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Frank Elder

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Everything posted by Frank Elder

  1. My D-24 does the same thing but there is no prism....there is a piece of clear material that is dyed green, yellow and red and a bulb shines through it. A long time ago someone on here had their p-15 speedo apart and ??? recolored it to shine better??? @Young Ed maybe....its been a long time.
  2. Somebody, Christine, coming all the way to the Lodi area from Germany for a one day/overnight? BBQ get together would have been unthinkable in the days before forums. How wonderful.
  3. You sold them to this guy...maybe....lol.
  4. I'm pretty sure all the components you are worried about come in 12V, DodgeB4ya would know for sure.
  5. Not quoting you...... thats what we used to call it....lol. I wouldn't want a hammer near that new powder coat myself.
  6. The Fightin' Seabees.
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  7. That "99 dollar C clamp" was a rivet setter look again at the surface he seats into the rivet. The part that seats in the head of the rivet fits right in there as does the other end is machined to spread the tail of the rivet properly. I worked with jet aircraft for over 20 years and have bucked, popped, and snapped 100s of thousands of rivets in my day.......that is a tool made for hollow rivets.
  8. What......of course your 58 fits on here mopar with mopar motor! I'm pretty sure when your car was brand new it could have been ordered with a 230 flathead. It fits as well on this forum as any purist stocker...welcome aboard you have 2 very nice cars and a cool dog....lol.
  9. No Mr. Cold Blue....lol.....Don will tell you the "Rest of the Story" when he logs back on.
  10. Uh oh....not Murfreesboro.......
  11. Be a Troubleshooter not a Parts changer........I heard that sage bit of advice from every Aircraft Maintenance Master Chief I worked for.
  12. There is no other buyer....either he has seller's remorse or he is trying to chisel more out of you.
  13. Why 2 posts on the same subject? C38 I believe is a 46 to early 49 chrysler Windsor/Royal with a 251 cubic inch motor.
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  14. Love that fan!
  15. D-24 is round.
  16. Maybe its just me, but I would never drain any old fluid until I had purchased a suitable replacement.....
  17. Or a 3D printer.....a new definition for a plastic worm...lol.
  18. There are shops across the US that somehow build up or weld up crankshafts back to specs......I wonder if they could apply the same tech to the worm gear? Probably cost prohibitive.
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