Like most all things, there is a following, you don't have to agree or understand it. The annual Cushman Club or whatever it is they call themselves is going on now. They have been in the area some 4 days now. Heard a dreaded drone coming down the street and in front was a guide on vehicle and about 11 of these obnoxious scoots going by followed by a clean up truck (towing trailer to collected failed units) Yesterday one was on the road without the power to proceed at speed, struggling against a short and less than steep grade with cars strung out behind him. This borders being a nuisance and a danger in my opinion. If I am towing something at lower speed I will pull over many times and lets cars go around is only considerate and safer for the public as many will try to pass in otherwise less than favorable conditions. Give me my mini bike....almost the same thing....but best part is not allowed on the highway like these slugs. Going back to my first statement, I understand the attraction, I disagree on its highway use. My soap box topic for the day....!!