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Don Coatney

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Don Coatney last won the day on February 17

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Northern Indiana
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  • My Project Cars
    1948 D-24

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  • Biography
    Learning something new everyday
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  • Location
    Northern Indiana
  • Interests
    Yes I am Interested

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  1. This might or might not help. Not all distributors are the same.
  2. Same one I installed in this oil filter.
  3. Grater horse power and greater torque.
  4. Trust me it is well worth doing.
  5. And don't forget to service your turn signals by rolling up your winders.
  6. Better than not hanging out
  7. A fiend contacted me a few days ago He was talking about how he has spent several years without any luck running a car thing down. That issue is that he got a spare Chrysler (L8) Eight in case he ever needs it for his 1946 Town & Country. The interesting thing is that on the block, in about 1/2 tall, raised lettering is cast the work "SPECIAL" in caps.
  8. You are correct. But spring length was mentioned earlier in this thread.
  9. The valve springs in my 251 Desoto (old and new) are all the same length.
  10. Electric start, rope backup.
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