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Plymouthy Adams

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Everything posted by Plymouthy Adams

  1. Well lets just hope I keep the momentum, off to a good start....the objective today is to sandblast the drip rail both top and bottom and the bit of pocked rust on the upper panels near the bottom of the drip rail, etch them and then have them in primer by evening. Have few small holes to repair with weld I uncovered the other night....this should not take but a few minutes to correct. 1968 panel van box....
  2. Little off topic but still on woodgrain, was at the wrecking yard yesterday....saw a Jaguar there, opened the door and saw the all too familiar yellowing and cracking woodgrain....looked closer.....thin faux plastic overlay on metal...why did I expect more? They mimicked the yellow and cracking to a "T"
  3. early bird gets the worm they say, for me....I find them a bit gritty when consuming and somewhat of a bitter taste..... I will await breakfast, eat well, (no worms) and be out there come daylight....I shutdown the garage doors at dark:30 with respect for my neighbors.
  4. I am not sure if the truck had the other washer that fitted on the left mount as did the cars.....but...they would lift in the same manner under acceleration/torque just the same...may be the very difference in the ear it affixes.
  5. that is funny....this time last month I returned form a trip to my stomping grounds as a child....I walked the creek and sandbars where we would stand and fish and or find arrowheads and the such. This trip I selected two bags of rocks from the creek and came home and built my own cairn of a fashion beside the bird bath on the patio as a tribute to my childhood and Joe's Creek.
  6. this is the reason the DOT approves lights...many you are disturbed at are not running DOT approved lamps.....most place HID, LED and other unapproved lights into housing not so designed to control aim and project the light in a fashion to allow you to see, but at the same not disrupt the ability of others to see at the same time. This is the great problem....ability to find and install illegal lighting.
  7. coolant will wick at times up the bolt chamber.....all but a couple head bolts pass into the water jacket.....this occursmore frequent with those changing to head studs than with bolts. But you can seal the threads if you wish but as to the interference of torque value on the bolt I cannot speak..with the studs torque is still at the head not the block so to speak as the studs are preset and sealed with a sealing tape when installed.
  8. the question is, did you exact a tune up....and if so, did you order parts by model and year or did you order parts by distributor number.....all the parts do not interchange
  9. since when is .3 second a factor to the drunk driver tailgating you....and the emitted light is directly proportional to the cleanliness of the vehicle.....many people now travel at or beyond the speed of light with their life style meds.... I am all for updated lighting....I have a 55W halogen in the third light (center deck lid) and if you can't see that....well nothing you could do but stay home from there...
  10. oh yeah, a fellow follower of our boy Lucas....he stated that: A gentleman never motors at night..! Your are right, many things are upgraded and look totally out of place and actually are detractors to the look and style they think they are achieving. Keeps the retail coffers full and everyone happy...after all, what else do you have to spend that stimulus money on but ole Betsy?
  11. yes and that is why a lot of aftermarket bulbs and lighting systems are illegal for use in US.....the fitting of these to housings not so designed for the new beams allow light where light should not be. Big fine for using these....sellers also are at risk for selling...but there is no teeth in this law it seems. These lights are a nuisance on the highway. At most few folks have been written up for their use and removal usually settles the infraction.
  12. were the LEDs in place for the MOT? Curious to their position on the enhanced lighting.
  13. I miss our camping trips on the motorcycles. Three to four day excursions, cooking over the campfire, pitching tents and basically enjoying the local sites and scenery. Alas when the workplace closed years ago, this brought this to an end as everyone was spread all about neighboring states for new employment.
  14. the making of the sedan delivery has the potential to be a very sharp vehicle.....I have not seen Ed active on the forum of late...it would be nice to see a couple updated pics of progress. This one shows some thought going into the creation. The second pic of the convert-o-truck looks well thought out, dig and in Aruba and bury that last one...
  15. Knuckle...when reading, be sure to turn off the walking dead program on TV....actually the ability for a LED to mimic sunlight and also not flicker as the fluorescent tubes often do (headaches and seizure for some folks afflicted in said manner) ...LED is the lighting of choice in todays market. Because of the lead (soldering and circuit board) and other elements such as arsenic for one and other such to control LED color.....don't eat these when they go bad. Damaged bulbs should be handled in a manner as a broken fluorescent tube with glove and mask to not breath in the mercury. I have not had a bad tube to recycle. Only been a few years in use and not had a failure. Not to say that there is no risk to LED, direct laser light to the eye for one, but it seems the most is with high exposure to the LEDs that emit colors, red with the arsenic and emitted concentrated blues waves disrupting sleep etc. I think the LED is here to stay...and if anything is discovered the industry will address them with a filter (covering) of some sort to control these
  16. they slowly phasing out a lot of the chemicals common to paint and body work. Soon be we will all have to get a nice smooth roller and latex paint for our cars....☠️
  17. oil is cheap there is little doubt. as for putting it on a panel, absolutely no way I will wipe the added contaminants of oil when phosphoric acid can be applied and leaves behind a phosphate finish that provides protective finish and rust preventative properties, but then this is a process I have used for some 35+ years and very comfortable with it and pleased with the long term results. Just don't recall the instant flash rust with previous version of the stripper, again, could not get my usual stripper locally. the whole gist of this thread was to inform folks that IF using the modern strippers in high humidity conditions this flash rusting will appear before their very eyes...whereas in low humidity there is no flashing of rust for a long period of time, allowing most the opportunity to wipe the panel and apply protection and not have to stop every three minutes to treat rust forming. if you chose to use oil that is fine I supposed but this is adding contaminates where not needed in my opinion. Yes the oil will wipe off and when done so...there is no protection left on the panel. My panel are still bare with the exception they has been wiped with phosphoric acid and left to dry...as an added, the panels are still clean and not rusted. I continue some panel work and soon to have some primer in place. Just a few more steps in my normal process to complete first.
  18. the large washer is near the nut...this displacement washer prevents the nut from wanting to pull into the center of the rubber mount. Did your mount set come with an added thin rubber washer...this is for the left mount only.
  19. not since 1972........what passes for C&W today would not make a good pimple on JC's butt.....
  20. never heard of her.....different music that my normal genre....nonetheless...sad
  21. you know...you can call yourself a cheapskate...but in yard sales and such, swap meets....bartering and dickering is 99% of the fun....
  22. I have used the Actron as my friend down the street has one. I think you will like it. Mine is a different model with a few more features including cap test and temp probe. I told my son about using the Actron and he got me instead this unit instead as it has more features he will want to borrow it for later.
  23. WOW......how do they get away with listing this without a MSDS....
  24. to be honest with you...this guy was not singled out....he was in the wrong place at the wrong time and any car he is driving would be the wrong car.....hopefully this H&R will be found but hardly likely these days....uninsured/underinsured takes care of this and we all will be pitching in for this repair.
  25. one can safely pressure the system with the use of a bicycle inner tube....you slip this over the inlet and outlet to the radiator and cork the overflow as best possible and air up the tube once all is filled with water including the tube itself. This can be done at the block also with the inlet and outlet hose connections at the pump and t/stat cover.....I will have to say I have not tested an early one with the top hat relief and have none to look at here at the house to advise further......plugging this could take a bit more...I test my low pressure 7 lb system in said manner.....
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