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OT-Just trying to figure out this photo-Is this or is it not a male?

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I guess this winter is getting to me already :) Just wondering why anyone in there right mind would wear such an outfit. Maybe its just my age but I still think when one is out in public one should dress accordingly so. Oh well different strokes for different folks!:cool:


MY GOD THAT'S MY EX-WIFE! I told her not to wear that outside. Back to court.


I guess this winter is getting to me already :) Just wondering why anyone in there right mind would wear such an outfit. Maybe its just my age but I still think when one is out in public one should dress accordingly so. Oh well different strokes for different folks!:cool:

Well, I think you nailed it right there.:D



Maybe the colour TV couldn't fit in the trolley..........lol............andyd


Man! that's like a bad wreck on the freeway- you don't want to look, but you just can't help it! Ewww!


People o' Walmart. Some of them folks have to have been "double-dog-dared" :eek: , no other explanation. They just opened a new Super Wally World in North Tonawanda, a mere 1/2 mile down the road from me. Pretty sure it'll make the cut for POW, just have to make sure I'm not caught out looking for Alka Seltzer in the wee hours.......


Be careful guys, his dna was not kind to him. He could dress better I agree but some folk got a bad genetic break at birth and have to live with it.

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