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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/06/2022 in Posts
3 points
Wait now those are just Johns supply. ? Remember it's a BYOB BBQ!? DJ2 points
Thanks for the picture, they are called screw nails or flat-head Type 21 screws https://www.mcmaster.com/type-21-drive-screws/2 points
Sucks, but not really unthinkable, I was expecting something tragic. If you haven't come up with a cap by April I will try to find you one or two at Carslie.2 points
Well, I would love to come out East if I had a solid driver to do it. ( No shipping for me). I am between old car drivers at this point and the new California taxes on almost everything including a new heavy tax on imported Teas.! Time for a rebellion? DJ2 points
Not a movie but, Julie and I just finished binge watching “Rockford files” and in looking for something different, found “Movin’ on” with Chet Adkins with in the first three minutes kinda looks like our B4D except for the factory bed, cab lights and that Desoto grill bar look. btw, don’t watch… he laid it on its side right after this shot ☹️2 points
I think I would try Uncle Tony's trick for vapor lock if I run into the issue. Simply adding a fuel filter that has a 2nd outlet to return to the tank, has a flow resistor built into it. This would also mean modifying the tank to add a port for the fuel to return through. Several ways to do this. My Tank has never been installed or gas in it. I have a extra plate on it for a electric fuel pump if wanted. Would be very simple to add it there before installing the tank. The whole idea is the fuel is always moving so never sits in the line long enough to boil over. Since it is already cooler, seems it wont boil over when shutting the engine off. The restriction built into the filter return line will keep you from starving for fuel. iirc some jeeps used the filters & available at any parts store. Some put the restriction at the tank some at the filter, you need the restriction so important which filter you buy. IMHO, will look sorta kinda tacky. Will need to add the filter after the fuel pump, they accept rubber fuel lines. Simple easy fix though. I wonder if a guy was handy, might take his steel or nickel/copper fuel line and just add a T before the carburetor And run metal lines back to the tank. You can blank off whatever fitting going into the tank, just drill a small hole for flow restriction. I wonder if the flow restrictors used on brake lines is fuel friendly? Would look more period correct this way at least.1 point
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I had a fisheye problem when I tried to paint in the lower end of the paint manufacturer's acceptable temperature range...I changed filters but I read somewhere years ago that it could be possible that condensation was forming at the spray tip during longer sprayer passes on larger parts, and those little droplets of moisture would condense on the paint itself as the paint velocity through the tip affected the ambient air dew point at that transition from spray gun to atmosphere. The only thing that seemed to work was to keep the paint and the sprayer at room temperature, but definitely tried to paint in ambient air temps above 65°F.1 point
Why not just remove the old wiring, lay it out and measure to see what you need?1 point
Count your blessings, down here in the southern USA our non-contaminated gas is 90 or 91. Our premium ethanol is 92.1 point
I'll check tomorrow on the inside measurement of one of my other caps. Thanks for the offer.1 point
That's really nice of you. Thank You. Sure thing, a spare is always a good thing. The 10 inch ones look identical.1 point
On my car there is about a half an inch between the fabric and that step in the body towards the windshield. The fastener is pretty unique in that it is spiral shaped. They made two different versions for whatever reason. My car had ones without a slot so the head looks like a rivet. My parts car had a slot in the head. I was only missing a couple, so I did one side of the car with slot head and the other side with blank head. I suppose you could use a small self taping screw, but you might have an issue because I think the hole is pretty big because of the shape of the fastener. So that might mean you would have to use a large self taping screw, meaning the head might be too big to fit between the two humps. Just a thought.1 point
Every time I take my '38 car out, on the way home every time , it's wide open mashed in 3rd for about 3 miles up the hill home. My modern vehicles record very poor average MPG. I really don't want to know what my flathead would net. Unfortunately no, I cannot answer the original question. Sadly we hi-jacked the thread. Yet it was a fun discussion. Sorry. I'm guilty.1 point
Not important, just noticing not one person yet reported there actual gas mileage. My 1987 Ford work van I got 8 mpg, I just could not avoid it and drove it for 10 years. When I retired I now have a 1991 chevy with a 5spd manual trans, I get 16 mpg I doubled my mpg. Seems nobody with a old mopar has checked their actual mileage.1 point
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I was noticing that the light on the bottom of the dash on the passenger side, sometimes would not come on when the door was opened so I decided to check it out. I just thought I would post a few pictures of that switch and how it works for those who might have the same issue or who just might be curious about how it works. My car is a 48 Chrysler Windsor but Walter P probably used the same switch assembly for a lot of the cars of this vintage. When the door is closed the spring is compressed and the contacts are broken. The contact is between a brass washer and a pair of brass arms coming from the base of the switch which the electrical wires are connected to on the outside of the switch. I simply took a bit of 180 sandpaper and brightened up the washer, and ran a micro file on the contact side of the arms that make contact with the washer. Plus I refreshed the ends of the wires. Just a note of caution. When disassembling and reassembling the switch be super careful when bending the brass tabs that hold the whole thing together. They are very small and fragile. Speaking of courtesy lights. I've had the car 3 years now and I just discovered that there is a courtesy light in the ashtray.1 point
Just looked through my build thread and I didn't see that I took a pic of the tank install. It's got snow around it now but I can get a pic next week probably when it's supposed to melt1 point
LESS THAN A MONTH AWAY!!! I'm working hard getting the place ready. Get your list of parts ready, get the truck ready, and bring a friend! If you have to bring an "off brand" friend, remind them they don't have to hide their hidden love of Old Dodge Trucks here!!! 48D1 point
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Old cars are great in some areas. No so in others. I do love their simplicity. Yes indeed flathead Mopars are super easy to work on. My old cars do break down from time to time. Mainly because I treat them as lab experiments sometimes. (let's try this & see what happens) Is there a better way to learn than from your own stupid decisions? Lol. Just this past weekend even we had an incident where I thought...Better dig out the AAA card. Yet I always fix them up and get them home under their own power. Never needed a tow truck to get home yet! Knock on wood. Try that with a new car that needs semi-conductors to breathe fire.1 point
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I've installed one of Brian's decals on my 51 filter housing. The engine is almost ready to fire for the first time. I still need to finish the oil line from the gauge to the block. I had the line installed but in the wrong location which blocked the starter from fitting correctly. The decal came out really nice. I'll have to post a better picture one of these days. The decal is a lot nicer than the rest of the restoration I did on the filter housing1 point
I'm re doing rear axles and brakes on my meadowbrook. New bearings, inner and outer seals, wheel cylinders and pads (and brake lines and master). I installed seals and bearings and used existing shims assuming I'd be messing quite a bit with it to get the freeplay right since I was putting in new bearings. Well, I was wanting .010 I whacked the axles back and forth to get my end play registered and then set up my dial gauge. Lookie what I get measuring on both sides! A perfect ten thousands. How often does that happen! Every once and a while even a blind squirrel finds a nut.1 point
1 point
There's room for long distance travelers .....just let me know when your're getting here! We've had folks from Australia and Germany. We've had many travelers from Nevada, Oregon, Washington, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Ohio, Tennessee and Arizona. Its more like a family BBQ than a car show.......plenty of Dodge Trucks guys that will have the answer you need, the part you want or understanding your desire to own an old Dodge...lol Sometimes it ain't easy being a Dodge Guy in a sea of Other Brands....but here, you'll feel right at home. 48D1 point
No. Why should I? She obviously loves rules more than knowledge,and nothing less than allowing her to monitor and censor each post will please someone like her.1 point