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Nice car and welcome. Ok we already have a JLo car someone needs to name one of these sir mix a lot.


Welcome! Make sure you go to the host page of the p15 d24 wesite and read all the information that is there regarding these great cars. And remember with fluid drive its important to have a working parking brake, or wheel chocks, as there is no engine braking when the engine is off.

  Young Ed said:
Nice car and welcome. Ok we already have a JLo car someone needs to name one of these sir mix a lot.

I was thinking "Ba-donk-a-donk" but "sir mix a lot" works too.

OD reads 78k. I bought car(march 2012) from a collector that found it in barn last fall (2011). He claimed it was parked in a barn in 1966 (last date on title) and the previous owner began the prep work for re-paint and never finished the job. Only parts missing are hub caps and small stainless trim between hood and door (from photos I see this is fairly common). front fender spears and lower sill moulding is in car. It has the Mopar heater too. Engine bay is 100% complete including battery! I'm going to go through the motor, who knows? maybe she still runs!

  waltwd24 said:
I was thinking "Ba-donk-a-donk" but "sir mix a lot" works too.

I'm going to go through the motor, who knows? maybe she still runs!

Ha ba-donk-a-donk is a good one too! I wonder how many of the old guys on here get that one :D Don C?

Yes I would certainly try it and I wouldn't be surprised with a little tinkering if you can get it to run. Likely to have stuck rings or valves though.

  Don Coatney said:
Are you callin me old?

I'm pretty sure thats what I did yup. Got your readers on to see what I wrote?

  greg g said:
Welcome! Make sure you go to the host page of the p15 d24 wesite and read all the information that is there regarding these great cars. And remember with fluid drive its important to have a working parking brake, or wheel chocks, as there is no engine braking when the engine is off.

Thanks! yep I have a wheel chock and the info here has been very good. Started pre-soaking spark plugs and other nut/bolts before I do some initial inspection of the motor. The only "shade tree" mechanic item I see at this point is the garden hose/heater hose swap... all other hoses are connected. I don't see any freeze plugs popped,original wiring seems to be intact and not hacked,has a complete exhaust system, radiator fins are pristine, not bent. starter, fuel pump are present. dipstick shows oil (not clean, but not sludge either). engine block is pretty clean, no external oil or sludge build up. Sure looks like she was running ok when put up.

serial no. on drivers door matches title 3089 3607

two plates on firewall drivers side. Larger (top) I cannot read, smaller (bottom) one has 14198 TPC stamped on it. Firewall is stamped 13198







  waltwd24 said:
Thanks! yep I have a wheel chock and the info here has been very good. Started pre-soaking spark plugs and other nut/bolts before I do some initial inspection of the motor. The only "shade tree" mechanic item I see at this point is the garden hose/heater hose swap... all other hoses are connected. I don't see any freeze plugs popped,original wiring seems to be intact and not hacked,has a complete exhaust system, radiator fins are pristine, not bent. starter, fuel pump are present. dipstick shows oil (not clean, but not sludge either). engine block is pretty clean, no external oil or sludge build up. Sure looks like she was running ok when put up.

serial no. on drivers door matches title 3089 3607

two plates on firewall drivers side. Larger (top) I cannot read, smaller (bottom) one has 14198 TPC stamped on it. Firewall is stamped 13198

Good solid looking car you are starting with. For what it is worth, here is what the serial number implies:

Serial Number 3089 3607

Found in range 30799738 to 31011765

Serial 93870 of 212028

Year 1947

Make Dodge

Model Name DeLuxe or Custom

Model Code D24

Plant Detroit

Engine 6 cylinder 230.2 cu. in. L-head

Wheelbase 119 1/2 inches


welcome to the group! You'll find lots of great guys here! I don't know if any girls are on here. Are there any girls here? Anyway, This forum is a great help. They don't treat you stupid when you ask a stupid question.



Gorgeous coupe you got there. Your clergy sticker is cool too. I've got a '58 inspection sticker in my windshield. Love the fact the prior owners never tried to get rid of it.


Welcome from another D24 fan(club coupe).


I've had good luck cleaning up rings with sea foam. Take a spray can with that little tube, snake it in the spark plug hole and into the cylinder, squirt a bunch in. Do it every day or two for as long as you like.

Sea Foam will soften the carbon and dissolve varnish. I've used it on my 53 I am working on and it has cleaned it up to where it has 110 lbs on each cylinder and no smoke at all.

I have taken pistons out of old (80 years old) outboards that didn't even appear to have rings, looked like just a solid piece of metal, and after soaking for a couple weeks ended up with clean pistons and rings I could reuse.

It won't help replace wear, but it can help clean up the crap that makes the rings stick and not seal up.

  austinsailor said:
I've had good luck cleaning up rings with sea foam. Take a spray can with that little tube, snake it in the spark plug hole and into the cylinder, squirt a bunch in. Do it every day or two for as long as you like.

I'll give the seafoam a shot. I've never used it but many members of the Volvo forum I belong to swear by it. I hope to remove spark plugs tonight and spray some in.

I noticed in another thread a pic of the bypass filter show the supply line at the top of the canister. The supply line on my D24 goes in the side (near the top) of the canister. Do I have a different generation/version of this or is not a bypass filter at all?

I just bought a service manual (Ebay,reprint I'm sure). And am waiting for that to arrive before trying to manual crank engine over to see if its free. Looks kinda tight to get a breaker bar on the crank pulley. I'm guessing I need to pull radiator (looks like hood needs to be removed) for enough access?


welcome to the best board for this cars! I say since Jlo is taken, sir mix alot is a dudes name...i dont know if you are cool with that, and bodonka donk might be too new for some (:D) I say you should name her Kardashian. Huge rear end and she is fine! :D again welcome to the board! :)


To all you grown men:pthe car naming fascination escapes me.....it is an car not a new born......that and dressing up like you are actually living in the year your car was made.......weird.

  mackster said:
welcome to the best board for this cars! I say since Jlo is taken, sir mix alot is a dudes name...i dont know if you are cool with that, and bodonka donk might be too new for some (:D) I say you should name her Kardashian. Huge rear end and she is fine! :D again welcome to the board! :)

How old is "old" here? I'm 53 yrs old...LOL

I think the name thing for cars is a generation thing and also builders of show cars like to give their project/creation a name. Personally when I have given a car a moniker I've only used it in vain when complaining about it. Usually before and aft with plenty of expletives sprinkled in for flavor.

The "K" word is not allowed in my house, sorry... Here's another name choice "Raineesha" from the sitcom "Reno 911". Fans of the show will know what I mean.

Got around to removing the spark plugs. All matching Champion UJ-12-no deposits on electrodes and in pretty good shape I must say. I saw the tops of 6 pistons (pretty clean too) and most important, no holes. I gave each cylinder a squirt of Marvel mystery oil.

Received the shop manual in the mail today. Time for my rheumatizz medicine and put the reading glasses on and start some book learnin...

  • 3 months later...
  FRANKIE47 said:
To all you grown men:pthe car naming fascination escapes me.....it is an car not a new born......that and dressing up like you are actually living in the year your car was made.......weird.

Thats why we who love the 40's, dress in vintage clothing AND drive the vintage cars. The cars were better, and the clothes WAY better still! We also listen to the awesome music, and dance to it too.


Welcome, Walt.

Nice car with lots of possibilities.

I think there were some different ways of hooking up the oil

filter. You might send a picture of yours.

There should be a string of numbers on a boss on the engine block

below the distributor, starting with D24.....assuming this is the

original engine. In many states, they used that number on a

title instead of the one on the door jamb. The engine number

is usually stamped into the frame, just a bit before the left

rear wheel. Usually requires wire brushing to find that one.

Far as I know this holds true for Dodges........I have a Plymouth

and it works that way.

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