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Everything posted by Alshere59

  1. I have the same thoughts as Ed. It may help but the gears would be higher on my list. A 230 would be more of a consideration IF you hadn't already put as much work into your existing engine. From my perspective you have already made that decision and and things seems to working well. So what gears are you thinking about? Something in the 3.54 area if there are not al lot of hills and your running 16 inch tires would be a good guess I think. I am sure others will add there thoughts if asked.
  2. 93 downloads

    Factory service manual for the Model 803 Radio. Includes schematics parts list etc. Also included is the Philco service manual which is the same radio but different information in some cases.
  3. That is pretty slick. My brother is good with that stuff. Me not so much. You may also like this site. http://mopar.pairserver.com/p15d24ph_forum/index.php?/links/goto/64-american-car-brochures/
  4. To post pics just hit more reply options on the bottom right. Then you will see the option for attachments.
  5. Well maybe not your third but most definetly your first post. Yep. There is definetly a jeep in your first 1st and 5th post. A pretty nice one from we can see.
  6. I can see that wagon in a two tone red and black paint job with a roof rack and visor.
  7. Well I have to agree tappet wrenches are a must as they are thinner and I doubt you could do this with a standard set. The longer part of the wrench is what will work against you when adjusting with headers. Most tappet wrenches are 10 inches or so and the space to get them in there and adjust is about 7 inches. So last bit of advice. Run your engine up to temp then adjust what you can reach. Then shut it off and adjust those hard to reach tappets starting it up every couple of valves. You will have to bump it to get it where you can set the gap but at least your not fighting them moving up and down all of the time. Remember you have two hands your exhaust and some type of light in there all at the same time. Not an ideal situation no matter how you do it. Gasket set or beer soundng better al the time. Do a trial fit and see how to get your wrenches on them. One last thing to mention as I ran into this. If you have a noisy tappet after adjusting them (I did) the tappet itself can have a divet or be concave from wear. I had one that was noisy as all get out. I ended up going to 6 thousands instead of 10 to get it quiet. (I worked my way down until the noise went mostly away) I replaced the tappets later on during a second rebuild which is a long story involving bearings. Luckly the machine shop ate the cost of everything but the tappets for that.
  8. Sounds like it should have worked. A long shot, but how did you power your dwell meter as it may be voltage sensitive? 12 volts then 6 and how is it powered per the factory??? Or is that your question?
  9. Well gaskets are fairly cheap. Run your old stock exhaust for a bit and get them set. Failing that have a Friend over and bet him he can't do it with the headers on and running. You may want to do that after a beverage or two.
  10. They are listed in the link directory. Searching by tags will get you these results. http://mopar.pairserver.com/p15d24ph_forum/index.php?/tags/links/wipers/
  11. It looks to be a very nice car. Love the lines.
  12. Thats not what i have been taught or read to be honest. It was always set the primary set first with the secondary disabled with the card board. Then remove the cardboard and adjust the secondary to get your combined dwell both sets functioning. Just like it is described here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4XtsjqZfXg
  13. Agreed on the increase. I did not expect that much though. So you are setting your primary then hitting 44-47 adjusting your secondary. So what is your primary setting? Thanks
  14. Don or any others with a dual point for the stock autolites What is your dwell setting for your dual point? Mine came with gap settings only and an old mechanic gave me the specs of 29 primary then set the secondary for a total of 42 degrees. It runs fine and the gaps provided are close but I have always wondered. Mine was an ebay purchase as well for 20 bucks. Different manufacturer: Sorensen
  15. Honestly nothing I can think of I was just wondering about the Petronix as I was looking at that.
  16. Tim sounds like you have a long list of nice cars with some very impressive mods. I would be interested in seeing a poll with some of your thoughts. It is limited to 5 questions so that does limit it alot. I kept mine more for the more moderate Flathead crowd as you noticed..Mainly because that is what I have. I also have the shock relocation in front, and halogen headlights (running the Bullseye lense) and some other things to add as I get time. Al.
  17. I ran out of questions. I did want to know that as well. Sorry Tim
  18. As the title says just looking to see what is popular. The number of questions are limited so I couldn't add fender skirts, visors etc. Al
  19. This link will give you alot of brake info. etc and may help you get an idea what to start with. Notice the tools used for adjustment as well. So if comparing one side to the other is an "Air force check" how is it done in the Army? http://mopar.pairserver.com/p15d24ph_forum/index.php?/page/p15d24/tech/brakes.html Al USAF Retired
  20. Has anyone used the tag feature yet? For instance this post has three tags under the post title. Clicking on one will show you a list of categories on the left. Links, downloads etc. So you can find what you want in that category. Anyway just thinking this may be a way to help members find resources.If we keep them standardized and to a minimum I think it will be a big help. Your thoughts?.
  21. I have seen something like this. In old fuel systems I have worked at a similar device was used on ball valves for fuel system piping. The idea was that you filled it with grease and graphite. Then over time you would turn it and it would lubricate the packing material so it wouldn't dry out and leak. Moron AB Spain had something similar at one time. State side it was normally just a tube you filled then tightened with a wrench for the same effect. This says it is for bearings but you get the idea. http://www.brassaircocks.com/products/grease-and-oil-cups/
  22. My 50 Ply is straight as well. I don't think tire wear would be an indicator as it could have been adjusted for toe in or out since then.
  23. Greg Sadly children are being the targets of cowards way to often. It was not only the tragedy in Connecticut that the world experienced today. China had 22 children injured by a knife wielding man. I do not like the world my Grandchildren have yet to experience much and wish they could grow up in better times. May the dead find peace and be remembered, The injured health and happiness and those that witnessed it be allowed to forget the ugly memories and find peace of mind. May the murderers be dropped in the ocean so that no marker ever show they even existed. http://www.cnn.com/2012/12/14/world/asia/china-knife-attack/index.html
  24. Parts list has been added. It has not however been updated yet. Hope it helps. You can find it under resources download.
  25. Version 2011 version


    Part numbers from various manufacturers. Common parts to include tune up etc..
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