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Everything posted by 1940plymouth

  1. Welcome to March, I hope everyone has a great month
  2. I was on the road to Frost Valley this afternoon, I stopped to take these two photos. During the summer of 1993 we had a spell of heavy rain, this boulder came sliding down the mountain side. The second photo shows the path that it took coming down
  3. Also check with Dave at Fat Fendered Relics, he deals in the trim also
  4. Since today is Sunday and I took this photo today, just have to share. Temp in the 40's with plenty of sunshine, gave into temptation and added approx. 50 miles to the old girl
  5. Here is an old photo taken in Sullivan County of NY. Can anyone tell me what year and make the car is? Thanks, Bob
  6. So glad that you are out of the hosp and home again.
  7. Here are two photos of an engine that was taken out of what we think is a 1954 Dodge M37, What cubic inch engine #US24ii702 would it be? thanks, Bob
  8. Cooper made this week's local paper, just have to share
  9. White Post Restorations in Virginia will rebuild and resleeve, well worth the money
  10. Sitting here this morning going thru the threads of your trips, just wondering if you and Jerry have another one planned?
  11. Out and about again today, temps about 40 degrees, lots of sunshine, so off I went. This time we even stopped at the Roscoe Diner again for coffee and homemade blueberry pie Might get out again tomorrow, as there is a snow storm looming for sometime Monday into Wednesday,
  12. Out again this afternoon, stopped at this diner in Livingston Manor to give them a copy of a photo that I antiqued. It is now hanging on the wall there
  13. This is one of my favorite views of Rt 17, I am driving towards Liberty on old rt 17 with new 17 off to the right. Another nice spot is in the Hancock area where you have the River, the railroad and Rt 17 all running along each other.
  14. Here is one from three or four years ago when out for coffee with a friend of mine. This diner is located in Livingston Manor, NY just a few miles below the Covered bridge that I often post photos of
  15. Look at it this way, the quicker you do this, the quicker you heal and can we can meet up at the Roscoe Diner for Coffee, I was there today with the old Plymouth, You are in my prayers my friend
  16. Drove up to the Roscoe Diner for a cup of coffee this morning. I took Rt 17 West up, then came back via old Rt 17, stopped in Livingston Manor to cross the Van Tran covered bridge that was built in 1865. There were snow flurries in Roscoe, but it was nice an toasty in the Plymouth. Just a nice morning to go for a ride
  17. oh yes Niel, it is true, The Plymouth is happy, I am happy, and Cooper is happy when we are out and about. BigDaddyO. I was looking at a few photos of that bridge that was washed out just around the bend from Slide Mountain last night I have post two, hard to believe that it will be five years this Sept
  18. 48dodger, Thanks to people in your profession, I under went 35 intense, and I do mean intense radiation treatments on my throat in Cooperstown NY for throat cancer, The two men and one lady were so caring and just made me feel so much at ease. I am sure you have seen that mask that is put on your head and neck to keep you from moving either while getting the radiation treatments. That is a very unnerving experience but one they got me through 35 times. Thankfully that is over with, I had my last treatment in Sept of '12 for that cancer Again, thank you and old car people are great people aren't they Bob
  19. I took advantage of this past weekend's snow storm staying to the south of us and took the Plymouth out yesterday, Winter is now 25 miles closer thanks to this ride LOL Here are a few photos that I hope everyone enjoys These were taken on the Frost Valley Rd coming back from Frost Valley. This area where I parked, the road was washed out twice due to the back to back storms in '11 and '12. I forget the name of the storms, shame on me LOL
  20. Andy, good to hear from you, nope, no spare snow. We haven't had much of a winter this year as far as snow is concerned. There was a big storm that came up the east coast this past weekend, we were on the northern edge of the storm, not even a snow flake
  21. Here in my part of the Catskills, we were on the northern fringe of the storm, we didn't even get as much as a snow flake, but boy what a cold howling wind
  22. I would like to take time to thank everyone for their prayers and comments. To Date I have had five chemo injections which seem to be working just fine. No after effects of any kind with this chemo. I go back this Monday for treatment # 6 of Chemo then on Friday I have blood work done, six vials of blood taken, and see my Dr for the results. I have all the faith in the world in my Dr and of course the good Lord Thanks again. Bob, Patty and Cooper
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