Hello Westphal, I think that is a good suggestion. I have a slant six that puts a lot of V8's to shame. It runs so good, I can't see any reason to pull it out.... I am afraid that I can't do batter for my application, not to mention the great gas mileage I get. I have a A833 OD behind it. I just removed the 3.73's to put in 3.55's because I sheared the sure grip housing bolts and had to repair it. Before that, I tore out the center of my clutch. Don't underestimate the power of a slant six! LOL
The engine is in my, huhummm, 1969 Valiant. But if I ever hemi my Valiant, the slant is going into my 1937 pile of parts Dodge. It will motivate me to do the project should I do the latter...