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Adam H P15 D30

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Everything posted by Adam H P15 D30

  1. The starter doesn't care its supplied 6v or 12v, just don't drive down the street on the starter. I would get a new coil and measure the primary resistance, most will be 1.5 ohms. On a 12v point ignition, you need a total of 3.0 ohms primary resistance. Purchase the appropriate ballast resistor to achieve 3.0 ohms and install it on the ignition side of the coil. Maybe a new condenser but I left the old ones in place if they were in good condition.
  2. If the top picture is what you have in the car, the fluid drive coupling is there. The transmission in the bed is a standard 3 speed, not hydrive. The bell housing looks to be for a standard clutch so it is safe to assume the 3 speed trans next to it has the short input shaft and can't be used with the fluid drive coupling in the top picture. Also, my Wayfarer uses the "stubby" transmission (shorter than yours shown) so you my need to shorten your driveshaft. If you move the 3 speed and standard clutch to a FD engine, some machining may be necessary to make the starter engage the flywheel ring gear correctly because of the above mentioned thicker crank flange. The late Don Coatney did a write up on this with pictures. Hope this helps....
  3. I usually HATE to go this route because it makes it really difficult on a shop but if you didn't authorize the transmission work on a repair order they are in violation of several automotive repair rules. At least you are not obligated to pay any charges you did not authorize on a repair order. Did you sign anything when you returned to the shop to have them recheck the work? Laws vary state to state, where are you located? EDIT: Just read back and I saw you're in Illinois. You have easy recourse especially if there wasn't a second repair invoice written and signed when you brought the car back. https://illinoisattorneygeneral.gov/consumers/autorepair_act.html
  4. Lay it face down on a flat surface, does it rock? Should be slightly convex
  5. Have them refaced by the machine shop. The one on the right looks like garbage
  6. Did you have them replace the muffler and tailpipe or did they do something with the manifold? Have you looked at the manifold to determine where the leak is now? Is it something they messed with? I would go pick up your car and determine where the leak is for yourself. If it's a workmanship issue on their part, did you pay with a credit card? If so, dispute the charge, that usually gets their attention. If it is not related to their work, then you have the car at home and you can fix it. P.S. Take pictures of the problem when you find it so we can help here.
  7. I know you have already decided not to go with the conversion but you could've cut your costs / complexity by a lot if you used an A500 or A518 overdrive TF instead of the Gear Vendors OD.
  8. Hard to tell if you did but make sure to run some sort of spacer between the plate and control arm.
  9. Good point Tim, add a 1/4-1/2 inch spacer to make it all work. Also, if it bolts together it makes it much easier to disassemble the control arm to get to the seals if needed.
  10. Good point Merle! The newer switches may not be able to handle the extra amps in a 6v system. Since none of my cars remained 6v, I never thought of that.
  11. If the wires in you picture are for the dome light switch, you only need one wire. The switch should ground to the body when on. Dome lights usually are ground side switched
  12. Much easier and plenty strong. How good of a welder are you?
  13. I feel your pain with the current crop of people at the parts counter. I have a paper NAPA catalog that I find what I need and give them a part number to order. Better yet, here is a quick search at Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Warner-S194-Hydraulic-Stoplight-Switch/dp/B000E72NLI/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=stop+light+switch&qid=1604598987&refinements=p_89%3ABorgWarner&rnid=2528832011&s=automotive&sr=1-3 or here: https://www.amazon.com/ACDelco-U855-Professional-Brake-Switch/dp/B0012OZO1I/ref=pd_sbs_263_1/134-9558945-0900459?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B0012OZO1I&pd_rd_r=fcaedf03-59cb-4746-ad12-199ea1965767&pd_rd_w=4Xvd7&pd_rd_wg=b0Af7&pf_rd_p=ed1e2146-ecfe-435e-b3b5-d79fa072fd58&pf_rd_r=Q0ZYC4Y60363DERKRTCV&psc=1&refRID=Q0ZYC4Y60363DERKRTCV
  14. I used the Rusty Hope kit on my 49 and couldn't be happier. Added a modern rear axle with modern drum brakes in the rear, pulled the factory check valve out of the stock master cylinder and the braking improvement was quite noticeable. Plus you don't have to use fancy tools to get the correct adjustment. My drum brakes worked as designed when I changed them out but I also drive mine a lot in San Francisco traffic so disc brakes are a must, if you live in a less populated (crazy) area maybe drums would do ok, NOT HERE. https://www.rustyhope.com/mopar-disc-brakes
  15. NAPA has the male prong switches but I don't know the application. Pressure settings should be compatible no matter what switch is used.
  16. I would bolt it to the bottom, not weld it
  17. Thank you Keith, saw your video here and on FB. You really have that car tuned well. My 49 always takes 10 or so seconds of cranking after sitting for a couple of weeks, the fuel drains all the way back to the tank. Might look at a fuel pump replacement after watching your video? Just for clarification, you did use your priming pump in this video? Maybe my fuel pump is fine...
  18. Buy 2 Ignitors so when it fails unexpectedly, you have a spare to get you home. It will let you down so prepare....
  19. Curious if you have a video of a cold start after sitting a few weeks?
  20. Love driving mine at night because of this ^^^^^ view
  21. Yes, my 49 also had a small drain plug. Lots of scraping on the the housing to find it but it's there.
  22. Here it is guys and gals.... I'm not cutting my brand new driveshaft. https://sfbay.craigslist.org/pen/pts/d/menlo-park-chrysler-dodge-hemi-c/7203882881.html
  23. I found an R10 locally for $400.00, it's listed as a "core" but is complete. Now that I'm thinking about it, I might just pick it up.... BTW, $400.00 is a really good price!
  24. What I would do: Get a catalog Use the 230 crank Use the 218 rods Find a modern piston with an acceptable bore size and correct height for your crank/rod combo Balance the assembly Pros are - longer rod, modern piston design, modern ring pack
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