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It's official... I have sold my '50...

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Yup, the car is going to a new home in Arlington, Tx. The wire transfer happened a couple of hours ago... and it's officially sold.

I've been trying to sell the car off and on for two years, so I'm not sure if I'm ready to laugh, or cry. Maybe a little of both. I'm sure when the new owner flys out and drives off into the sunset, we will shed a few tears. The car has been a terrific ten year endeavor, lots of incredible memories for my boys, countless online friends, and even more busted knuckles. I couldn't have asked for anything more out of the homely little Plymouth I drug home so many years ago.

I'm sure I'll be checking in to the forum now and again, I've been here daily for so long I'm not sure what else to do with a computer. :D

On to the next chapter, whatever it may be...




Well glad you sold it if it will help out your financial situation. It will sad to see it go, hope the new owners appreciates the blood sweat and tears that went into it.

Don;t be a stranger just cause you don't currently have a MOPAR, perhaps another one will find you down the road.

Were did the sale come from Classifieds or E bay???


Pete its sad you had to sell but you gotta do what you gotta do. Hope the new guy takes good care of it. Tell them of the forum.


Hey man, loved that car hate to see you sell but I do understand. A man can't go to the lengths you did without learning a few things that'll help out the next guy. The car may be gone but you need to pass what you've learned on to the rest of us.

Maybe you could buy a beater to tinker with so you don't go thru withdrawal.:D



You will always be my good friend even though your #2 car is gone. Time to add some prime rib to the mack/cheese/and maters you and your family have been chowing down on. I dont think congrats are approprate but as I have told you food on the table is approprate.

You and I have had a lot of fun bickering, trading thoughts and ideas, corrosponding, and meeting face to face a couple of times because of this forum. It was truely my pleasure to meet with and bicker with you who understood a lot about these old Plymouths. We have had a lot of fun and I will not forget all ther fun we have had.

Unfortunetly this forum has changed. A lot of the new members do not understand even basic concepts (college 101 subjects) although they claim to be educated. But it appears this lack of understanding and repetitive foolish questions is the direction this forum is going.

We had a good ride but I think it will soon be over.



I feel your pain, brother; yesterday I sold my '67 VW Bug after many years of getting it road-worthy. I already miss it and I'm sure I will for some time to come, but I don't need to explain that range of emotions to you.

I don't always read everyone's posts (for the same reasons Don just mentioned) but I never missed yours and, unlike Norm'sCoupe and Tony and a few others who have left us recently, we'll all still be able to chat (and bicker) now-and-then.

The very best to you!



Pete, am pleased that this has happened as I understand the reason for it but as I've said before you and the work you did on the Plymouth have gone a long way to increasing the level of interest and understanding of our Mopars in the automotive community. While I have been playing with mopars for nearly 40 yrs it was your website and the information and more importantly the friendly way you gave that information that has helped not only me but I would think dozens if not hundreds of other mopar fans. Don't become a stranger on here.......I've never met you, have spoken to you once or twice a couple of years ago over the phone, but would be happy to call you a good friend..........it maybe someones elses Plymouth from now on but we'll still know it as "blueskies car"........best wishes and regards, Andy Douglas

Posted (edited)

Cool beans Pete. ^5

If there is anything constant in life it is change, (I think you said that recently), I wish you well.

Edited by jd52cranbrook
Were did the sale come from Classifieds or E bay???

The fellow that bought the car was one of the first guys interested in the car when I first put it up for sale a couple of years ago. For whatever reason, he couldn't put it together then. Fast forward to a few weeks ago, and he saw the ebay auction and decided to make it happen.


Maybe you could buy a beater to tinker with so you don't go thru withdrawal.:D

I still have my '53 chebby pickemup, can't part with it. Would be like cutting off my arm, I've had the truck for nearly 30 years.

If I can swing it, I plan to spend a few bucks from the Plymouth proceeds on a Willys Wagon to run around in the hills with year round. The rest will pay the mortgage...


I know where you're coming from. I had to sell my '66 Charger a year and a half ago 'cause of the economic turndown:(


I know how that works Tom....I've had a lot of great old cars over the past 30 years, some that ran, some that didn't....raising kids and supporting the family usually meant they got sold eventually. I wasn't able to hang on to some I would sure have have liked to, but enjoyed them all while I had them. My kids have been raised for quite a while, and I am able to really dabble with a few old cars now. It's nice, but I wouldn't mind being back there raising those little kids over again either, cars or no cars.
...I wonder if you could be convinced to pick up another old Mopar...

Maybe when my boys get a little older, we'll build another one. A '50 Vert would fit the bill... :)



Well. one good thing- when you build the next one you'll know all the pitfalls and will be able to take care of all the woulda, coulda, shouldas. So sad to see it go, but we're all looking forward to the next one. Thanks for sharing all your expertise and hope you'll share the build of the next.


Pete, both happy and sad for you for all the obvious reasons previously stated. As much as I will miss the car, I will also miss the fabulous pictures of it with the wonderful backgrounds that you put on the forum. Don't be a stranger! All the best.


Say it aint so!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, it's so, I understand. I am not far behind you right now. Our property has been on the market for five years now. We had our first serious inquiry a month or so ago. If it sells I keep my 50 Suburban wagon. If it does not sell, I sell the wagon, sad but true. If you get the Mopar itch I can make you a good deal on a Suburban. As others have said, don't be a stranger, you are one of us. Oil is thicker than water, and blood.


Pete, happy that you'll have the bucks but sad the car will be gone. Like you said, there is always the next chapter and that can be exciting as well.

You and the boys always have the memories.

And we are here and you still have a wealth of knowledge you could share.

Don't be a stranger.



Pete, glad things are working out. i know what it is like, i am down to just 12 cars and 2 boats now after getting laid off two and a half years ago, hated to let the other 14 or so go but gotta do what is good for the pocket book. you will be back when things pick up and you find the right ride and the kids start to drive. keep up on here their is always something interesting going on with Don!:D


Pete I always enjoyed you and your car. If I had the money, or the room, I would have bought it myself. Hate to see you part with it, but you did what you had to do to take care of your family. I commend that.

Thanks for all your help in the past and I'm sure in the future. Your knowledge on this forum is very valuable. Don't become a stranger.


Pete,I'm glad you're part of this group,with you being always helpful answering those with questions in an understanding manner,where you had encountered similar problems and providing excellent photos of your progress building the Plymouth and also photos of the numerous trips you made - great photos.Nice to have inspired others with your enthusiasm.Hope things work out well for you and your family and with a handle like "blueskies",I'm sure they will :)


Pete, sad to see the car go--family first--don`t be a stranger. I picked up a lot of tips from your info posted here, so hang out here when you can. The car will always be Blueskies or else it`s just another 50 Ply---you have a legend car, ya did good.......Lee:D


Pete, sorry to see you and the car go, hope you drop in once ina while like Ritchie Hodge does. Any future Mopars on the horizon......

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