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Everything posted by desoto1939

  1. If you change to Dot 5 Silcone then you will need to flush the entire braking system with denatured alcohol. Then have to rebuild allthe rubber parts in the wheel cylinders, new hoses front and rear and also rebuild the master cyclinder. The entire system has to be clear of any and all od brake fluid. Rich Hartung desoto1939@aol.com
  2. I would just use a toggle switch to run the pump. This way you can control when the pump is no of off. Also remember that you have positive ground on your car. So on the pump the positive wire will go the frame and the negative wire on the pump will go to the power side to run the pump. These are a pusher pump so the closer to the gas tank the better. Most guys use these as primer pumps. Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
  3. Well here is my suggestion. I just looked in my 1939 Desoto Service manual and the mechanical fuel pump puts out 3 1/2 to 4 1/2 pounds. I have the Airtex E8902 which gives 2.5 to 4 lbs. It is basically a primer pump for me. I would suggest that you check your service manual on your car. Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
  4. Put a piece of wood againt the back of the brake pedal and wedge ino to the floor board. This wil lprecent the brake pedal from pushing down
  5. If on a dirt floor then I would put some plywood down first. The moisture that come up from the floor or dirt is not good for the undercarriage. The flat spot evens out as the tires start to roll on the pavement and they warm up and the biaply then becomes plyable and the flat spot is removed. Does not take long for a flat spot to form when sitting. Just think of all the weight on the tires from the entire body and engine. Give it a try and let us know how you make out. It just might be this simple trick. Rich Hartung
  6. On the autolite you need to take off the cap at the back of the horn. There isa screw and undo it and the cap comeoff. There are points in theis section and you can adjust th points. You can test with a 6 v battery charger. Not sure of the other but would assume they work similar. This is how I adjusted my trumpet horns on my 39 Desoto. Rich Hartung desoto1939@aol.com
  7. Try this fix. Put some old carpet under each wheel when you park the car. This is helpful when on a cement floor. This will stop the flat spot. I have had bia ply on my 39 Desoto for 20 + years and my car has always had a rug under the entire car. I do not ever get a flat spot. Also was told this at a local museum that has 100K valued cars. They have rug pieces under each tire and all are bia ply cared tires. Rich Hartung desoto1939@aol.com
  8. I would clean the cap to get rid of the excess oil and also the fill pipe. You might have some blow-by ding out the bottom end of the oilfiller tube alittle and make it tighter fit in the hole that is in the block. clean up the excess oil on the block and then watch for oil coming out of the filler tube. if tight should not get any oil if loose then this might be the reason why the oil in on the tube and block. Rich Hartung
  9. on the air horn where the fitler element attaches there isa flange that should haveanumber stamped into it what is the number. This will tell us if you have the proper carb on your car. rich hartung
  10. First measure the height from the floor to the highest point on your car. Then I would at least add another 6-12 inches. so this would be the total height that you would need to raise the car plus the height that you just calculated. So if car is say 5ft 6inches high then you shouldneed about 6 more feet above the current top of the roof to raise the car. And again it is also determined what other car you are parking under the dodge. if a convertible then less romm is need. So you can only determine the total amount of height that you need. ALso can your next garage support the removal of trusses or stick framing and willyou also have to have I beams installed and wil lthe concrete floor support the lift and its weight with the car on it. Is the floor level without any cracks the floor has to be sound in construction. Rich HArtung .
  11. According to my 1937-52 TriState Mopar catalog which deals with strictly Mopar parts the clutch release bearing Sleeve spring from 1938-52 are all the same number 671915. This is the catalog that all mopar distributor used. So if you have a parts book for your car and I hope you do. This is the basic book that you should have then you can verify the number in your parts book for your car. It would be in the Clutch section. I would think that 1953 would be the same number. Again this is why collecting the various catalogs on the early mopar cars/trucks is so important. I have this catalog on CD and is also a great reference catalog for all mopar owners. Rich HArtung Desoto1939@aol.com
  12. This rich Hartung: I have an Autolite catalog that has all of this information in the catalog and also a great deal of other information regarding the 41 desoto inregards to the original Autolite parts. Contact me when you get some time. I also sent you a PM with my information. Rich Hartung
  13. I just lookd in my autolotile catalog. If your hosuing is cracked the correct housing is autolite IGS-2111 used on: Beyondrepair please contact me I have lots of info that you could use Chry 1941 Des 1941 Dodge 1941-42 Dodge truck 41-42 Fargo 41-42 Ply 41-42 Ply truck 41 I do have the miller tool that is use to remove and install the two bushings in the dizzy body. Let me know if you need to use the tool The body of the dizzy that is in the picture according to my catalog is not the correct one that will work on his 41 Desoto. Also suggest that you put an advertisement on the NAtional Desoto Club Webpage. Are you a member of the NDC? Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
  14. The 41 Desoto used an Autolite dizzy. IGS-4113-1 IGS4202-1 Chrysler 6 1941 also used the same dizzy This was taken from my Autolite catalog Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
  15. I think it is April 23,23. I live in Audubon, just next to valley forge park. Small world. Rich Hartung
  16. Real nice version on your recreation. The big MC swap meet is going to be held in Oley PA this month and there are a lot of old Indian MC that show up. All of the big name collectors and sellers are there every year. I am hoping to attend and if I do I will take some pictures and post on the forum. Hartung
  17. Jeff I sent you a PM. Have a Borg Warner Clutch catalog. I see 1 3/8 clutches. Send me you hom e email can copy the data for you. Or get the whole catalog on cd for 15 + 3 for shipping. Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
  18. what year and what make and model on the BIke/MC More photos of the backup transportation would be nice also. I collect antique bicycles. HAve a tandem from 1890's with the origina wooden rims. It is a Ladies front Mens rear and it is a double steering bicke. You can steer from the rear back seat. Also a 1920's track bicycle that has BSA hubs and crankset and stillhas the wooden rims Modern tandem Santan from the 1980, Schwin Paramont from 1975 and a Motobecane trouring from 1971. Used this to go across the USA in 1976. Williamsburg Va to San Fran in 60 days carrying my own gear on the bicycle. Did about 60 - 80 miles a day. . Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
  19. If the switch has a light on it then the 12v switch would be a dull color. It just a switch then it should not matter. It is just controlling the flow of electricity. rich hartung
  20. . If jacking up from the side of the car use the frame near the rear wheel. Fron tire can be don ethe sameway of on the fron under the lower control arm when you can make good contact with the floor jack. The problem with the diff is that the car is raise in the middle and now you have a balance issue unless you put jack stands under the alxe at the end to get a point where the car will be firm and steady. Rich HArtung
  21. Bingster: JAckup the car at each wheel. put some wood under each wheel so now you have a hard surface for the wheel to roll on. then put some more wood so the car a roll forward. . It is easier to pull on a wooden surface. Just some thoughts, Rich Hartung
  22. Dale HAve you used an AMMCO brake Gage 1750 to check the brake shoes adjustments. Did you replace any of the wheel cylinder push rods with new push rods. People have been having issue with the new pushrods in the new rebuild kits and they are a little longer then the originals. Rich HArtung desoto1939@aol.com
  23. Yes, when these old vets come back to the reactment, they sometimes have some issue. I have ssen when some of the vets have walked into one of the canvas tents that are setup and you see on their face and a reaction of being take back immediately to the time when they served. I have even seen some start to cry because of what just the smell of the tents does to them. Some of the vets you have to treat with kid gloves and let them decide when they want to talk about their experience. You have to be very patient with them. It was a very difficult time in their life so now you know why the vets from Viet NAm have issues. The medic that I talked to was very vocal when the son said I could talk to his dad. the first thing that I did was shake his hand and thanked him for serving and that my dad was also in WWII. That sortof open the door. He was telling me some stories that I can not repeat her of what happened on Ohmaha Beach on D-Day bu they definitely called Hitler the DEVIL and he said they several times. I do get mad when some of the spectators do not stand and remove their hats when the Star Spangle Banner is played, but we remind these people to stand still in respect of our vets and our current soldiers that are serving. They get the point. This has been lost in our schools to display the respect for the American Flag. Enough of the soapbox. Rich Hartung
  24. To remove the trim I would go to an autoparts store and then get the plastic trim removal tools. do not use the metal tools you are going to scratch the paint. Before trying to remove any trim look on the inside of the hood to see if there are any bolts that might be hold the trim in place. Then carefully pry off the bottom of the trim and little at a time and then go along the entire length of the trim. Most cars used metal clips. When we did the trim on my 39 Desoto we replaced the clips with plastic clips. If you go to a good automotive paint supplier they should have a selection of trim clips. Take a piece of the trim with you and get a clip that is a good fit in the space and then get the clips that has the plastic stud to push into the hole in the body. You might have to experiment with several styles. The nice part about the new plastic is that it willnot rust and leave rust marks on the body and paint. Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
  25. it is a shame that you do not live closer to Reading Pa. Every june around June 6th to celebrate the remembrance of D-Day the reading airport or Mid Atlantic Ari Museum hosts a 3 day total WWII reenactment event. I have been attending the event for over 10+ years with my 1939 Desoto. They also have several Plymouth and dodge staff cars in the event. Every campaign that happened is represented along with a German contingency, MASH units, Allthe renanctors are in full authentic WWII outfits. They even have a person playing McArthur. They also have a lot of the old war birds onsite which include B17. B25, P51 Mustangs Cosairs. If you can make it down just for the day you would taken back to a time in history. We are still getting some the WII vets but this is getting less and less each year. It is a great experience to talk to these vets. Last year I met a Medic that served on Omhama Beach on D-Day and then had a great 1/2 hour talk with this gentleman. Later on that day I met a Vet that served at Guadalcanal. Several years ago was talking with a vet that was a rear gunner on a B17 that was shot down and about his story of being captured and how an English Dr was able to save his leg because he got some Shaprenal in his calf. Rich Hartung Desoto1939@aol.com
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