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Everything posted by Ranger

  1. Really enjoy reading about your travels around Minnesota and Iowa in the Meadowbrook. I was raised in Iowa but moved away years ago. Your stories and pics bring back lots of memories of country roads, small towns, evening drives and great people.
  2. That would be riding into the great beyond in style!
  3. Just more proof that you should never throw away anything!
  4. I think a Plymouth suburban would be pretty cool! 1949 or 50. Maybe one will turn up when I'm ready.
  5. Back In the day, it was fairly common to run without a thermostat in the summer months. Although now it isn't a such a good idea if all systems are working properly.
  6. Grew up in Gilman. Just west of you between Grinnell  and M'town. I'll look into that  oil filter, thanks

  7. That's cool! You must be doing something right. I have two sons. Grown now but neither were interested in my old cars. Now I'm hoping a grandson ( or grandaughter) has the interest. Have fun!
  8. Best of luck to you. Stop by from time to time.
  9. Wanted- grill and surround trim for 36 Plymouth.

  10. Great looking ride bones44. Would like more pics of the engine if possible. Whats the oil filter you're using. Where's Blue Grass Iowa? My Plymouth is from Iowa as well.
  11. It's all good information. I learn something from nearly every post.
  12. Here's my '36. Complete except for the grill. (Those are hard to find.) Bought from the original owner several years ago. Real basic model with zero options. No heater, one tailight.
  13. That was my second choice!
  14. Just painted and reinstalled the dash in my 36 Plymouth business coupe. Clean and simple,
  15. Very good looking ride. Follow the Zen Master's advice and check (replace) that distribution tube. A good radiator flush with the new water pump. I ended up having to recore my radiator to solve the overheat problem but mice had been storing bird seed in it. Enjoy and thanks for your Navy service.
  16. Can't really comment on your question. Wiring is not my thing but that is a very clean installation. May copy it on mine. That underseat battery can be a problem to get at.
  17. Wow! 20 years in the in laws driveway. You must be some kind of son-in-law! Good luck with the project. Get it running before you tear it apart completely. It keeps you motivated to be able to fire it up and tackle one piece at a time.
  18. Ranger

    New Guy

    Again, thanks for your service. Rebuilding "Old iron" and bringing it back to life can be very rewarding. Just take it slow and enjoy the experience. The project is very forgiving and will patiently wait for you to move along at your own pace.
  19. Very, very nice. Looks like a fun summer!
  20. Looks like a reasonable option. Might do it to my 36.
  21. Nice project. Life gets in the way from time to time. I've experienced that myself. Just continue as you can. Have fun.
  22. That Plymouth looks like way to much trouble and aggravation. I'd be glad to help you out and take it off your hands. However, my 36 Plymouth was an Iowa car also and came to me virtually rust free as well. It spent the winters garaged. It also came without an oil filter which was an option at that time. Enjoy yours. Looks like a winner.
  23. Thanks for your help. Guess I still need a picture. I've got the unit out on the bench. Shouldn't be this difficult. I looked at several springs offered on ebay and most were the same for the 36. This one was even shown with NOS box, (which didn't arrive with the spring) but like you say, it may not be correct. Ebay may have got me again! Don't want to pull the other passenger side out because it has the outside lock mechanism and, of course, it's frozen in place. But may have to. Thanks again!
  24. I have a missing (broken) spring on the drivers side door of my coupe. Found a replacement spring on Ebay but having a tough time figuring out just how it sets in there. Does anyone have a picture from a service manual that shows the position. I've looked down inside the other door but it appears to be a slightly different attachment. Thought I'd check before spending $50 for a manual that might not have what I need when I have other service manuals for mechanical issues.
  25. Yes, learned long ago that the new year will find it's way in just fine without me leading the charge!
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