Damned nice 1941 if I must say so myself! Now for the rest of M.H.O. I have noticed that the Chrysler Cars do not seem to bring the big bucks. For the last 45 years I have owned a few.
What perplexes me most is how people will pay - say 50K to 100K for a 55,56, or 57 Chevy, that are ubiquitous (everywhere) but only want to pay 12K to 16K for our wonderful Chrysler's.
Yes, I realize one must be a mechanic to own one of our cars. However, they are rarer than any of the afor - mentioned Cheby Bathtubs. A low mileage nice car like yours should garner 19K to 20K or so, not what somebody that wants to flip it wants to pay such as 10K - 14K. The other problem that has developed is namely young people do not want older vehicles anymore.
So, I have spoken my piece, Thank you for listening, get all you can out of her, because you are going to miss her some fine day while looking back. Good Luck.