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Everything posted by 1940plymouth

  1. Shel, My wife almost bought him an elf outfit this afternoon, I am thinking I'll send her back to town tomorrow and get it. Cooper would look good as Santa's elf. Plus I am thinking I should inviter all other members to post photos of their cars or trucks decorated and with pets
  2. I took advantage of a nice day here in the Catskills of NY to go for a nice ride in the Plymouth after dinner and everyone left
  3. Glad you are home and on the amends
  4. That '40 wagon is AWESOME Here is a photo of what it looked like here the other day
  5. That would only work with the last course
  6. With Thanksgiving less than two weeks away here in the states, I thought I would share this Desoto ad from World War Two
  7. GM's line of 1937 and '38 were some of the nicest designed cars ever
  8. 70 years ago this year my Dad left for Japan to become part of the "Army of Occupation"
  9. I will keep driving my '40 until the first snow fall and salted roads, then put her away. but..............I will take her back out on occasion during the winter if the roads are dry just to keep my sanity and make winter that much shorter by driving the Plymouth
  10. Our school had a trunk or treat outing yesterday afternoon, I am thinking over a thousand kids of all ages. The weather was great as were all the children. My Granddaughter Adele is on my lap
  11. RobertKB, Thanks for the great photos., Fall is a beautiful time of year for sure. Here are a few photos that I took on Wednesday and one I took just as the leaves were beginning to turn
  12. My first car was a 1951 Ford in 1966, loved that car, and sure would like another
  13. Did you get my first posting? That gives you a list of options, which I would imagine was the same as 1946
  14. Didn't Hemmings "Classic Car" do an issue on one a few years ago or so?
  15. Being that Hershey is just around the corner, I figured it was a good time to brush off the cobwebs on this thread
  16. I so agree with you about this time of year and our old cars. Cooper and I were out and about the other day, as you can tell, the leaves are turning
  17. We use to do the same until he stopped growing pumpkins a few years ago.
  18. Thanks Casper50 but that didn't work, I had eight pages that went up to '12, I have been a member much longer
  19. In Aug of '10 Greg G drove down here to attend the Grahamsville Little Worlds Far car show, That is when I met him. I have been looking for a photo that I posted of him and I shaking hands between our two cars. For some reason I am unable to find it, Must be using the query words wrong Anyone got any suggestions? Thanks, Bob
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