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Everything posted by 1940plymouth

  1. Did you google them? They are who I got my headliner from for my coupe years ago
  2. Winter in NY yesterday afternoon thru the windshield of a 20 year old Oshkosh
  3. I was told two years ago this past November that I was going to need a new heart valve, so far so good, but like Niel says, I have all the faith in my Dr's both heart and cancer that I do what I am told,, well close, I eat too much of the wrong foods, but when it comes time to have the valve replaced, I will do so
  4. Cooper and I were out today for the first time this New Year
  5. Oh I noticed that they were dry and salt free for sure. We had a warm Dec with no snow to speak of, so I was able to add up the miles on the Plymouth all month, so now that it is Jan and the roads are white with salt, I can't complain, besides no one will listen LOL This image was taken just before Christmas Enjoy your truck, I think it is great
  6. Thanks for the ride and history lesson. They both are greatly appreciated. The roads are white with salt here right now Happy New Year Bob
  7. Good luck with what you decide, I am thinking an once of prevention is worth a pound of cure also Google it and you will find some great information/ I tried to copy and paste, but the forum wouldn't let me paste the information You will be added to my prayer list if that is ok with you Bob
  8. I recognize two of them as they are facebook friends of mine
  9. An interesting old photo, not to mention that the White House thru the windshield is awesome; Thanks for sharing John
  10. I would say after reading your "History" you have a good handle on writing also. Very good write up My son was given a Panzer back in the early 90's, he got it running then sold the Panzer and a 1947 Allis-Chalmers to a man in Mass, who had drove here to buy the Allis, saw the Panzer and bought that also
  11. I think the 1941 Plymouth is the nicest looking Plymouth of the '40's. Good luck with your new car
  12. Not a car or truck, but I had to share. My friend's 1951 Massey-Harris model 22 that has been in the family since his Father bought it new in 1951. I took these photos earlier this week
  13. Cooper and I were out and about today also
  14. Thanks Dam for the kind words I started my chemo treatments this past Friday, will have the treatments via injections this time once a week.. Have a safe trip to NJ for the Christmas holidays No winter weather here until maybe the 28th with some freezing rain, been an odd one so far Today I was out taking photos of a good friend of mine's 1951 Massey-Harris Model 22 that is father bought brand new
  15. Dads are neat people and funny at the same time. When I bought my Plymouth twenty some odd years ago, we lived in Central NY about two plus hours north of my Dad. He came up one weekend shortly after we had the old Plymouth up and running. I couldn't wait to take him for a ride, well, when he saw the car his reply was. "Bob, what the ........ are you going to do with this, they were junk when new and still junk today. He never really thought of cars other than an evil necessity. Before the weekend was over I asked him if he wanted to go for a ride, he smiled and said yes, so off we went. About two or three years later we moved down here about five miles from Dad. He would always smile and go for a ride with me when ever asked until he got too sick to do so. He has been gone almost four and a half years and is missed,
  16. Fred, I bet that Fargo would look great decked out in its Christmas finery. Merry Christmas my friend to you and your family
  17. You can also try Dave at Fat Fendered Relics
  18. This coming Friday it will be two weeks that I found out I have multiple myeloma which is a cancer of the bone marrow. I had a biopsy of my bone marrow done that day and a full body pet scan this past Friday. This coming Friday I will find out the results. I have posted this on the POC Facebook page and for those who know me, I am always posting photos of Cooper and I being out and about with the old Plymouth, well this afternoon when I got the mail there was an envelope from Andy Bernbaum's. Now I haven't ordered anything from them recently and didn't know what to expect. I opened up the envelope and there was this great letter along with some neat Plymouth information. I have attached the letter to share with each and everyone of you as it make me cry and my heart warm with the thought that old car people are some of the best people on the face of the earth. I hope it will be large enough to read Merry Christmas, Bob, Patty and naturally Cooper
  19. I am thinking it would be nice to see member's old MOPAR's decked out for the Christmas season
  20. Chris, Just wondering if you have any Christmas photos with the Dodge to share this year. I always look forward to seeing the photos you submit. thanks, Bob
  21. Her name is now added to my list also, may the good Lord be with her in her recovery
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