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Everything posted by desoto1939

  1. I have two shutoff valves on my 39 Desoto. One is on the head at the back where the water comes out of the head and the other at the bypass. This enables me to completely shutoff any water flow tot he heater. Hartung
  2. Here is a picture of what I think you are looking for. The unit on the bottom is a shutoff valve that can screw right into the bypass unit and the one on the top is the curve hose tube. Not there is not hole drilled into the bottom of the unit. I have several of the tube model. I like the use of the shutoff vale because you can then control the flow of the water going to returning back to the radiator via the heater core. Rich Hartung desoto1939@aol.com
  3. to remove the WDT water distribution tube you need to remove the water pump. Then when looking at the front of the engine block you will see the hole in the shape of a half moon affect. This where the WDT is located and inserted into the engine block. To remove the WDT you might also have to remove the radiator to have enough clearance to pullthe tube out of the block. You will also need a long rod with a hook at the end to help put the wdt out of the block If you are real nice a lucky it just might come out as one unit. refer to the the technical section and there is some discussion on how and tools to use to get the WDT out of the block. Good Luck Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
  4. We we used the old 39 Desoto to take the bride which is a friend of the family to get married. I was al dressed up and not in my regular greasy clothes. Guess you can dress up the old one, not the car, but the 65 year old guy and the wife was making make look better than I am. So I guess you can take the guy out of the garage and occasionally and put him in a nice suit. Ok, I am ready for the remarks and they better be goods one about the wife and no me. Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
  5. You could have your dampener rebuilt by the dampendoc do a search and you will find his information do the search on google. his email is sales@damperdoctor.com website www.damperdoctor.com Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
  6. the secret to getting a long life or use span it keeping it charged all the time. I have attended the AACA Convention and workshops in Philadelphia and this has been a topic on battery life. The secret is to have a battery tender on the car when it is sitting in your garage or storage area. The charge keeps the plates from losing their metal compound and flaking and keeps them a full level. I got a battery tender at my local Costco and have it on my battery at all times. I can send pictures of my setup if anyone needs to see the unit. Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol
  7. Also you can go to the Monroe Shock web page and also do a search for the current numbers for front and rear. Front 5752 rears 31000 Rich HArtung desoto1939@aol.com
  8. Update on the gas tank install 9/14/16 11:30 EST. Installed the tank last night and made all the connections. Put approx. two gallons in the tank. No drips at any of the connection points such as gas line coming out of the tank, petcock bolt to empty the tank and no leaks on the filler tube. Let it sit for a half hour, then turned on the electric fuel pump to pump gas up to the engine. Started the car and rechecks all points again and stillno leaks. Going to let it sit for some more time and then will drive to get more gas in the tank. Great learning experience for me to remove the tank and put it back into the car. Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
  9. I saw a brand new Ammco Safe Arc on the Bay asking 1700.00 clams I offered oysters but he refused. Also make sure you get the setup book for the arcing tool. Currently the miller brake tool is going for 600+ on Ebay with 6 sleeves. Hartung
  10. Andydodge: Yes I also thought there might be the ferrule in the line. This is why I took pictures for the group to show what I had as original lines that were and are still good. Just the tapered connector at the gas tank failed and cracked. The tank is back in the car and bolted up snugly and the lines are connected and also the line to supply the gas to the tank from the fender opening. Hopefully on Wed I will get som etime to partially fill the tank to see if there are any leaks grossing my finger that there are none. Great learning experience for me. Rich Hartung
  11. Yes a few words at that I would say soooooooooo. Got the tank fixed and to reinstall back into the 39 Desoto. Rich Hartung
  12. Just got the tank returned to me this afternoon. I have a great mechanic that has experience with the older cars. He installed a new fitting into the tank. See picture and now I will put the tank back into the car. Rich Hartung
  13. I took the left rear tire off the car and disconnected the fuel supply line from the tank. I noticed that when I heard the snap it was not the internal ferrule but it was the flared connector that scews into the tank. Also the main fuel line is also flared on my 39 Desoto. So I know the 37-39 fuel tanks where all the same number for Chrysler/Desoto/Dodge and Plymouth. So I quess you can assume that Mopar did away with the internal furrell on the compression fitting. I dropped the tank and have taken it to my mechanic to have them remove the fitting and to install a new one. Will try to attach pictures of the cracked fitting and the flared fuel line. Will keep you posted on the repairs. Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
  14. I discovers a leak at the fuelline where it connects to the tank. I tried to tighten the nut on the line where it connects into the fitting on the fuel tank. The drip stoped but still saw a SMALL leak. I tighten it up somemore then heard a snap. I have drained the tank of all gas. So would they fuel line be a single flare or a double flare setup ANy help asspreciated. I will be pulling the rear wheel and then unscrew the line on Tuesday but just wanted to see if anyones the answer. Rich HArtung Desoto1939@aol.com cell 484-431-8157 .
  15. I have the Ammco Brake Gage tool 1750.  I rent out the tool. If you need to use the tool let me know and we can arrange for the toolto be shipped to you. I ask for a $400 down payment on the tool. As you know this tool is hard to find and the average cost is $400-600 on ebay.  I use you deposit money to ship and insure the tool to your home. You use it then return also insured for $400.  I inspect returned tool. then refund all but the shipping and ins cost and keep a useage fee of $25.  This fee is used to purchase other Mopar Fatory tools to support the maintenance of our older cars.  Let me know if you need the rent the tool. 


    Rich Hartung


    Cell 484-431-8157

  16. On the first picture this is the eccentric pin that control the heel of the brake shoe. This is an eccentric pins and is not a perfect circle. You have a metal clip that goes in a slot to hold the brake shoe onto this anchor pin. But on your example it does not look to be the horseshoe type clip or otherwise known as a c clip. There is a flat washer that has felt on the inside of the washer cup. This should also get a light oil on the felt waster. The oil keeps the eccentric pin wet with a slight film of oil to permit the shoe to pivot on the pin, Do not over oil the felt washer. So do you have a homemade lip or is this the correct style for your car. Do not adjust the eccentric pins unless you have access to an Ammco brake gage 1750 tool or you will then have your brake shoes out of alignment. Rich Hartung
  17. Walt: A lot has change since 1977. All of the dirt fields are no longer used. The old White field which was the airport is just used for overflow parking. The chocolate field, Green Field is all now paved parking lots. The parking lot over by the old stadium is also full of vendors when you were there they used this section for the car show. The car show is now held on the Golf course. It is huge and wear good comfortable walking shoes because your will have tired feet at the end of the day. the old Red field which had the major hill in the middle is also gone they are now using this section as part of the amusement park. Looking forward to meeting up with you. Rich Hartung
  18. Ok, well we are only less than a month to go and the great car show and swap meet will again be held in Hershey PA starting Wed Oct 5 to Saturday Oct 8,2016 For anyone that has never been to this event there are approx. 8-10000 venders yes that is a correct number. The event is held on paved parking lots, but remember there is always the chance of the liquid sunshine or otherwise know as RAIN. so bring your rain gear along. Is there any members that are planning to atend and if so list the days that you might be attending the event. It would be nice if we all could get together on a specific day to meet each other to say hello and put a face to some of the members that have been posting articles on this forum. If you plan to attend then list your name dates and cellphone number if you wan to. If there are several people attending then I will try to arrange a date and time and specific meeting location. So who is in to going? Rich Hartung Thursday and Friday Oct 6/7 cell 484-431-8157
  19. Ok, well we are only less than a month to go and the great car show and swap meet will again be held in Hershey PA starting Wed Oct 5 to Saturday Oct 8,2016 For anyone that has never been to this event there are approx. 8-10000 venders yes that is a correct number. The event is held on paved parking lots, but remember there is always the chance of the liquid sunshine or otherwise know as RAIN. so bring your rain gear along. Is there any members that are planning to atend and if so list the days that you might be attending the event. It would be nice if we all could get together on a specific day to meet each other to say hello and put a face to some of the members that have been posting articles on this forum. If you plan to attend then list your name dates and cellphone number if you wan to. If there are several people attending then I will try to arrange a date and time and specific meeting location. So who is in to going? Rich Hartung Thursday and Friday Oct 6/7 cell 484-431-8157
  20. Hershey AACA National Fall Eastern Car Show
  21. Hershey PA AACA Annual Fall swap meet and car show
  22. Hershey PA AACA Annual Fall meet and car show
  23. October 5th thru Saturday Oct 8th The Great Hershey Swap Meet and Car show. Most venders are not setup on Saturday because of the car show So the best days to find parts are Wed-Friday. Anyone planning on Attending maybe we can get together on a specific day during the week. Rich Hartung
  24. I had a clutch job done on my 39 Desoto and after the car was returned it was running rough not smooth the mechanic stated that the HB needed to be replaced. After it was replaced this smoothed out the engine vibrations. This was done about 25 years ago. I put in a NOS unit Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
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