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Okay, getting back to work on my truck, have the rear fender all welded up, hammered out, these fenders were and are extremely rough. I also have a pair of rough round fenders on the 1952 high side box. getting any other fenders and box are not in the cards right now, unless they are dirt cheap.

I also have athe running boards to match the rectangular 55/56 fenders, they have been extensvely repaired too.

I am thinking the rectanular fenders are the best look for this truck, but maybe if I got a nice set of round fenders, what do you all thinks???






I like the round ones... :)

Of coarse you do GTK, I like em too. But on the later model trucks do they look right........


Im guessing you want to know what we "think" vs. help you "decide" :D


I did a poll awhile back about which type o' fender you liked best.

It was pretty close but round fenders prevailed.


I like round.




I'm kindof impartial.  I have round ones on my '49,always have always will.  From a practical standpoint,since you have the running boards for the rectangular ones, I'd use them.


Thanx Guys I have a seen aa 55 Dodge or Fargo truck with the rounds and no running boards it looks good. I do see the box o these trucks are not as asthecially designed  as they could be, but heck they are trucks.

Keven send me a PM with your asking price, could have them shipped to Pembina ND to save cros border shipping charges....thanx Fred ps going with rounds is not period correct for this truck, but it is a mish/mash of 4 trucks, so it wouldn't big that biga deal.....



I like the round ones, but I don't think they look right on that era truck. Your truck is looking good like that Fred. I like the side boards too.



Thanx Merle, made those up last Sunday with some pine lumber laying around here, will make nicer ones out of oak or maple in the future...


Of coarse you do GTK, I like em too. But on the later model trucks do they look right........

not to me they dont


Okay have a dilemna, the left fender is warped badly along the edge that bolts to the box, the Guy that did the repair did not get this edge straight, but hey it was real bad.

I did not work on these fenders, but had it done where I work, so they were pretty hopeless.

The edge has no holes punched to bolt onto the box, so another PITA.

I may have to take Keven up on His offer to buy the round fenders.

I will continue to search for better specimens but there not that plentiful.

I also do not have the holes drilled on the box to mtach the later rectangular fenders either, not a big deal.

I may do as the Guy did with His red Fargo, and go with the rounds and no running boards.

A lot of these boxes and fenders over the years get beat up and/or rusted....thanx all


You know it was basically the same hi side bed and long fenders from your truck up til 1985 right......start hitting the scrap/salvage/car yards Fred! :) Surely you could find a decent pair somewhere.... :cool:


You know it was basically the same hi side bed and long fenders from your truck up til 1985 right......start hitting the scrap/salvage/car yards Fred! :) Surely you could find a decent pair somewhere.... :cool:

Up here so much is gone by way of the crushers, the price of tin was high and when that happened, everything and anything was hauled to the scrap bin.

I did find a 53 fargo tonight locally will look at it tomorrow, it's a parts truck....


Snake in a box, guarding valueable "treasure", heavy weight in treasure chest. Rooster telling me which way the wind is blowing, someone  hand made this weathervane, completely by hand and no instructions, and it works great




Yup, something like that is right in the area, but have not heard anything back yet, and have no idea what shape the rear fenders and running boards are in.

Like Minnesota, Manitoba sheet metal can be rusty from eyars of sand slush and salt in winter. Montana, the Southwest and even up parts of Alberta Canada , have nice dry tin....


The decison on style and type is now complete.

I decided to go with the rectangle shaped 1953 and later trucks.

I had these repaired, usally I do my own welding, but had others give me a hand on this, 1 fender is not that great, and the other is not so bad.

The outer mount edge was mostly rusted, so all new metal, but another problem, no factory fender bolt holes, the other snag, no bolt holes drilled on the box sides for this type of fender. So with pictures, and measurements, I drilled new holes on both fenders and box. I just hope I am close for the running boards, once I get those back, and I think I am .

The pics, and I like the look, can hardly wait to go at thses with fillers and primers....






Looking good Fred. Is the bed from a '48-'52 truck? That would explain the lack of holes for the fenders.



Hi Merle and thanx for the "thumbs up". Yes the box is from a 52, but I made it work, economical restorations are a good thing, as a friend quoted.....


Some pics of the running boards partially repaire, still need to weld on under the reinforcement channel that attaches to the L brackets on truck.

They are coming out rather well, will have them sandblasted, then prime and paint black, same for bumpers.

Also a pic of unidentified specimen, the blue o it, is the blue I will be painting the truck.

Can anyone identify this item in that picture?






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