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I'm a big baseball fan. However, you either love or hate the Yankees and I fall into the latter category............love to hate 'em. Good team though. Going to go with Detroit this year in the American League. In the National League, which I like better, going to support the Washington Nationals as I am an old Montreal Expos fan. Anyway, any National League team over the American League counterpart. Enough said?? ..............October baseball is great!!!!


Base Ball is classic, timeless and basically boring. Been to a few games live, but can't watch it on TV. Have been to some yards though. Shea, Yankee Stadium, Fenway, Tigers Stadium, KC, Montreal, Toronto, Cincinnati, What ever the called it where the Marlins played, Angles stadium in Aneheim, Camden Yards, Chavez ravine, Jacobs Field, Three Rivers in Pittsburg, Comisky and Wrigley. Not bad for somebody who doesn't really like the game.............


Just a baseball fan. Son pitchs on a college team. I played and coached in So. Cal. So I lean to the Angels. They sucked the first month. Cost them the playoffs. But look what the A's have done 13 games made up at the end of the season. I would hate to face them right know. A's v/s SF OR Nationals.


It's interesting that the Yankees are often referred to as America's favorite team yet no one likes them. When I was in high school the local pharmacist was a die hard Yankee fan, I disliked them because he liked them. Funny how we chose and reject. When I was younger, I was a Notre Dame fan, then I learned they were a Catholic school and I was mad because I felt they were hiding that, so that I've never been a Notre Dame fan since.

Brewers fan here... Baseball season is over for me, but I'll watch some of the post season. It's Packer season in Wisconsin now. ;)


Im a Jets fan, so its still baseball season for me. Going to be a long year this year....


At one time I lived without the benefit of electricity let alone TV, so I missed all the 'culture' stuff. I was too busy milking cows, branding, dehorning, casterating to keep up with the extra stuff.


who shot JR..was not a question I was looking for the answer too..Instead I was worrying alongside Mary Hartman about how a kitchen floor yellows with wax build up...

drumroll please.....

the person who pulled the trigger was revealed to be Kristin Shepard (played by Mary Crosby) in the "Who Done It?" episode which aired on November 21, 1980. Kristin was J. R.'s scheming sister-in-law and mistress, who shot him in a fit of anger. J. R. did not press charges, as Kristin claimed she was pregnant with his child as a result of their affair

who shot JR..was not a question I was looking for the answer too..Instead I was worrying alongside Mary Hartman about how a kitchen floor yellows with wax build up...

drumroll please.....

the person who pulled the trigger was revealed to be Kristin Shepard (played by Mary Crosby) in the "Who Done It?" episode which aired on November 21, 1980. Kristin was J. R.'s scheming sister-in-law and mistress, who shot him in a fit of anger. J. R. did not press charges, as Kristin claimed she was pregnant with his child as a result of their affair

Thanks Tim for clearing up that question...

I don't believe I ever watched a full episode of Dallas as I wasn't a fan and as a rule I dont watch much TV...However, if I remember correctly, the cute blonde in the series in real life married a country music singer whose claim to fame was a song entitled..."Looking for Love in All The Wrong Places" ;)


I think this thread started as a baseball thread.:D Maybe Texas is more exciting, I would have never thunk it!!:eek:


Don't have regular television, but like to hear about how the Reds are doing. They were the team I remember most when I was a kid in Dayton, OH. Was a huge fan of Bench, Rose, and the rest of the Big Red Machine.

Now that I'm in New England I suppose I'm supposed to love the Sox and hate the Yankees, but I can care less about either of them. Kind of a petty rivalry between the two teams who've traditionally had the largest purses.

Still, I won't go to a game or support anything MLB until the let Rose into the Hall of Fame. Its gonna be a while.




The Rockies don't have a lot of bragging rights this season but they're my team so I support them.

Having played rugby in college I can attest to football being a game for old men and sick women, but I doubt I'll get any arguments about that.


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