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Everything posted by Alshere59

  1. I stand corrected as definitely misread your post. You have my apology gentleman. With that said the advice was accurate as well. Wish you luck getting it dialed in.
  2. Merle Don I think he gave the problem in the first part of his original post. Unless you know of a way to get a two wire gas gauge to work with a single wire sending unit then he can't really help with anymore info. The two designs work completely different and cannot be replaced with parts from each other. If he has the old sender the thread I referenced can help him trouble shoot that. The link also says the same thing they are not compatible. If he did replace the gauge with a single wire unit as well (which I don't think he did) then he needs to look at the ohms ranges for each. If those are off it would show as he describes.. http://mopar.pairser...el-sender-unit/ Al
  3. A two wire sender works differently than a single wire so they are not compatible. You have two options replace the sender with a two wire or replace the gauge. Not what you wanted to hear but... This may help if you have the old sender. http://mopar.pairserver.com/p15d24ph_forum/index.php?/topic/6155-how-to-test-a-fuel-sender-unit/
  4. I think the easiest way to back up anything is with an external drive like the one linked. If all you use it for is backup it wont wear out soon. Plug it into a usb port then copy and paste on the drive. Put it up when done until you need to back up something else. No power cords just a lot of space. Memory cards don't have that much space so I am not sure that will get you where you want to be. Some external drives even come with a button, push that and automatic back of the entire computer. Just a suggestion. http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&N=100007601%2050001306&IsNodeId=1&bop=And&Order=PRICE&PageSize=20 Al
  5. Ebay, Andy Bernbaum, there are a few places actually. Andy can be found in the resource area. Here is one link. http://www.ebay.com/itm/ENGINE-Motor-MOUNT-KIT-Plymouth-6-cyl-1939-1954-New-/321107351411?pt=Vintage_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&fits=Year%3A1950|Make%3APlymouth&hash=item4ac37d5773&vxp=mtr Al
  6. So I found this thread again and was wondering if you made the trip? Probably to soon for an update request but since I am here I thought I would ask. If you made it how did the car run and what did you end up doing to her? I would still be looking at where your trash in the carb is coming from could be the tank, pumps are even rubber lines as mentioned. Od the filter didn't stop it. Is it the last thing going into the carb? A good quality metal filter goes a long way. Let us know.
  7. I would think it is more important that your engine gets up to full temperature (oil included) and has a chance to run there, than what temp you have it at. Short trips kill these motors as half the time the oil is still very cool when the engine is shut off. I have done a 20 mile trip to find the oil pan is just warm to the touch.
  8. I have done the paper grocery bag many times. For some gaskets we would rub an old candle on it then pass a torch close enough to saturate the paper then cut it out. Normally used to join carb halves or any thin gasket that was exposed to oil, tranny fluid.. Have no idea if it helped but when your a young teen back then you did what you were told. It was suppose to help seal is all I was ever told. Haven't thought of that in years.
  9. Welcome to the site. If memory serves they run the long block version of our flathead 6. 236? Anyway those with better answers will fill the gaps in. Al
  10. Welcome to the forum. Not a truck guy but would love to see pics.
  11. Thanks Ed I caught my error and edited my thread but you are faster. Thanks for the input and info. Al
  12. Here is a pdf I found in a search It is supposed to print to the correct size. If you check it and find it does please let me know so I can put it in the download section with a bit of confidence. The transmission lube is discussed many times try a search and reach your own decision. The thread is here. http://mopar.pairserver.com/p15d24ph_forum/index.php?showtopic=23629 Transmission Gasket.pdf
  13. Not familiar with that. Not sure I could mount that in my 50 Plymouth anyway but is it worth making the trip for? If it is worth while and someone could use it then maybe. Here is the interior such as it is. I was looking at maybe an overdrive but that doesn't seem to be an option for a flat 6 that year, but my books do not go back that far. Oh well it is summer maybe I will make the trip just to take a peek.
  14. That was on my mind as well. The two barrel would have made it worth the trip to haggle tho. I will let it sit for a bit I think.
  15. I would think if Red green had taped it, it would have stayed taped. Wish it were a Dodge it may have a two barrel intake. I don't think Plymouth had them even in 59.
  16. Thanks moose
  17. I have been looking at the add that says Flathead 6 57-59. I was wondering exactly what year it may be. Thoughts? I think 58 his price is high but should have 12 volt generator and starter anything else that may salvagable. Long way to drive unless it is something more than i have mentioned. Al
  18. That is the plan. Just looking at a known working units had its appeal.
  19. Thanks for looking Joe.
  20. Barry Whats wrong with that size?
  21. Could you se the bend where the old bar woulkd have been? Like this one. https://www.streetrodhq.com/detail/12361/Chevrolet_Windshield_VBent_Glass_1Piece_Clear.html
  22. What part number did you order. I did a search but did not see the ohm range listed.
  23. You can probably get by with just cleaning the top of the carb and replace the fuel filter. Run it for a bit and see what it does before making the trip. I would change the oil due to possible gas contamination though. If it runs good then you should make it. May want to drop the tank and clean it in the near future. Thats my two cents which isn't much.
  24. Bob The hole in the trunk wont match up with the new tank so it is getting a good cleaning and painted then sealed up. That means the fuel sending unit and pick up tube have to be mounted then the tank put in. I am probably going with a fuel filter shortly after the tank like they are doing in the modern cars. Seems to last longer and keeps it out of the engine compartment. The tank I see most use is for 41 to 48 mopars and is about 6 inches to wide for my 50 Plymouth so that was not even an option. Looks like from 49 up they changed the dimensions allot. You have a 47 so at least they do make one that is a direct bolt in just keep the shiny side up and it wont get seen much. ugly or not.
  25. File Name: Ignition trouble shooting guide File Submitter: Alshere59 File Submitted: 09 Apr 2013 File Category: Reference Information Simple to follow ignition trouble shooting procedures. Click here to download this file
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