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Everything posted by deathbound

  1. Nice shirt Fred, but what about us floor shifters?
  2. VERY NICE.......looked great before, but I like the stance better after being lowered. Thanks for the pics.
  3. Glad you got it worked out. How about posting a couple pics of your car.....I like 'em low. Where in California are you?
  4. I don't think there is anything wrong with joining a forum just to sell parts. If it will benefit someone (whether it be the seller, buyer, or both), great. Buyer beware though. I've joined OT forums specifically for that reason.
  5. Welcome. It doesn't get any nicer than that! Are those '39 taillights?
  6. So, would "paztang" be pronounced "poontang"?
  7. With your metal skills, those repairs & new running boards should be a piece of cake.
  8. Intake looks great, but man, you need a pedicure.
  9. Here we go......again.
  10. I installed Langdons headers on my '38 & they hit the fuel pump. I removed it, made a block off plate/gasket & installed an electric fuel pump. As far as the flanges for the exhaust, I had a muffler shop do that for me (if no luck, get some 3/8 plate, cut-out the center hole with a hole saw, drill the mounting bolt holes, then torch & grind to shape). If you install an Offy manifold, I believe you can pick up the vacuum from there.
  11. .....and most of the time, you get what you pay for.
  12. Sucks about your truck, at least your project is moving forward. My exact sentiments....."F" HOA's......NEVER!!!!!!
  13. "Dude, you got a Dell"! On a side note, do you detail for structural steel outfits? I think one of the detailing outfits the company I work for uses Steel Draft....ring a bell?
  14. Looking good! Are you going to cut off the shock studs, since you're going to relocate the shocks?
  15. Here's mine, a 2001 Chevy Silverado 2500HD, though it's not a "daily" driver, I put maybe 4K miles a year on it, because I drive a company truck 5 days a week (2008 Dodge 3500 Turbo Diesel, which I will not post a pic of.......for some reason, a pic of it from a previous thread was deleted-which was never explained to me).
  16. Here's a similar thread..."Let's see your other rides"....http://p15-d24.com/topic/35324-lets-see-your-other-rides/
  17. Fred, the front shock mounts from at least the '37/'38 Plymouth (with tube axle) are nearly identical to what you posted in post #71. Not that they are that common, may help broaden your search. Let me know if you want a pic of mine. Coming along nicely. Derek
  18. When this happens, do you typically notify the user his post was moved & a new thread started? I ask because I had a similar situation, I had a pic removed from a thread without notification.
  19. Probably the same seller with different user names.....per manufacturer...."chrysler"oldtimeparts & "gm"oldtimeparts. Too similar to be different sellers. Sounds like you both had the same scenario also.
  20. Speaking of turbo flatheads, here's an ebay link (not mine or any relation to the seller) of 1 installed in a truck. Hope it doesn't get removed. If someone wants to post the pictures from the ad, have at it. http://www.ebay.com/itm/131415494389?_trksid=p2060778.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  21. In the case of "Rock", maybe a newbie to forums. I was at one point & sure asked stupid questions (to some), probably in the wrong place/forum (and still might inadvertently do it again). In his case (newbie with his 1st thread/post), maybe let it run for a couple days, with a PM from a moderator that the thread will be moved/locked. Some people (seasoned members), IN MY OPINION, are too lazy to post in the correct forum & just post in the main (car/truck) forums, maybe, they're worried they won't get as many views/replies. I hope he'll stay, but you have to leave your feelings in the bedroom when using forums.
  22. I also don't think he was promoting/hawking their (his & George Asche's) intakes, maybe just using them as examples compared to the "vintage" intakes. It seems George is "The Man" when it comes to these engines & with current technology, I don't doubt a bit they came up with better flowing/performing intakes compared to what was made some 60 years ago. While they may not have the "cool factor" as far as looks, maybe in 60 years, these will be just as sought after. I also appreciate him sharing his learned experience through testing.
  23. Lots of good info in this thread (w/more to follow, I'm sure)......axle swap is on my "to do" list. Please post ratio, overall tire diameter, engine/trans info.....if avaiable.
  24. I think he mentioned earlier he will coat them with something (a product I'm not familiar with) to leave them "natural" looking.
  25. Looks like a wrench from a lathe or some other piece of machinery. I thought a spud wrench had a pointed end (I work iron, so use them daily), though, there are plumbing tools called "spud wrenches" also. If I had a pitman arm with the same spline pattern & width of the splines (stock), I might try to cut it down, grind it to the size of the wrench, weld it, & clean it up. Just a thought. I'm sure it will look great, no matter how you work it out.
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