Here in Hobart Indiana, we just built and opened a new high school. It cost $61,000,000.
I was told it has a Starbuck's in the lobby. I said I didn't believe that, but kids that go there said yes, there is, all the schools around here have them.
In 1958 to 1961 I was taught to use a 12" South bend lathe, a shaper and a milling machine. My kids don't know what those things are.
I asked about a metal shop class at the new school and was met with a blank stare and "We don't need that right now".
I am more than willing to pay higher taxes for a new school if it will prepare kids for life, but I have to wonder how much I paid for them to have an overpriced cup of coffee, and what they could have spent that money on instead. Thanks for letting me vent.