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Frank Elder

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Everything posted by Frank Elder

  1. https://www.ledlight.com/video.aspx?v=9iLfk08JMYc https://www.ledlight.com/flasher-6-volt-led-3-prong-120-watt-positive-chassis.aspx
  2. I wish it did that with all things chevy.....lol.....Harry you probably have to downsize your pictures before they will be accepted by this format. Good Luck.
  3. I didn't say the paints weren't different from each other, I said they were the same to me........
  4. Satin, matte or flat black.....its the same to me.
  5. https://www.google.com/search?q=led+automotive+flasher&rlz=1C5CHFA_enUS621US621&oq=LED+automotive+f&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0l5.18135j1j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  6. If that is a drain plug I think I would replace it with a petcock. I like the idea but still so messy to change........the bypass, the full flow, the adapter pictured here, no clean way to remove them.
  7. I had that dream in Yuma and ElCentro painting Imron on A-7 attack planes and trainers....we painted at night [70-80]so the paint didn't turn to powder before it hit the aircraft during the 110 degree days of summer.....lol, a little exaggeration! No paint booths in those days, just a big curtain on rails to section that end of the hangar off.
  8. Could you imagine shed painting a car in hours before daylight in say the Arizona desert in mid july......then leaving it to bake for a week or two in 100 plus.....I'd like to see that myself.
  9. Maaco offers an enamel paint package and throws it in heated room when they are done..........
  10. We don't focus on muscle cars here.......mostly 30s to 50s 6 cylinder cars
  11. There is an exception to every rule.
  12. I'd settle for that......lol. My wife doesn't bother about things she can't change....cars or fishing, in return I don't whine about going to functions that I don't care for or seeing people she likes but I think are goobers. It works out well.
  13. Since this is an industrial engine and was slated to run in GSE towing heavy aircraft in low speed high RPM duties.......is the camshaft suited to run on the street?
  14. We need the straight poop on this "new" casting.......never heard of such a critter.
  15. Doggone I like it when somebody posts the solution/how it turned out to their problem! Good job 50s-Coronet!
  16. I don't mind the brand x cars at a car show.......it's when someone enters a brand new [insert brand here] and wins best of show, to me that is idiotic. She looks good Don, you sent her to the right caretaker.
  17. I know I have posted a lot of TOY restorations, but this guy is by far the most talented of the guys that post these videos.....he doesn't restore he perfects everything he gets his hands on! ENJOY 24 MINUTES OF PURE AWESOMENESS !
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