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Everything posted by 1940plymouth

  1. Here is a photo of Mark, Chet, Greg and I a few years ago. I am hoping to make the trip to the Areodome and FDR's with my coupe
  2. Gave into temptation again this morning, glad I did, snowing hard right now
  3. Out today for a short ride, snow and freezing rain tomorrow afternoon into early Sunday, dry roads for now
  4. If you are having the wheel cylinders done, then I would go ahead and replace the brake lines also, makes sense to me, then the brake system will be good for another 66 years. My two cents, being that we still have pennies LOL Good luck, Bob
  5. Matt, check out the POC forum, some one posted about shackles for his ''38 being made in NJ, might be worth a phone call, text, or email
  6. I know the feeling, I had my Plymouth out a few days before Christmas, makes winter seem shorter doesn't it. I had wanted to take the Plymouth out again yesterday, but I am unable to drive right now, slipped and fell down the slippery steps Christmas Eve, sprained my right ankle, darned old fool LOL. Who knows, maybe by the end of the week. No snow in the forcast
  7. Just wanted to take time out to wish everyone and their families very happy Holiday season
  8. It had been over three weeks since Cooper and I were out and about in the Plymouth, so today with dry roads off we went
  9. I was able to ":Like" Desotodav's comment, but when I went to like the other two, I got a screen saying I have reached my quota, so I just wanted to let you know that I did read your comments and I do greatly appreciate them
  10. Thanks everyone, your replies are greatly appreciate
  11. I asked about my whiskers, was told that they most likely will not come back, oh well, such is life LOL
  12. Yesterday Patty, Cooper and I drove up to Cooperstown for a scheduled visits with my ENT Dr that oversaw my throat cancer treatments during the summer and fall of '12, plus my Chemo Dr. After a complete inspection of my throat and neck area, my ENT Dr told me that many of the reoccurring cancers come back in the first two years, since it has been two years, three months and four days since my last radiation treatment, that I was in the clear and didn't have to see him for a year, unless I felt I should. He also gave me symptoms to look for. I thanked him and went to see my Chemo Dr. He also checked my throat and neck area, was very pleased and told me that I didn't have to see him again. He also gave me symptoms to be aware of. I thanked him, he gave me a big hug and we started the two plus hour drive home. It was as if the load of the world had been taken off my back. I immediately thanked the Good Lord and now I want to thank all you guys for the prayers and well wishes over the past couple of years, they were and are greatly appreciated Thanks so much, Bob, Patty and Cooper
  13. This one needs printing and framing, fantastic photo, thanks for sharing
  14. Santa and Adele this morning, just had to share
  15. This is why I asked about these manuals being reprinted. I figure the one on the right is an original because of the cover being in color
  16. Like Niel said, don't remove the pins, I drilled holes in the wheels I have on my '40
  17. I wonder is that is Newburgh, NY and is the flower wagon a Hudson or maybe Buick I just answered one of my questions, googled Tooheys, it was a funeral home in Newburgh, NY
  18. Thanks to GK I am to post photos again LOL. Here are a few that I took two weeks ago yesterday, just prior to a snow storm. Hope you enjoy
  19. We are under a winter storm warning starting at 4 am tomorrow morning thru 7 am Thursday morning. freezing rain and by the end of the storm, a possible 10 inches of snow
  20. Thanks to you Shel, I found it, good looking out
  21. A few years ago, I posted a photo of my old Plymouth next to drive in sign on a thread about drive ins or what I remember as the topic. I have tried using different search words, but to no avail. Anyone got any ideas? Thanks, Bob
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