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You guys are doing it tough over there. It was 71 here last night and will be around 89 today. Hopefully the storms predicted for later on will bring some good rain.

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You guys are doing it tough over there. It was 71 here last night and will be around 89 today. Hopefully the storms predicted for later on will bring some good rain.


I was wondering when you summer guys would comment!


Was down to 9 degrees Monday night in southwest Missouri.....with up to 3 inches of snow. Back up to 41 in the late afternoon today (Tues). We are currently in Florida, about 30 miles north of Tampa....the temps today were in the 40s and lower 50s. Not exactly beach weather. Will be returning back to MO by Sat afternoon.


Check out the weather around Buffalo, NY upwards of 4-5 feet of snow

....and we're the top story in National news, to boot!  Alas, this is going to foment that bad reputation we have for winter weather.  (Even tho its technically not winter yet :eek: .)  I'm tellin' ya, it's a bad rap.  One or two little storms and your branded.  At least common sense made a rare appearance in Uncle Sam's house and that meeting in D.C. I was supposed to go to is postponed - half the folks attending are from this area, and none of them (yours truly included) were enthusiastic about trying to get through his stuff.   


We haven't had a lot of snow here yet (couple inches so far) but yesterday we did set a record. Coldest High temp on record for Nov 18th. It got up to a balmy 18 degrees in Milwaukee yesterday.

Sure feels like winter has set in around here.




There are so many ways to go with that comment, that I will refrain, as to not offend any particular religious group. :eek:


Our weather and temps have been flip flopping like a fish out of water..but we not so many days ago had a nice crisp frost and we all know that trigger color changes...my trees are now afire....bit later but we are finally here...






Just needs some more software to run by it self after being setup to do the area by itself with some of those sensors being used on the new cars to deal with any deviations as required. An outside snow gauge to open the garage door and get it running during heavy snow falls while you sleep??


Self park and close up the garage! Now you would really have somthin" !! :rolleyes:




Hey that little Roboplow is pretty impressive.


It just needs a big saltshaker on the tail end...


well that stuff looked pretty light, I think a tracked vehicle would do better.  Cool concept and cool build.  I doubt it'd really work well once you've got some decent banks of snow built up at your edges (no place for it to go).


Looks like we might actually get some rain and high winds here, enough that there is concern about power outages and flooding. Too warm a storm to help on snow at the areas I normally ski at but we can hope it is a start to a rainy season that makes a dent in the drought.



I see our friends in Northern California had to break out there bumbershoot, slickers, and galoshes today. Hope Tod Fitch and all the others are able to keep there heads above water.



No particular issues here. Yet.


We have a flat roof that can be prone to leaking but I took a look at it yesterday and cleaned the drains. So far I've seen no leaks.  During some of the heavier showers earlier today my street did get water up to the top of the curbs but there is enough camber in the pavement that the center area was usable.


Now that I've noted no issues, there will likely be a tree falling on the power lines to my house or something.


Been raining since about 1pm today, still going at about 10:15pm just a steady medium to heavy rain , maybe 2' -3" by now .Tod F. In the bay area of Ca.  probably got more!  Just watched the late news and said we should get some more Very heavy rains overnight 2-3 hr.s worth then a slow down for the weekend. We need it, just not in a short time.


Paul, what's up in the lower central valley of Ca. where you live??


Been raining since about 1pm today, still going at about 10:15pm just a steady medium to heavy rain , maybe 2' -3" by now .Tod F. In the bay area of Ca.  probably got more!  Just watched the late news and said we should get some more Very heavy rains overnight 2-3 hr.s worth then a slow down for the weekend. We need it, just not in a short time.


Paul, what's up in the lower central valley of Ca. where you live??


I've gotten local reports from people who live off I-5 at the top of the Grapevine. Apparently 1 to 2 inches of snow at the 5,000 foot level and 5 to 6 inches at around the 6,000 foot level. Based on that, I would expect that Bakersfield got some rain.


Clovis CA got about 1.5" in the past 24 hrs, judging by the bucket on my patio. It wasn't nearly as violent as predicted though.


Some people on the coast are having mudslides, so the weather here is inconsequential.


Except it drives me indoors to work on the motorcycle instead of the car.


Here's a pic of the bike just after I rode it over Tioga Pass in a thunderstorm. Pretty exciting when there's standing water on the road and you're at 10,000 feet with lightning striking the peaks just above you. I kept riding while every other biker was parked under a tree as I went by. I was told never to hide under a tree in lightning.



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We had about 1.5" of rain here in 24 hrs. That's pretty good for us.

We started a homeless encampment on the patio this week.











OK, just kidding...

Those are my boat and car parts under wraps for the winter. icon_mrgreen.gif


wait till you are building harness that have mega wires coming into a small box with front and back terminal strips and each harness MUST be hand laced on breakout....now you having fun...

Way back when I worked at a aerospace defense plant where they used rolls of waxed black nylon lacing tape that was maybe 1/8" wide. There was a prescribed lacing and tying method the women on the line used and it made for very neat wiring harnesses.


I wouldn't mind having some of that lacing tape but they sure don't stock it at the electronics supply places near me. They expect you to use wire ties or loom tubing. Any idea where lacing tape could be found?

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