am so old I remember Austin Americas running around on the streets. Never gave them much thought as I wanted a Mini really bad.
  12. The biggest issue I know of is the tendency of alcohol to dissolve rubber items like diaphragms in fuel pumps. Replacement parts that are alcohol proof are available but need to be installed. If you haven’t had a problem at 5%.perhaps you won’t have one at 10. The only gas available near me is ethanol infused and the nearest pure gas is 40 miles away. I haven’t had any issues with my 52 from using it but that said I don’t drive my cars as much as some do here. And I always buy the lowest octane gas can get since the engines were designed with low compression ratings because gas was low octane back then. I have always been told that running higher octane fuel wouldn’t hurt an engine. Just throwing money away.
  13. Merely the CAT showing Dominance over her domain. Nothing to see here, or there.
  14. And how many of us have given up and bought another of what we lost only to find it shortly after?
  15. Don’t even expect to be in the club until the only thing you can hold onto is something you want to drop.
  16. Back in ancient times the old guys used to occasionally talk of points sticking closed once in a while if there is a material transfer making a hill and pit situation. Their solution was to open the points manually and file them smooth then reset. I never saw this personally but can’t say it doesn’t occur. If that was it then opening them when you did would have unstuck them and then the car started. Maybe….
  17. When I see things like that(I watched the clutch vid) I can't help but think of all the items from watches to Railroad trains to massive ship built just using rough hand tools. And if you are like me you mutter to yourself anytime a job is a pain because you don't have the exact correct tool. And like me, you probably got a lot of single or maybe a few uses tools that you most likely will never use again. Thanks for posting that. I am going to try to watch more as time permits.
  18. Low octane is fine, ethanol free if available. Lead additive not necessary
  19. The article on Oilite products was very informative. When I did think of them I thought they were regular bronze bearings with oil impregnated into it. Much more complicated in fact. Thanks for taking the time to post it.
  20. I remember back in the 60’s when the “modified” cars at the local short tracks ran pure alcohol.
  21. This place has good parts and advice as well. https://www.thecarburetorshop.com/
  22. Interesting plan. I used 215 65 radials on my 52 with of course no issues. Tires are wider by a bit and ride is infinitely better.
  23. I had on(a freeze plug heater) on my 2001 Astro for the whole time I owned it. Easier start on really cold mornings and quicker warm up. Car probably would have started anyway with out one but I believe it kept wear and tear down.
  24. You keep up like this and you will be the northern parts house.
  25. Good work Keith. Very nice looking car from what I can see. Keep us updated on progress.
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