You will want to get new rubber mounts for the engine, new gaskets, and seals,, new pistons, rings. Rods can be reused if not in bad shape. New crank and rod bearings especially if they require machining.New timing gears and chain, new water distribution tube if yours is corroded. Valves and seats can be reused depending on condition, freeze plugs need to be replaced after boiling out the block. New valve guides.. Might want to get a new oil pump but I reused mine. Water pump, new h9ses and belts, new thermostat. Some folks get new heabolts some clean up and reuse the old ones.. if you choose new,, keep the ones that have the threaded heads.they come in handy. New spark plugs wires and tune up stiff for the distributor number on the dist data plate starts with three letters.
Look at what is available from different sources. Egge for rings and pistons, vintage power wagons, Terrell machine parts for internal parts, Robert's motor parts, Andy burnbaum. And a couple others. Money can be saved by shopping different sources rather than getting a kit from one vendor.