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Anyone come here from FaceBook recommendation?


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I'm on P15 and flathead groups on FaceBook, and I have often suggested coming here for information.  I wonder, is anyone now regularly on here that heard about the forum on FB?  (The biggest draw for me to keep looking there is the photos, particularly of very original cars that were recently pulled out of long-term storage, where they had been sitting long enough that there are few changes that have been made already.  Since my 46 was already dismantled when i got it in 1980, and I then dismantled it even more, I copy any photos that show detail, anywhere on the car.  Never know when I might need that exact photo.  But on the whole, it's a terrible set up to get really useful information.  I don't think I've ever asked a question there, just try to help out a bit from time to time.  Lots of really "green" new-comers there.)


EDIT: What I meant to ask (and was not very clear), is if anyone came here specifically on a recommendation on the FB group.  That is, someone who had not yet found THIS forum, and heard about it for the first time on FaceBook.  (I'm wondering if it is doing any good to try to send people here for information, and a MUCH better all-around experience.)

Edited by Eneto-55
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I did/do belong to a couple groups there. Do not think I'm going back though.

About 2 weeks ago my account was locked for suspicious activity. Seems like it was hacked.

I know of several accounts that get hacked and taken over .... couple months ago my daughter in-law was contacting me at 3:00AM  trying to sell me something.

I know it was not her and was hacked.


To unlock my account, they want me to send a photo of myself and my Drivers license or ID to them.

I just thought that was total BS. Obvious they have no control over their system now ..... you now want me to give you personal information?

So me & FB will part ways .... only thing I miss would be marketplace, I can use my wife account to browse that if I want.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I set up two-factor authentication on FB account and that has thwarted several recent hacking attempts.  The ID request sounds very suspicious and from my security training sounds to be part of a phishing scam.


I joined several groups and see the same questions pop up repeatedly so I post links to this forum cuz ain't nobody got time to reinvent the wheel on issues that were solved years ago, such as finding replacement shock absorbers.  I have received little positive feedback for this as I sense a LOT of ppl resist tapping an external link out of spite, as a few have popped off that they "just want an answer" even though I have linked the very answer they are looking for with great details.  No sir, cannot force a horse to drink after leading'm to water :rolleyes:

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I think FB's security has gone down the tubes, as Los_Control notes, they have no control.  I got kicked out of FB a few months ago, and I don't even post anything.  Trying to get back in for a little while (I did like to use it to see what friends and family were up to) it wouldn't let me because I, and this is verbatim - "violated community standards by typing too fast".  To me that is so ridiculous that there has to be some phishing, hacking, scamming, etc. attempt involved, so I'm out and back to keeping tabs the old fashioned way.  If I had the opportunity to refer someone to the Forum when I was on FB I would have, but it would not have been via any links.  I otherwise refer folks who I think would benefit from the experience to the Forum once in a while, but I give them the site's name and/or address, never a link. 

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I found this forum through the good-old Google search. I do not use FB for various reasons. They do cater to a specific community, though. I belong to various automotive forums and, I must admit, this one is one of the best ones in terms of the user experience (knowledgeable people, pleasant communication). Probably due to the fact that the majority of the members are mature adult/retired individuals :)

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When I suggest coming here (on a FB post) I also do not post the link, only the name "P15-D24".  One person sent a note back to me and told me that they have joined here.  But I don't know who it is here, and he probably doesn't know who I am, either, because I use my nick name here, and FB is tied to my legal name.

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Facebook didn't exist when I first joined, I think Zuckerberg was only a gleam in his daddy's eye. I've talked to a few folks that know about the Forum but don't seem to want to join because it isn't FB.  I ask them what kind of info they get from FB versus what they are looking for, usually don't get a sensible answer.  Seems to me they can't grasp how helpful the Forum can be, they lean towards thinking the Forum can't possibly be better than FB just because it existed before FB. 

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26 minutes ago, Dan Hiebert said:

Facebook didn't exist when I first joined, I think Zuckerberg was only a gleam in his daddy's eye. I've talked to a few folks that know about the Forum but don't seem to want to join because it isn't FB.  I ask them what kind of info they get from FB versus what they are looking for, usually don't get a sensible answer.  Seems to me they can't grasp how helpful the Forum can be, they lean towards thinking the Forum can't possibly be better than FB just because it existed before FB. 

I too joined this forum before FB existed.


I was working in embedded software in Silicon Valley when FB started and it was really apparent to me that, especially in regards to FB, that "if you are not the customer then you are the product". I have never joined FB, I never will. If someone posts a link to an item at FB I do not follow it. And I take active measures to block FB from tracking me around the web.

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According to an on-line search FB opened to the general public Sept. 26, 2006 (after starting sometime in 2004).  I don't know when I joined FB (at the urging of family members), but apparently first posted a comment there (on a FB group my brother started, called "Kustoms are Way Cool") on Dec. 4, 2007.  It was in response to a picture of a mildly customized 2-door P15 he saw at a car show.  I apparently joined the A Bodies Only MoPar forum before joining here, after buying a 75 Dodge Dart.  (Still in my name on the title, but now belongs to my oldest son.)  I was also on a couple of other old MoPar forums that are no longer operating, before joining here, March 30, 2010.  (I can only remember the name of one of them, 49Plymouth.)  I also was a "lurker" here for quite a while before joining, at least that is the way I remember it, and also did the same on RatRodsRule.  Also lurked on the HAMB, but never joined there - too much drama.  There was also a really great Australian old car forum, lots of metal work threads, before it eventually closed down.  


I have found a fair number of useful photos on the FB group, and copy those that show original detail and things like that, because I bought my 46 as a "basket case", and then disassembled it even more.  And that was all in 80-81, and then left it in storage until 5 years back.  

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I'm on the Soviet Steeds(Ural Motorcycles)forum which also has a page on FB. I find the FB page to be more entertaining as a "What broke now and what would Ivan do to fix it" kind of page. 


I don't ever recall seeing anything on FB about here. I joined the forum in late '17 after a Google search once I got my parents DeSoto home from Wisconsin.


That said, I'm really close to giving FB the middle finger like I did to Linkdin after I retired. Tired of the algorithms that bury my feed in stuff that I have zero interest in.

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14 hours ago, Eneto-55 said:

According to an on-line search FB opened to the general public Sept. 26, 2006 (after starting sometime in 2004).

My profile shows me joining this forum in 2006. But I am pretty sure that I was on the forum earlier and that a change in software used dropped some of that type of information. I started my Plymouth vanity website in 1999 and I am pretty sure the original forum started around that same time and that I found it and joined around 2000.


GTK will have a better handle on the generations of software used by this forum and if things were lost when the original forum software was retired.


edit: Just looked at my profile on the AACA forum and it shows I joined that in January 2000. I believe I joined this forum around that same time.

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9 hours ago, TodFitch said:

My profile shows me joining this forum in 2006. But I am pretty sure that I was on the forum earlier and that a change in software used dropped some of that type of information. I started my Plymouth vanity website in 1999 and I am pretty sure the original forum started around that same time and that I found it and joined around 2000.


GTK will have a better handle on the generations of software used by this forum and if things were lost when the original forum software was retired.


edit: Just looked at my profile on the AACA forum and it shows I joined that in January 2000. I believe I joined this forum around that same time.

I thought of that too, but in my case, we only moved back to the States in the Summer of 2003, and didn't have internet for the first years.  Then when we did get it, it was dial-up, so no one could use the telephone while anyone else was on-line.  Also, I had no idea of what all was on the internet, either, nor would I know how long I "lurked" before joining.  I finally started joining various forums after I decided that I wanted to do more than just read what others had written, to also contribute in some way, and ask questions from time to time. 


(I keep a spreadsheet record of checkbook activity, and I easily found that we had dial-up until January of 2008. So that's likely when I started finding out about internet content, and I reckon that it was my younger brother who told me about this site.)

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I have occasionally pointed people here with regards to answering questions they had, but since the forum was closed to guests I don't do that anymore.

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Forum started in 1998 on some open source forum software. Was pretty buggy and required a lot of time to keep it working. Basically as the number of posts grew the index would get corrupted and have to start over. Remember the forum updates when we started anew?? Then went to a commercial product, I think it was vbulletin.  I think they got bought and then support got pricey. Started looking for another solution and ended up going with Invision, partially because they had tools to migrate from the previous vendor. Migration was a pain, but got it done.  Invision has maintained a fair price structure and is good about bug fixes and security updates.  Support has also been good. They are reducing some of their features like the store for physical item sales, which is going away very soon. They don't think they can compete in that market with all the other marketplace solutions available. Same was true of the chat function. 


FYI additional security with the ISP has been implemented and guest access is again available. 

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