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Everything posted by tom'sB2B

  1. As my nephew would say: your car is "dope!". I dig your spare tire too. ?
  2. This may or may not help... https://www.ebay.com/itm/AS47-Plymouth-Hood-Nose-Emblem-Vintage-Enamel-1941-PRODUCT-OF-CHRYSLER-CORP-P12/143688807307?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&itemid=143688807307&targetid=1068323852870&device=m&mktype=pla&googleloc=9032160&campaignid=11755692918&mkgroupid=116570926040&rlsatarget=pla-1068323852870&abcId=9300462&merchantid=101681139&gclid=Cj0KCQjwpdqDBhCSARIsAEUJ0hMsdSgIgSQSSHCBOKG-Hw-wym2ee4rkYhJmkgLSayLPkOmWX9b2l4MaArreEALw_wcB&pageci=bd558177-d80b-4005-9fb4-2f955900f2f4
  3. She's thinking: oh the adventures we're going to have.
  4. Where are you in California? I'm in Santa Cruz
  5. The wagon looks amazing. What did you use to shine up the old paint? I also like the stance. Did you take one coil out of the Aerostar springs?
  6. Sal Mineo would have survived in Rebel without a cause if it wasn't for that noisy cushman..... just say'n ?
  7. Mr Stewart has been busy driving his 1956 Desoto around San Francisco
  8. Keep the photos coming. Do you have any idea what the truck was originally used for?
  9. Show us some more photos when you have time.
  10. Welcome aboard Nice looking car. You will find everything you need to know and stuff you never have imagined on this forum Become acquainted with the search option on the forum. You can also use google, by putting P15 along with your search option will bring you to pertinent topics on this forum. Or post a question with plenty of photos. Looking forward to seeing your progress.
  11. Great looking car. I'm interested from those in the know if this is a deluxe model. Seems like it is though I've never seen it in this color scheme
  12. Which kit are you using for your disc/ mc? Thanks
  13. I'm guessing something like this. I'll keep my eyes peeled, but I'm guessing they're pretty rare.
  14. Reminds me of all the old blue haird ladies I get stuck behind who can't hear that their turn signal is still on ??
  15. Jim Did you take any photos of the adapter kit and the machine work? Curious to see how it all went together.
  16. Here's a better picture of that wagon
  17. Also "quick and easy"roof rack towers will work also
  18. Just to add to the info. CarPac classic racks
  19. Here's my two cents. An engine hoist can be disassembled and reassembled over the engine. You could then build an engine stand similar to the picture with some type of skis underneath and have a buddy help you pull it out. Is it worth it....it's a great experience.
  20. You could also lower slightly the carburator float level. That helped me with my hot starting issues. Good luck Let us know what works.
  21. Nice looking barn. Looks like you got room for a couple more. ?
  22. What you say is " the dents and scratches are artifacts to the provenance of the vehicle" ??
  23. Beauty marks.
  24. https://images.app.goo.gl/xQtjEAN5mmkj3tQL7
  25. I would love to see a few photos of how you guys set up the linkage. Thanks
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