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Everything posted by Ranger

  1. I replaced mine in a '36 Plymouth but also replaced the tank with a poly unit from Tanks Inc. I doubt a sender can be repaired. My original was pretty crusty and the cork float was water (gas) logged as well. Just didn't look like a good candidate to try and salvage when replacements are available.
  2. Great looking ride. Have fun!
  3. Does it still taste salty?
  4. Glad the dog is feeling better and able to go cruising again.
  5. That is way cool!!! In the mid-30's dodge offered a humpback panel truck that I always thought was great. I've only seen one.
  6. Perhaps shorter drives through small towns and the country are the answer to enjoying your car. I avoid the cities, freeways and hot days. If you don't run 65, 70 or more you'll get run over. Check out Worden 18's thread. Seems he's got it fgured out.
  7. Good to see you up and cruising the backroads again.
  8. Enjoyed the post. Looks like a fun ride.
  9. Sounds serious. Probably can't be saved. Better sell it to me. (Just kidding) looks like a great car to drive, show and have fun with. How long was it setting. My first thought is fuel. Is there a blocked fuel filter somewhere? I would certainly add a filter. Is the gas old? Been setting in a rusty tank? Chunk of gunk plugging the line or the fuel pump? That's where I'd start.
  10. That's a good feeling! You're on your way!9
  11. Looks like a great project and appears you're moving along with it. Have fun.
  12. 1 Shot Sign Painters paint (what the pros use) is available in many colors from many different vendors. Very durable and thins as needed. A stripping brush will pull any long lines well. Small models brush for the other areas. Scuffing up the chrome is difficult but cleaning it well with thinner before painting will help the paint adhere. Should last a long time and occassional touch up is easy. Not as cheap as testors which will look good, just won't last as long before touch up.
  13. Sure sounds like a leak in the system that is blowing coolant back over the engine. Clean it up, dry it off then run it and watch for any leaks to reappear. Sure doesn't look like a head gasket. Probably an easy fix but if its a radiator leak could be a little spendy.
  14. If you're on the West Coast the Les Schwab tire company (as stated above) will blast and powder coat. They quoted me $30 a wheel last year. Not every color but a good selection.
  15. The car is looking good. I was skeptical of the color choice but after putting it back together I like it.
  16. I'm following along. Good job!
  17. "If you can read this....turn me over!"
  18. I recently invested in an Arlo wireless wi-fi system from Netgear. Easy to set up and has been flawless for a few months now. Cameras in the house, the barn and the garage. Plan to add one outside covering the drive as well. My son has a system that also shows room temp and air quality. Says he'll get an alert when the dog farts. Amazing stuff!
  19. Just opened this thread again. Great work on the maps. My wife and I traveled much of the Route 66 trip in March. Hope to go back and catch more of it soon.
  20. Welcome! Spent a week in Scotland last summer. Wonderful country, wonderful people.
  21. Welcome! Great looking car. Have fun. Lots of knowledge here.
  22. Welcome! No experience with your question but I'll follow along. My '36 is also very low geared and would benefit from an overdrive. Great looking car.
  23. Great looking motor. Hope he chimes in with more info.
  24. Looks like a great find. Wouldn't mind bringing one like that home. More pics when you can please.
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